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論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Flow Conditions and Flow Velocitys on the Abrasion Resistance of Concrete by Tubular Water Borne Sand Flow
外文關鍵詞:tubular sand containing water flowflow rategate opening degreefineness of the sand
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本研究使用管狀含砂水流沖擊試驗,探討在不同流速及流況下,混凝土抵抗含砂水流沖擊之抗磨性。試驗參數分別為水流流速 8 m/s、10 m/s、12 m/s及14 m/s,閘門開度為全開(A4)、3/4(A3)及2/4(A2),水流砂細度為F.M. 1.9及F.M. 2.9。
水流流速從8 m/s至14 m/s區間時,混凝土耐磨性隨著流速提高而大幅降低。流速從8 m/s提升至10 m/s、12 m/s及14 m/s時,在閘門全開時,混凝土總磨耗體積增加113%、241%及267%;在3/4開度時,沖擊磨耗體積增加6%、35%及71%,磨擦磨耗體積增加105%、121%及213%;在2/4開度時,沖擊磨耗體積增加6%、29%及92%,磨擦磨耗體積增加208%、243%及343%。無論於何種閘門開度,混凝土之磨擦磨耗體積與流速間之關係,可由線性方程式y = 4.435x – 22.443 表示。
此外,水流中砂細度增加,由於動能並未增加,使得混凝土磨耗體差異不大。水流流速為8 m/s、10 m/s、12 m/s及14 m/s時,當水流中砂細度從F.M. 1.9提升為F.M. 2.9時,總磨耗體積分別增加7%、3%、3%及3%。
In this study, the tubular water borne sand flow impact test was used to explore the abrasion resistance of concrete against water borne sand flow impact under different flow velocitys and different flow conditions. The test parameters are flow velocitys about 8 m/s, 10 m/s, 12 m/s and 14 m/s. The gate opening are fully(A4), 3/4 (A3) and 2/4 (A2). The fineness of the sand are F.M. 1.9 and F.M. 2.9.
The test results show. When the gate is full opening(A4), the main wear effect is horizontal friction; when the gate is 3/4 opening(A3), the first sample is impacted, while the second, third, and fourth samples are horizontal friction; When the gate is 2/4 opening(A2), the first and second samples are impacted, while the third and fourth samples are horizontal friction.
When the flow velocitys are from 8 m/s to 14 m/s, the abrasion resistance of concrete decreases greatly with the increase of flow velocity. When the flow velocity is increased from 8 m/s to 10 m/s, 12 m/s and 14 m/s, when the gate is full opening, the total volume of concrete wear increases by 113%, 241% and 267%. At 3/4 opening, impact wear volume increased by 6%, 35% and 71%, friction wear volume increased by 78%, 91% and 171%. At 2/4 opening, impact wear volume increased by 6%, 29% and 92%, friction wear volume increased by 208%, 243% and 343%. Regardless of the gate opening, the relationship between the friction and wear volume of concrete and the flow velocity can be expressed by the linear equation y = 4.435x – 22.443.
In addition, when the fineness of sand in the water flow increases, but the kinetic energy does not increase, so that the concrete wear body has little difference. When the water flow velocitys are 8 m/s, 10 m/s, 12 m/s and 14 m/s, the sand fineness in the water flow is increased from F.M. 1.9 to F.M. 2.9, the total wear volume increases by 7%, 3%, 3% and 3%.
第一章 緒論..........................1
1-1 研究背景.........................1
1-2 研究目的.........................2
1-3 研究內容.........................2
第二章 文獻回顧......................4
2-1 水工混凝土構造物沖磨機制...................4
2-2 水流條件對混凝土耐磨性之影響......................14
2-3 混凝土抗壓強度對耐磨性之影響......................19
2-4 卜作嵐材料對混凝土耐磨性之影響................21
第三章 試驗規劃與方法.........24
3-1 試驗規劃....................24
3-2 試體製作.....................26
3-3 試驗方法......................30
第四章 試驗結果分析與討論...........................38
4-1 混凝土新拌與硬固性質...........................38
4-2 流速對磨耗性之影響..........................42
4-3 開度對磨耗性之影響.............................73
4-4 砂細度對磨耗性之影響.......................112
第五章 結論與建議...............141
5-1 結論...........................141
5-2 建議............................142
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