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研究生(外文):Sung, Pei-Yun
論文名稱(外文):The Generation of Quasicrystalline Structured Light Field by Using Supercontinuum Laser
指導教授(外文):Chen, Yung-Fu
口試委員(外文):Su, Kuan-WeiChen, Yung-FuLiang, Hsing-ChihYu, Yen-Ting
外文關鍵詞:Supercontinuum laserStructured light fieldDiffraction patternQuasicrystal
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During the last years, the utilization of structured light field is increased in optical applications, such as auto optical inspection or automotive industry. The wavelength of tradition laser was decided by gain medium and which is can’t altered directly so that limit the application area. The supercontinuum laser can be one of the solutions for development. It still shows coherence in supercontinuum laser but different from tradition laser in narrow-spectrum characteristics, supercontinuum laser with broad-spectrum characteristics which is the benefit to extend the innovation and market scope of structured light field. In this research, the diffraction pattern was formed by using supercontinuum laser beam projected onto the plate after the light passed through the circular aperture and expect to capture clear image of quasicrystal structured light field patten. Furthermore, the correspondence of different color patten between wavelength and focus point of lens based on the broad-spectrum characteristics of supercontinuum laser. Taken together, my works demonstrate that the quasicrystal structured light field and the related observation of physical phenomenon can be generated using supercontinuum laser.
摘要 i
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 本文架構 4
第2章 超連續雷射簡介 5
2.1 雷射基本性質與同調性 5
2.2 調Q雷射介紹(Q-switch Mode Laser) 10
2.3 常見白光光源介紹 11
2.4 超連續雷射光源介紹 13
第3章 光學晶格與準晶格圖騰產生之原理 15
3.1 繞射原理介紹 15
3.2 二維光學晶格與準晶格圖騰之介紹與產生 22
3.3 二維光學晶格與準晶格圖騰之結構光場相關應用 38
第4章 超連續光源所產生之二為光學晶格與準晶格圖騰研究 40
4.1 產生二維晶格與準晶格圖騰之實驗架構 40
4.2 孔洞變化對於二維晶格與準晶格圖騰影響 44
4.3 二維準晶格圖騰之相位結構探討 49
4.4 白光產生之二維晶格與準晶格圖騰的結果與分析 53
第5章 結論與未來展望 60
參考文獻 61
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