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研究生(外文):Lin, Cheng-Wei
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Using Red Teaming to Enhance the Cyber Security
外文關鍵詞:Penetration TestEthical HackingRed TeamingProactive Defense Strategy
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然而主動式防禦,經常被認為是,主動的對軟、硬體進行弱點更新(Patch/Up-To-Date),或是通過滲透測試(PT, Penetration Test),便已足夠,但對於社交工程、實體入侵結合的駭侵風險便被忽視,造成組織誤以為已經達到高安全性。但網路罪犯不會只做漏洞驗證,取而代之,他們是有計劃的對組織進行駭侵,造成大規模資料外洩,或隱匿的網路間諜活動。
在本研究中,我們提出要達到高安全性,必須加入紅隊(Red Team)。紅隊演練(Red Teaming)是滲透測試更進階的型態,透過模擬真實攻擊,以最貼近真實入侵狀態來檢驗防禦措施的有效性、偵測與應變能力。除了協助組織發現已知的未知(Known-Unknowns)的問題,更進一步找出未知的未知(Unkown-Unknowns)的攻擊,從演練過程中擬定策略以達到更高的安全性。我們提出一個紅隊測試和防禦面的框架,透過情境模擬以及與滲透測試比較來証明紅隊能帶來的效益。

Modern information technology is developing exponentially,the network of business organization become more and more complex. Each organization is desperate to have an effective and proactive defense strategy for Cyber Security. The defense strategy should be adopted by the security policy and the security objectives of the organization. In addition, usually the defense strategy is often interpreted wrongly in doing Patch Management or Penetration Test only. This could lead to an illusion that their systems already are in high security. However, for cyber criminals or state-sponsored hackers, they not only exploit the software vulnerabilities, but also they are organized, funded, skilled operators to do massive data breaches or cyber espionage. In this thesis, we propose a Red Team methodology and framework in order to enhance higher cyber security. Red Teaming is a simulated cyber-attack for measuring the abilities of detection and response of the organization and for discovering Unknown-Unknowns risks to enhance cyber security of an organization. The benefits of Red Teaming are shown by the simulation in the experiment.
誌謝 v
摘要 vi
目錄 viii
表目錄 x
圖目錄 xi
1. 緒論 1
1.1. 研究動機 1
1.2. 研究目的 4
2. 文獻探討 6
2.1. 滲透測試 6
2.2. 紅隊演練 12
3. 研究方法 18
3.1. 威脅模型 22
3.2. 防禦框架 23
3.3. 攻防策略框架 26
4. 實驗結果 30
4.1. 實驗設定 30
4.2. 情境模擬 31
4.3. 紅隊演練實體安全面 33
4.4. 紅隊演練人員安全面 42
4.5. 紅隊演練技術安全面 47
4.5.1. Analyze 47
4.5.2. Compromise 54
4.5.3. Persistence 58
4.5.4. Report 87
4.6. 測試比較 89
5. 結論與未來研究方向 91
5.1. 結論 91
5.2. 未來研究方向 93
參考文獻 94

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