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研究生(外文):CHENG, WAN-YUN
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Exploring Low Cost Carriers’ Strategic Determinants
外文關鍵詞:LCCFSCWord of mouthSatisfactionIntention
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低價航空 (Low cost carriers, LCC) 亦稱低成本航空,或廉價航空, 濫觴於1973年西南航空。低價航空引進歐洲、美洲空運市場後,帶起很大的風潮,尤對定期航空造成很大的衝擊。隨著低價航空市場擴展東移,台灣也開始於2004年有低價航空加入營運市場。對於低價航空,大部份的研究在於低價航空和定期航空間的比較差異,以期能謀略定期航空的營運優勢。即大部份研究在於面對低價航空威脅下,如何對定期航空提高競爭力。本研究目的以低價航空營運策略的因素作探討,研究低價航空營運特點,瞭解旅客的觀點是否會滿意於低價航空的策略,而衍生購買意圖(purchasing intention) ;另一方面本研究延伸探討旅客於低價航空的營運策略吸引下,是否會主動傳播,影響社群團體,達到口碑傳銷的效果。研究過程中考慮低價航空的購票交易皆為網路交易,以節省人力費用,為貼近低價航空的網路營運模式,研究問卷的搜集以網路問卷方式為主,在持續跟催下,共搜集到284位網路問卷。研究方法以PLS-SEM統計軟體分析出下列研究結果,確定研究假設。對低價航空,旅客最重視的因素,影響其產生滿意感及購買意圖 、回頭率。研究發現除了票價同樣是旅客決定低價航空的吸引因素以外,口碑是另一重要會改變旅客選擇低價航空的因素;遑之,研究發現低價航空營運策略,也會讓旅客產生滿意的感受。在研究貢獻上,期許可藉由這研究可以瞭解旅客對低價航空的觀感及可能選擇低價航空的重要條件。
Low cost carriers (LCC), also announced as budget airlines, have brought tremendous impact in western countries, Europe and America in earlier period. The first LCC originated low cost air business by Southwest in 1973. Soon later low cost air business instruded gradually toward eastern region, Asia-Pacific area and become more popular and welcomed. Jetstar was the frist LCC commencing its business in Taiwan in 2004. Ever since the first LCC’s stimulation, more and more LCCs involved into air market for possible share. After LCCs appearance, many researches had much attention on comparsion between full schedule carriers (FSC) and LCCs. Some other researches have focused on discovering new strategies for FSCs in order to outstand the threat of LCCs. Most consider LCCs croaching crowded air market become unbeatable threat. However, LCCs into air market are not invulnerable and always popular. To say nothing of, hardly find studies about LCCs’ business strategy or methods to promote LCCs’ business. By further involvement of LCCs’ strategic determinants, or to view from passengers’ perception of satisfying to purchase intention. Also considering if social marketing strategy, word of mouth can be a supportive stimulation for LCCs. As quantitive survey was collected from website with valid respondents, PLS-SEM was applied for analyzing LCCs’ determinants for significant effect. Airfare ticket price was one of important factor for passengers’ choice; and word of mouth was another high-value factor to influence passengers’ choice. Meanwhile this study found that even LCCs has budget control, passengers still can perceive satisfaction from LCCs. This finding can be further investigated for assisting LCCs business development.
Chinese Abstract------------------------------------------------------- i
English Abstract------------------------------------------------------- ii
Acknowledgement-------------------------------------------------------- iii
Table of Content------------------------------------------------------- iv
List of Tables--------------------------------------------------------- vi
List of Figures-------------------------------------------------------- vii
Chapter One Introduction ---------------------------------------------- 1
1.1.Background Information and Motivation------------------------------ 1
1.2.Purpose of Research------------------------------------------------ 3
1.3.Research Questions------------------------------------------------- 6
1.4.Research Model ---------------------------------------------------- 7
Chapter Two Literature Review------------------------------------------ 8
2.1.Determinants to satisfaction -------------------------------------- 8
2.1.1.Price------------------------------------------------------------ 8
2.1.2.Assurance-------------------------------------------------------- 11
2.1.3.Flight pattern -------------------------------------------------- 12
2.1.4.Facility service ------------------------------------------------ 14
2.1.5.Customization --------------------------------------------------- 16
2.2.Word of mouth ----------------------------------------------------- 17
2.3.Satisfaction ------------------------------------------------------ 18
2.4.Final determinant: Intention -------------------------------------- 20
Chapter Three Methodology---------------------------------------------- 21
3.1.Research Model and hypotheses-------------------------------------- 21
3.2.Measurement-------------------------------------------------------- 23
3.3.Definition of determinants --------------------------------------- 25
3.4.Methods of Research Analysis -------------------------------------- 28
3.4.1.Descriptive Analysis--------------------------------------------- 29
3.4.2.Common Method Variance (CMV) and Nonresponse bias---------------- 29
3.4.3.PLS3.0 model analysis ------------------------------------------- 30
Chapter Four Results and Findings-------------------------------------- 31
4.1.Data collection and samples --------------------------------------- 31
4.2.Demographic Analysis ---------------------------------------------- 33
4.3.Non-Response Bias ------------------------------------------------- 34
4.4.Common Method Variance (CMV)--------------------------------------- 37
4.5.Factor loading as item reliability -------------------------------- 39
4.6.Convergent validity ----------------------------------------------- 41
4.7.Discriminate validity---------------------------------------------- 43
4.8.Construct Correlations -------------------------------------------- 45
4.9.Model Analysis ---------------------------------------------------- 47
4.10.Path analysis ---------------------------------------------------- 50
4.11.Comparion between satisfaction and WOM --------------------------- 55
Chapter Five Conclusions and Suggestions------------------------------- 57
5.1.Conclusions-------------------------------------------------------- 57
5.2.Implications------------------------------------------------------- 61
5.3.Limitations ------------------------------------------------------- 62
5.4.Suggestions ------------------------------------------------------- 63
Reference-------------------------------------------------------------- 65
Appendix A Cross Loading----------------------------------------------- 76
Appendix B Questionnaire----------------------------------------------- 77

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