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論文名稱(外文):Study on Performance Analysis of Walking and Spray for a Plant Protection Robot
外文關鍵詞:Dynamics simulationPlant protection robotNozzleMaximum tilt angle
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在實際測試水泥地以及泥土地在300cm的距離時偏移狀況分為2種,一種在左輪沒打滑下植保機器人會往右偏平均為6.6 ± 1.48 cm;而當左輪打滑時,會往左邊偏平均為3.8 ± 1.72 cm;植保機器人最大的傾斜角左輪為11度,右輪為8度。
本試驗利用YL噴嘴進行續航力試驗,整體運行時間為 6小時24分,並以YL噴嘴做測試以每次噴霧一桶水桶為8000毫升在0.2秒的情況下,一桶可噴 2000次,可以在時間內總共噴57桶總共可噴453,500毫升,總共噴水次數為 115200次。
The aging of agricultural population in Taiwan recently has become more and more serious. In order to improve the agricultural work labor, automated agricultural technology needs to be taken seriously. In addition to labor shortage issues in Taiwan's agriculture, the selection of spray performance for spraying on crops is another issue. If the wrong nozzle was used that will affect the problem of pesticide drift. If the pesticide drift is too serious, it will cause damage to the sprayer, the environment or surrounding animals and plants.
This research is to design a plant protection robot which can walk in the greenhouse, and simulate and measure its performance. This study is divided into two parts. One is to analyze the power of the plant protection robot by computer simulation and provide the design of the plant protection robot. The other one is to analyze the spray system of the plant protection robot. This study will analyze the spraying performance with 4 different high pressure nozzles and 5 low pressure nozzles. The spray experiments are observed spray conditions under the same pressure with the water spray test strip to analyze the spray distribution of each nozzle. The experiment investigated which nozzle is suitable for sweet pepper spray operation.
Observation of the robot walking experiments has done on the concrete and mud soil, when it walks 300cm distance, it will produce an offset situation. This offset situation has two kinds. The first kind of plant protection robot turned to right with 6.6 ± 1.48 cm under a left wheel no slips. The second kind turned to left with 3.8 ± 1.72 cm under the left wheel slips. When the plant protection robot walking, the maximum tilt angle of left wheel is 11 degrees and that of right wheel is 8 degrees.
The research found that the spraying effect of the YL nozzle is more water-saving and the spraying area is largest with the water test strip test. Although the spraying particle size is VF level, it is more suitable for the plant protection robot to perform spraying at this study.
The endurance test of YL nozzle has done in experiment. The overall running time is 6 hours and 24 minutes. The YL nozzle is used to test for 0.2 seconds per spray. The bucket contains 8000 ml which can spray 2000 times. A total of 57 buckets can spray 453,500 milliliters in total, and the total number of spray counts is 115,200.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
符號說明 xii
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 我國農業機械相關探討 4
2.1.1 我國農業機械產品重點技術研發 4
2.1.2 農業噴霧機 4
2.2 各軟體運動模擬分析-Hyperworks Motionview 軟體應用 6
2.3 噴嘴相關規範 8
2.4 噴藥測試 10
第三章 理論基礎 11
3.1 多體動力學研究狀況 11
3.2 兩輪差速底盤的運動模型與三種運動狀態分析 12
3.3 車體動力學 13
3.3.1車體行駛動力學 13
3.3.2車體驅動力 14
3.3.3坡度阻力 14
3.3.4連續作業試驗 14
3.4 噴嘴規格與噴霧方式 14
第四章 材料與方法 16
4.1 植保機器人設計與相關設備介紹 16
4.1.1 UR5機器手臂(丹麥優傲,UR5) 17
4.1.2 工業電腦(台灣宸曜科技,Nuvo-7000 DE) 18
4.1.3 Arduino Uno & Arduino Mega開發板(義大利微控制套件) 20
4.1.4 陀螺儀(義大利Arduino GY-521的感測器模組) 21
4.1.5 電磁閥(台灣氣立,SAS-10A) 22
4.1.6 水泵(台灣KACHO公司) 23
4.1.7 無人自走車(台灣沛昇動能公司,U-Kart) 25
4.1.8 動力學模擬軟體Altair Inspire 27
4.2 實驗設計 28
4.2.1 溫室場地 29
4.2.2 甜椒植保機器人尺寸 30
4.2.3 甜椒植保機器人在田間運作狀況 31
4.2.4 動力學模擬 31
4.2.5 植保機器人測試 35
4.2.6 靜態翻覆角測試 36
4.2.7 續航力測試 37
4.2.8 噴嘴實驗設計方法 38
4.2.9 噴嘴實驗初步測試 39
第五章 結果與討論 44
5.1 實體車實驗結果 44
5.1.1 甜椒植保機器人打滑率 44
5.1.2 傾斜角 48
5.1.3 續航力測試 49
5.2 車體模擬 50
5.3 噴嘴實驗比較 55
第六章 結論與建議 58
6.1 結論 58
6.2 建議 59
參考文獻 60
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