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研究生(外文):LAI, YU-TING
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Decision-Making Factors of Preschool Teachers in Picture Books Selection Using Hierarchical Analysis
外文關鍵詞:Preschool TeacherPicture Books for ChildrenAnalytic Hierarchy Process
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  本研究依據相關參考文獻及專家建議,擬訂出「內容屬性」、「繪圖屬性」、「口碑屬性」等三個構面及十四項選擇繪本的評估準則,建立評估架構,透過層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process; 簡稱AHP) 進行資料分析與整理,以分析影響幼教老師評選幼兒繪本之因素,以及這些影響選擇繪本因素之權重及優先順序。研究結果發現:在三個影響挑選繪本的主要因素當中,「口碑屬性」權重排序最高,「繪圖屬性」次之,排序最後為「內容屬性」。而「口碑屬性」其中的評估準則「出版社」(0.1801)及「獲獎」(0.1046)的權重則在所有評估準則當中排列一、二名。可見幼教老師在評選幼兒繪本時會受教師的先備經驗影響評選的決定,首重繪本出自於哪家出版社及是否曾獲得獎項的紀錄來作挑選繪本的依據。本研究依據研究結果提供一套客觀、有效之評選標準以供教育單位及教師教學參考。
  Nowadays, there are many picture books designed for children. Every year, many new picture books come out in many countries. It is common for preschool teachers to integrate picture books into teaching. The use of picture books in teaching has the advantages of stimulating learning motivation, simulating real situation, providing rich corpus and improving logical thinking ability. Therefore, the selection of high-quality picture books for children can help improve teaching effectiveness and guide children's positive development. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the use of picture books by preschool teachers. A total of 115 valid questionnaires were collected. AHP is used to analyze the samples and determine the relative weight of each criterion, so as to conclude the consideration factors and weight relationship of choosing children's picture books.
  Based on the relevant references and experts' suggestions, this study developed three dimensions and 14 evaluation criteria for choosing picture books, including content attribute, drawing attribute and word-of-mouth attribute, established the evaluation framework, and adopted the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) Data analysis and sorting were carried out to analyze the factors influencing the selection of picture books by preschool teachers, and the weight and priority of these factors. The results show that among the three main factors that affect the selection of picture books, word-of-mouth attribute ranks the highest, drawing attribute ranks the second, and content attribute ranks the last. The weight of evaluation criteria press (0.1801) and award (0.1046) in reputation attribute ranks first and second among all evaluation criteria. It can be seen that the decision of children's picture book selection will be influenced by the teacher's prior experience. The first picture book is from which publishing house and the record of whether it has won an award as the basis for choosing picture books. Based on the research results, this study provides a set of objective and effective evaluation criteria for educational units and teachers.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
1 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 研究限制 2
1.4 研究流程 2
2 文獻探討 4
2.1 繪本之意涵 4
2.1.1 繪本的意義 4
2.1.2 繪本的特性 5
2.1.3 繪本的主題分類 6
2.1.4 繪本的功能與價值 6
2.2 幼兒繪本在教學上的應用 7
2.2.1 幼兒繪本的選擇 7
2.2.2 繪本的教學技巧 8
3 研究方法 11
3.1 層級分析法 11
3.2 研究架構 14
3.3 問卷設計 15
3.3.1 背景資料 16
3.3.2 繪本評估指標 16
3.4 問卷的發放 17
4 實證分析 18
4.1 基本資料分析 18
4.2 全樣本實證結果 20
4.2.1 選擇繪本因素分析 20
4.2.2 內容屬性要素分析 22
4.2.3 繪圖屬性要素分析 23
4.2.4 口碑屬性要素分析 24
4.2.5 整體權重分析比較結果 25
4.3 公幼為樣本實證結果 26
4.3.1 公幼繪本要素分析 26
4.3.2 公幼內容屬性要素分析 27
4.3.3 公幼繪圖屬性要素分析 29
4.3.4 公幼口碑屬性要素分析 30
4.4 附幼為樣本實證結果 31
4.4.1 附幼繪本要素分析 31
4.4.2 附幼內容屬性要素分析 32
4.4.3 附幼繪圖屬性要素分析 34
4.4.4 附幼口碑屬性要素分析 35
5 結論 37
5.1 針對教育實務的建議 37
5.2 針對後續研究者的建議 38
參考文獻 39
1.1 研究流程圖 3
3.1 層級架構圖 12
3.2 幼教老師選擇幼兒繪本層級架構圖 17
4.1 選擇繪本權重統計圖 21
4.2 內容屬性權重統計圖 22
4.3 繪圖屬性權重統計圖 24
4.4 口碑屬性權重統計圖 25
4.5 公幼選擇繪本權重統計圖 27
4.6 公幼內容屬性權重統計圖 28
4.7 公幼繪圖屬性權重統計圖 29
4.8 公幼口碑屬性權重統計圖 31
4.9 附幼選擇繪本權重統計圖 32
4.10 附幼內容屬性權重統計圖 33
4.11 附幼繪圖屬性權重統計圖 34
4.12 附幼口碑屬性權重統計圖 36
3.1 隨機指標對應值 14
3.2 層級因素說明 14
4.1 個人背景變項分析 19
4.2 選擇繪本因素 20
4.3 內容屬性要素分析 22
4.4 繪圖屬性因素 23
4.5 口碑屬性因素 24
4.6 整體權重分析 26
4.7 公幼選擇繪本因素 27
4.8 公幼內容屬性因素 28
4.9 公幼繪圖屬性因素 29
4.10 公幼口碑屬性因素 30
4.11 附幼選擇繪本因素 32
4.12 附幼內容屬性因素 33
4.13 附幼繪圖屬性因素 34
4.14 附幼口碑屬性因素 35
5.1 評選指標匯整 37
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