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研究生(外文):Liao, Chia-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Evaluating NFV-enabled Network Slicing for 5G Core
指導教授(外文):Lin, Fu-Chun
口試委員(外文):Tseng, Chien-ChaoYen, Li-HsingChen, Hung-MingLin, Fu-Chun
外文關鍵詞:5GNFVNetwork Slicing
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網路切片是5G網路最重要的功能之一。它可以將一個實體網路切成多個虛擬網路,每個虛擬網路根據特定的服務和商業目標進行不同的設置和優化。網路切片可以適應不同垂直服務品質的異質性。在這項研究中,我們基於網路功能虛擬化(Network Function Virtualization)及MANO(MANagement and Orchestration)架構實現了5G行動核心網路切片。我們的系統利用OpenStack, Tacker和NCTU free5GC等開源軟體、透過網路服務描述符(Network Service Descriptor)來創建5G核心網路切片。我們使用三種不同品質的增強型行動寬頻(Enhanced Mobile Broadband)5G服務來評估並比較一多切片系統(Multiple network slicing system)和一單切片系統(One-slice-fits-all system)之間的性能差異。我們的測試結果顯示前者可以讓5G核心網路功能(Network Functions) 以比較高的CPU使用率來獲得比後者更好的吞吐量和回應時間。
Network slicing is one of the most important features for 5G networks. It enables a single physical network be sliced into multiple virtual networks, each customized and optimized according to specific services and business goals. Network slicing can accommodate QoS heterogeneity of different vertical services with isolation. In this research, we realize 5G mobile core network slicing based on the NFV (Network Functions Virtualisation) MANO (MANagement and Orchestration) architecture. Our prototype leverages open sources from both OpenStack Tacker and NCTU free5GC to create 5G core network slicing based on its Network Service Descriptor (NSD). We evaluate and compare the performance between the multiple network slicing system and the one-slice-fits-all single slicing system using three eMBB (enhanced Mobile BroadBand) services of different QoS levels. Our test results show that the former can achieve better throughput and response time than the latter with the tradeoff of increasing its CPU consumption.
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Contribution 2
1.3 Thesis Organization 2
Chapter 2 Background & Related Work 4
2.1 5G Core Networks 4
2.2 NFV Enabled Network Slicing 7
2.3 Related Software 13
Chapter 3 Design of NFV-enabled 5G Slicing Systems in OpenStack 20
3.1 Architecture Design 20
3.2 Design of VNFD and NSD 24
3.3 System Workflow 26
Chapter 4 Implementation & Evaluation in OpenStack 30
4.1 Environment Setup 30
4.2 Experimental Results 32
Chapter 5 Design, Implementation & Evaluation in Kubernetes 36
5.1 Architecture Design 36
5.2 Environment Setup 37
5.3 Experimental Results 38
Chapter 6 Conclusion & Future Work 42
References 44
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