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研究生(外文):Lo, Yung-Hung
論文名稱(外文):Study of TMAH airborne molecular contamination with pattern wafers
指導教授(外文):Bai, Hsun-Ling
口試委員(外文):Bai, Hsun-LingKang, Yu-HaoLin, Liang-Yi
外文關鍵詞:clean roomAirborne Molecular ContaminationLithographyTMAH solutionDown flowRelative humidity
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This study is conducted in a lithography clean room in a semiconductor fab. The liquids used in the lithography process include developer and ultrapure water. A developer solution and deionized water was sprayed on a wafer with a coated photoresist using a commercially available spray bottle, and the difference in the shape of defects by these two liquids are compared. A hot-wire type temperature / humidity / anemometer is used to detect the relative humidity change in the robot arm region, and the relative humidity change is used to express the concentration of the developer to clarify the effect of the developer.
The results of the study show that the developer mixes water molecules to form a circular defect pattern. When the laminar wind pressure of the develop unit is greater than the laminar wind pressure in the robotic arm region, the relative humidity in the robotic arm gradually rises. It was found that the relative humidity change in the robotic arm region is greater than 0.1% RH, and round defects can be found in the test wafer. The data shows that the relative humidity change of the robotic arm is positively correlated with the number of circular defects.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
誌謝 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅳ
表目錄 Ⅵ
圖目錄 Ⅶ
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 潔淨室規範 3
2.2 潔淨室氣態分子污染物種類及來源 6
2.3 氣態分子污染物來源及影響 9
2.4 微影製程缺陷的研究 12
第三章 研究方法 14
3.1 研究流程 14
3.2 測試晶圓 16
3.3 製程機台 17
3.3.1 光阻塗布與顯影機(TRACK) 17
3.3.2 曝光機(SCANNER) 20
3.4 量測系統與儀器 22
3.4.1 光學顯微鏡(Optical Microscope) 22
3.4.2 缺陷掃描機(KLA Defect Scan Tool) 22
3.4.3 掃描式電子顯微鏡(Scanning Electron Microscope ,SEM) 23
3.4.4 熱線式風速/溫濕度計 23
3.5 濕度相關公式說明 23
3.5.1 空氣中蒸汽分壓計算 23
3.5.2 濕度相關公式說明 24
3.6 實驗材料 27
3.6.1 光阻(Resist) 27
3.6.2 顯影液(Solution) 27
3.6.3 去離子水(Deionized water) 27
3.7 實驗設計及步驟方法 27
3.7.1 氣態水分子的缺陷圖形 27
3.7.2 氣態水分子污染來源 28
3.7.3 顯影槽層流風壓對機械手臂區相對濕度的影響 29
3.7.4 機械手臂區晶圓受污染驗證 29
第四章 結果與討論 30
4.1 微影製程中的水分子的缺陷形態分析 30
4.2 顯影各步驟濕度比的變化 31
4.3 顯影槽層流風壓對機械手臂區相對濕度的影響 33
4.4 機械手臂區晶圓受微污染造成缺陷影響 34
第五章 結論與建議 41
5.1 結論 41
5.2 建議 42
參考文獻 43
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