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研究生:Wida Akasah
研究生(外文):Wida Akasah
論文名稱:分離,表徵化和監測溶鉀菌的活性,並確定其溶解鉀礦物質的能力 和持續時間之研究
論文名稱(外文):Isolation, Characterization, and Monitoring the Activity of Potassium Solubilizing Bacteria for Increasing Solubilization of Potassium Mineral
指導教授(外文):Chou, Lan-Szu
中文關鍵詞:Coffee rhizosphereincubation time seriesmodified aleksandrov mediumorganic acidpHpotassium solubilizing bacteria
外文關鍵詞:Coffee rhizosphereincubation time seriesmodified aleksandrov mediumorganic acidpHpotassium solubilizing bacteria
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At present, there has been renewed interest in potassium solubilizing bacteria (abbreviated as KSB) research, but most of them were only focused on the size of halo zone or the potassium (abbreviated as K) solubilization, however the information regarding long observing time during KSB growth and its potential to be used as adjunct in biofertilizers are still lacking. This research focused on the first issue, in which monitoring growth of two KSB strains, which were isolated from coffee rhizosphere for 7 days on MAM (Modified Aleksandrov Medium) plate and 21 days in MAM broth. The difference capability of KSB to produce organic acids were used as a reference in determining the incubation time for 7 days and 21 days. The purpose of this study was to provide a long observation of KSB growth data that had not been thoroughly done before, this methods were used to distinguish of KSB capability to solubilize potassium mineral and providing advanced information to the current research on KSB. In this study, we specifically designed and used MAM plate for qualitative analysis and MAM broth for quantitative analysis. The results indicated that our isolate KSB #12 was capable of producing organic acid and thus solubilized potassium faster than isolate KSB #19 at initial 1-4 days of incubation on MAM plate, and at 0, 7, 14 days in MAM broth, respectively. Interestingly enough, population (cell numbers) of isolate KSB #12 decreased after 5 days of incubation on MAM plate, and after 21 days of incubation in MAM broth; while isolate KSB #19 continued to grow, maintained cell numbers, and produced organic acids, releasing potassium in a continuous fashion. According to literatures, different strains and types of organic acid (volatile vs. non-volatile) produced affect this phenomenon, due to non-volatile organic acid existed longer. The two KSBs used in this study, were isolated and identified by 16S rDNA sequence analysis. Sequencing results illustrated both of our isolates belonged to the genus of Pseudomonas. Isolates KSB #12 was Pseudomonas hunansis LV and isolates KSB #19 was Pseudomonas canadensis 2-92, respectively. In conlclusions, we had successfully isolated two potential KSB strains, and characterized their potassium solubulization capabilities during long observation in a laboratory conditions. We are also the first group that provide a well-designed time-series study regarding the potassium solubilization efficiency of KSB, determining the fastest and last the longest strain of potential KSBs.
At present, there has been renewed interest in potassium solubilizing bacteria (abbreviated as KSB) research, but most of them were only focused on the size of halo zone or the potassium (abbreviated as K) solubilization, however the information regarding long observing time during KSB growth and its potential to be used as adjunct in biofertilizers are still lacking. This research focused on the first issue, in which monitoring growth of two KSB strains, which were isolated from coffee rhizosphere for 7 days on MAM (Modified Aleksandrov Medium) plate and 21 days in MAM broth. The difference capability of KSB to produce organic acids were used as a reference in determining the incubation time for 7 days and 21 days. The purpose of this study was to provide a long observation of KSB growth data that had not been thoroughly done before, this methods were used to distinguish of KSB capability to solubilize potassium mineral and providing advanced information to the current research on KSB. In this study, we specifically designed and used MAM plate for qualitative analysis and MAM broth for quantitative analysis. The results indicated that our isolate KSB #12 was capable of producing organic acid and thus solubilized potassium faster than isolate KSB #19 at initial 1-4 days of incubation on MAM plate, and at 0, 7, 14 days in MAM broth, respectively. Interestingly enough, population (cell numbers) of isolate KSB #12 decreased after 5 days of incubation on MAM plate, and after 21 days of incubation in MAM broth; while isolate KSB #19 continued to grow, maintained cell numbers, and produced organic acids, releasing potassium in a continuous fashion. According to literatures, different strains and types of organic acid (volatile vs. non-volatile) produced affect this phenomenon, due to non-volatile organic acid existed longer. The two KSBs used in this study, were isolated and identified by 16S rDNA sequence analysis. Sequencing results illustrated both of our isolates belonged to the genus of Pseudomonas. Isolates KSB #12 was Pseudomonas hunansis LV and isolates KSB #19 was Pseudomonas canadensis 2-92, respectively. In conlclusions, we had successfully isolated two potential KSB strains, and characterized their potassium solubulization capabilities during long observation in a laboratory conditions. We are also the first group that provide a well-designed time-series study regarding the potassium solubilization efficiency of KSB, determining the fastest and last the longest strain of potential KSBs.
Abstract i
Acknowledgement iii
List of Contents iv
List of Table vi
List of Figures vii
List of Appendix viii
Chapter 1 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Literature Review 2
1.2.1 Potassium Needs in Plants 2
1.2.2 Potassium Solubilizing Bacteria (KSB) 4
1.2.3 Mechanism of Potassium Solubilization 7
1.2.4 Screening and Quantitative Analysis of Potassium Solubilizing Bacteria (KSB) 8
1.3 Aims of This Study 11
Chapter 2 12
Materials and Methods 12
2.1 Soil Bacteria Isolation 12
2.2 Characterization of Bacteria 13
2.3 Screening of Bacterial Isolates for Potassium Solubilization 13
2.4 Quantitative Analysis of K Solubilization 14
Chapter 3 18
Results and Discussion 18
3.1 Isolation and Characterization of Potassium Solubilizing Bacteria (KSB) 18
3.2 Screening of Potassium Solubilizing Bacteria (KSB) 18
3.3 Quantitative Analysis of Potassium Solubilization 23
3.4 Phylogenetic Analysis of Potassium Solubilizing Bacteria (KSB) 29
Chapter 4 31
Conclusions 31
References 33
Appendix 43
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