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論文名稱:利用分子標幟輔助導入Saltol QTL提升秈稻品系ST28之耐鹽性
論文名稱(外文):The Introgression of Saltol QTL into Indica Rice Lines ST28 to Increase Salinity Tolerance by Using Marker-Assisted Selection
指導教授(外文):Kuo, Chei-Wei
外文關鍵詞:molecular marker-assisted selectionricesalt tolerance
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本研究選用耐鹽秈稻品系ST28為材料,將耐鹽秈稻品種“Pokkali”第一條染色體上的耐鹽基因Saltol QTL與耐鹽稉稻品系CWY981126進行耐鹽性的雜交組合,其後再選出帶有Saltol QTL之BC1F2後代與IR64背景之秈稻品系ST28再進行回交,藉以探討水稻耐鹽特性的堆疊是否可提升秈稻品系ST28對鹽分逆境的耐受能力。
秈稻品種“Pokkali”與稉稻品系CWY981126的雜交後代透過分子標幟輔助進行前景篩選,而帶Saltol QTL雜交後代BC1F1再經過分子標幟輔助進行背景選拔,挑出較近稉稻之BC1F2後代者為母本,進一步以耐鹽秈稻品系ST28為父本,經三次回交後在BC3F2世代分選出34個耐鹽品系,各品系幼苗於3葉齡進行200mM NaCl處理,模擬在鹽分逆境下的生長環境,結果選出ST7、ST8、ST10、ST19、ST20、ST24、ST26、ST27、ST30及ST34等10個品系,其於復水後恢復生長之情形優於對照的秈稻品種“IR64”,顯示在選出之品系具有一定程度之耐鹽特性。
34個品系(BC3F3世代)在慣行栽培下,以輪迴親秈稻品系ST28為基準,挑選出了ST8、ST10、ST24、ST27及ST34等5個品系產量表現優於較輪迴親,然鹽分逆境下挑選則以ST8、ST10、ST20、ST24、ST26、ST27及ST30等7個品系產量表現較輪迴親優;由試驗結果顯示ST8、ST10及ST27等3個品系在正常與鹽分逆境環境下,其實際栽培價值均優於對照秈稻品系ST28,顯示在導入耐鹽性狀Saltol QTL後,可提升水稻品系之耐鹽特性表現,培育出產量優於輪迴親秈稻品系ST28的水稻品系。
In this study,the salt-tolerant indica rice line ST28 (IR64 background) was selected as the material. The salt-tolerant gene Saltol QTL on the first chromosome of the salt-tolerant indica rice variety Pokkali was combined with the salt-tolerant japonica rice line CWY981126 for salt tolerance. The offspring of BC1F2 of Saltol QTL was backcrossed with the indica rice line ST28 of IR64 background, to explore whether the stacking of salt tolerance characteristics of rice could enhance the tolerance of indica rice line ST28 to salt stress.
The hybrid offspring of the indica rice variety Pokkali and the stem rice line CWY981126 were screened by molecular flag assisted foreground, while the BC1F1 hybrid offspring with Saltol QTL was selected by molecular flag assisted background selection. Further, the salt-tolerant indica rice line ST28 was used as the male parent. After three backcrosses, 34 salt-tolerant lines were selected in the BC3F2 generation. The seedlings of each line were treated with 200mM sodium chloride at 3 leaf age to simulate the growth environment under salt stress. As a result, 10 strains including ST7, ST8, ST10, ST19, ST20, ST24, ST26, ST27, ST30 and ST34 were selected, and their recovery after rehydration was better than the control indica rice variety IR64, showing that the selected strains have certain Degree of salt tolerance.
34 lines (BC3F3) under continuous cultivation, based on the reintroduction indica rice line ST28, selected 5 lines such as ST8, ST10, ST24, ST27 and ST34. The selection of 7 strains such as ST8, ST10, ST20, ST24, ST26, ST27, and ST30 performed better than the reincarnation progeny; the test results showed that the three strains of ST8, ST10, and ST27 were under normal and salt stress environments. The cultivation value is superior to the control indica rice line ST28, which shows that the introduction of salt-tolerant traits Saltol QTL can improve the salt tolerance characteristics of rice lines, and cultivate rice lines with yields superior to reincarnation indica rice line ST28.
摘要 I
Abstract III
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
壹、前言 1
一、鹽分逆境下的水稻生理 1
二、水稻耐鹽性的研究 3
三、水稻的耐鹽育種 6
貳、材料與方法 14
一、材料來源 14
二、水稻耐鹽性之分子標幟輔助選育 15
三、水稻DNA萃取 16
四、聚丙烯醯胺膠體製作與電泳分析 17
五、水稻耐鹽性狀之評估 19
六、BC3F3世代各品系間產量差異觀察 21
參、結果 22
一、利用分子標幟進行F1及BC1F1、BC2F1前景選拔 22
二、BC3F2世代不同品系的耐鹽性評估 23
三、回交品系在慣行栽培下的產量評估 24
四、BC3F3世代在鹽份逆境下的產量評估 25
五、BC3F3世代的耐鹽性及產量的混合評估 26
肆、討論 27
一、分子標幟輔助目標性狀之導入 27
二、BC3F2世代各品系的耐鹽性評估 28
三、BC3F3後代慣行栽培及鹽份逆境的產量評估 29
伍、參考文獻 31
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