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研究生(外文):LI, YUNG-CHENG
論文名稱(外文):Applying TRIZ theory to improve IC packaging electrical test productivity waste
指導教授(外文):WANG, CHIA-NAN
中文關鍵詞:IC 封裝電性測試TRIZ生產週期
外文關鍵詞:IC packagingelectrical testingTRIZproduction cycle
  • 被引用被引用:3
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隨著現今科技的進步與普及化,迅速的擴展到各種產業,因此半導體的市場需求量快速成長,而台灣擁有半導體相當完整的供應鏈,近年為了與其他國家的半導體供應鏈搶訂單,竭盡所能的滿足客戶產能需求與縮短交期,所以為了提升產業的競爭力,提升產品品質、可靠度與縮短生產週期一直是產業的重要任務之一,提升產能除了增購生產線還可以探討現有生產線可能影響產能的問題並加以解決,而本研究針對IC封裝之電性測試製程產能浪費的問題進行探討與改善,進而提升產能,本研究運用TRIZ理論分析問題並提出欲改善問題的矛盾參數,搭配使用 39個參數、矛盾矩陣與 40個創新發明原理,得到以分割原理與反向操作原理,這兩個創新發明原理為方向進行問題改善計畫,所以我們改變前製程機台的內部運作模式並與系統雲端結合讀取每貨批的抽測資訊(反向操作原理),將原本須由人工進行分類的作業方式改由機器與系統結合,自動將該貨批須檢測的產品與不需檢測的產品精確的分類(分割原理),所以不會有多餘的抽測數量,將原本多餘的抽測量降為0,降低了電性測試製程原每日平均抽測量17.5%,所以提升此製程17.5%的產能,也間接縮短了此製程的生產週期17.5%,達到不需購入新的生產線而提升產能17.5%並將原作業模式而導致浪費的產能降為0的目標。
With the advancement and popularization of science and technology today, it has rapidly expanded to various industries. Therefore, the market demand for semiconductors has grown rapidly. Taiwan has a fairly complete supply chain for semiconductors. In recent years, it has done everything in order to grab orders with the semiconductor supply chains of other countries. It can meet the needs of customers' production capacity and shorten the delivery time. Therefore, in order to enhance the competitiveness of the industry, improving product quality, reliability and shortening the production cycle has always been one of the important tasks of the industry. In addition to increasing production lines, it is possible to discuss the possibility of existing production lines. The problem that affects the production capacity is solved and solved. This study discusses and improves the problem of waste of production capacity in the electrical testing process of IC packaging, and then improves the production capacity. This study uses TRIZ theory to analyze the problem and propose contradictory parameters for improvement. 39 parameters, contradiction matrix and 40 innovative invention principles, we got the problem improvement plan based on the split principle and reverse operation principle, these two innovative invention principles, so we changed the internal operation mode of the former process machine and Combine with system cloud to read each batch Testing information (reverse operation principle), the operation method that had to be manually classified is changed to the combination of the machine and the system, and the products that are required to be inspected and the products that do not need to be inspected are automatically classified accurately (segmentation principle), so There will be no extra sampling numbers, reducing the original redundant sampling to 0, which reduces the average daily sampling measurement of the electrical test process by 17.5%, so increasing the capacity of this process by 17.5% also indirectly shortens the production of this process The cycle is 17.5% to achieve the goal of increasing production capacity by 17.5% without purchasing a new production line and reducing the wasted production capacity to zero due to the original operating mode.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
壹、緒論 1
一、研究背景 1
二、研究動機 2
三、研究目的 2
四、研究流程 3
貳、文獻探討 6
一、TRIZ理論之應用 6
二、IC封裝製程簡介 7
三、電性測試站之產能浪費問題研究 10
參、研究方法 12
一、TRIZ發展背景 12
二、TRIZ解決發明性問題 14
三、矛盾矩陣表方法 15
(一) 矛盾矩陣表 15
(二)三十九參數 16
(三)40創新發明原理 20
肆、研究結果分析 25
一、現況分析 25
二、問題描述 26
三、技術矛盾分析與結果 29
(一)技術矛盾分析 29
(二)技術矛盾分析之結果 30
(三)利用TRIZ創新發明原則改善現況 32
(四)效益評估 35
伍、結論與建議 36
一、結論 36
二、後續研究方向建議 36
參考文獻 37

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