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研究生(外文):Chao, Po-Kai
論文名稱(外文):Design of Assembly Kits for DIY Circular Roof Farm Systems
指導教授(外文):Kao, Jehng-Jung
口試委員(外文):Lin, Hung-YuehCheng, Pi-Ying
外文關鍵詞:circular farmDIYGreenearthwormvermicastatmospheric water generatorportable anti-insect netInternet of Things
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Circular farms could support sustainable development and the circular economy. Based on previously developed DIYGreen kits, this study designed and developed a circular rooftop farm. A loop-based earthworm cultivating (LEC) method, an atmospheric water generator, and expandable anti-insect nets were first explored. The LEC method was developed in collaboration with an expert and a classmate to cultivate earthworms that feed on kitchen waste and produce nutrient-rich vermicast, which can be used as fertilizer to grow plants. Experiments confirmed that it is easy to obtain vermicast by the method. The atmospheric water generator was composed of a solar panel and a cooling device. Although we could not significantly reduce the cost of the generator, measurement results showed that it could generate sufficient quantities of water in sunshine dry weather. The portable and detachable anti-insect net can effectively protect the plants from insect predation.
Several rooftop circular systems were developed and established, including a low maintenance vegetable planting (LMVP) method, three types (A, B, and C) of vertical structures, and a vine frame circular farm. The LMVP method, with minimal labor input for watering and fertilizer application, were proven to be able to grow high quality and healthy vegetables. All these structures could increase the area available for planting. The staggered single- and double-layer arrangement made it possible to cultivate a large variety of vegetables. However, although types A and B could successfully integrate the DIYGreen earthworm incubator, the operations were complex. Therefore, type C, for its compact size and planting variety, is recommended. The vine frame system was built to grow passion fruit and vanilla, and confirmed the versatility of the system. With the systems, safe and high quality food could be produced with zero food miles.
This study also applied an Arduino platform to build an environmental monitoring system, it was powered by a solar panel. Under a Wi-Fi-enabled environment, the system could monitor ambient temperature and humidity as well as soil temperature and moisture for the rooftop circular farms. The data collected are sent to a MySQL database. The monitoring system could make farm care more intelligent.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xi
第一章 前言 1
1.1. 研究緣起 1
1.2. 研究目的 3
1.3. 論文內容 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1. DIY綠花園/綠屋頂發展歷程 5
2.2. 蚯蚓養殖及取蚓肥 7
2.3. 空中取水 10
2.4. 屋頂農園 14
2.4.1. 防蟲罩 14
2.4.2. 屋頂農園 14
2.5. 物聯網環境監測 15
第三章 研究流程與方法 17
3.1. 研究流程 17
3.2. 資料收集與整理 21
3.3. 回字循環蚯蚓養殖法 22
3.3.1 功能需求 23
3.3.2 設計開發 24
3.3.3 操作方法 25
3.4. 空中取水 27
3.4.1 功能需求 29
3.4.2 套件功能開發 29
3.4.3 實驗操作方式 31
3.5. DIY屋頂循環型農園設計開發 33
3.5.1 低維護種菜法 33
3.5.2 DIYGreen 防蟲罩設計開發 36 可移式 36 可卸式 36
3.5.3 山式 37 山A式 38 山B式 38 山C式 39
3.5.4 攀藤式 40 攀藤網 40 高引水套蓋 41 百香果花草園 41
3.6. 物聯網農園環境監測 43
3.6.1 套件功能需求 43
3.6.2 套件設計開發 45
第四章 結果與討論 47
4.1. 回字循環蚯蚓養殖法 47
4.1.1. 實驗流程 47
4.2. 空中取水 51
4.2.1. 初期實驗-70W 51
4.2.2. 185W實驗 54
4.3. DIY屋頂循環型農園 59
4.3.1. 低維護種菜法 59
4.3.2. DIYGreen防蟲罩設計開發 63 可移式防蟲罩 63 可卸式防蟲罩 65
4.3.3. 山式 66 山A式 66 山B式 69 山C式 71
4.3.4. 攀藤式 74 高引水套蓋 76
4.4. 物聯網農園環境監測 78
第五章 結論與建議 82
5.1. 結論 82
5.2. 建議 84
參考文獻 85
附錄A. 蚯蚓飼養箱建置流程 90
附錄B. 空中取水套件安裝流程 93
附錄C. 防蟲網安裝流程 98
附錄D. 山式安裝流程 109
附錄E. 攀藤式安裝流程 116
附錄F. 物聯網環境監測套件方程式 121
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