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研究生(外文):HSIEH, TSUNG-I
論文名稱(外文):Research of the effect of the efficiency for the axial clearance on the worm gear
外文關鍵詞:ANOVASPSSsingle factor varianceoptimization design
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本文主要是針對業界最廣泛使用的蝸輪減速機為實驗對象,因為其少批量多種樣式,加上企業受限於產品周轉期與製造成本的條件下,可供統計檢測的母體樣本數不足,故配合出入力扭轉力矩效率測試機台,以一套用於統計學分析運算、數據挖掘、預測分析和決策支持任務的軟體產品及相關服務的軟體SPSS(Statistical Product and Service Solutions),採用單因子多變量變異數來實行ANOVA分析,並根據入力軸向間隙、入力扭矩、空載電流以及滿載效率來多方檢測,最佳化設計產品品質與提升能源轉化的效率。

This article mainly is aims at the field most widespread use the worm gear speed reducer for to test the object, Because its few batch many kinds of styles, Adds on the enterprise shouxian in the product turnover time and under the production cost condition, May supply the statistical examination the parent substance sample number to be insufficient, Therefore coordinate difference strength torque efficiency test radio station, Uses in statistics analysis operation, the data mining, the forecast analysis and the policy-making support duty software product and correlation service software SPSS by a set(Statistical Product and Service Solutions), Uses the single factor multivariable variance to implement the ANOVA analysis, And acts according to enters the mechanical axis to the gap, enters the strength torque, the idling electric current as well as the full load efficiency examines in every way, The optimization design product quality and the promotion energy transform efficiency.
In recent years environmental protection consciousness gained ground, The enterprise pursues in abundance reduces the cost, the enhancement delivers, How more effective is the energy use, a direction which the government and the enterprise joint effort. The production cycle tends to under the short fast globalization market competition, How rapid truly in few diverse product on-line, the statistical analysis influence quality essential factor is the most important goal.

摘要 -------------------------------------------------- i
ABSTRACT ----------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝 --------------------------------------------------- iv
目錄 --------------------------------------------------- v
圖目錄 -------------------------------------------------- vii
表目錄 -------------------------------------------------- ix
符號說明 ------------------------------------------------ xi
第一章 緒論 --------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 研究背景 -------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 --------------------------------------- 2
1.3 論文架構 -------------------------------------------- 3
第二章 蝸輪蝸桿設計文獻回顧 ------------------------------- 4
2.1 蝸桿種類與加工方式 ----------------------------------- 4
2.2 蝸輪蝸桿組的特點分析 --------------------------------- 14
2.3 減速機應用種類 -------------------------------- 16
第三章 測試設計方法 -------------------------------------- 22
3.1 蝸輪蝸桿減速機設計流程 -------------------------------- 22
3.1.1 磁場電動機 ----------------------------------------- 22
3.1.2 齒數之於減速比設計 ---------------------------------- 25
3.1.3 齒輪強度計算 --------------------------------------- 30
3.2 變動因子之軸向間隙 ------------------------------------ 33
3.3 實驗流程 ----------------------------------------- 35
第四章 數值分析與結果討論 --------------------------------- 41
4.1 分析之理論介紹 ---------------------------------------- 41
4.2 第一階段數值檢測與分析 --------------------------------- 45
4.3 第二階段數值檢測與分析 --------------------------------- 49
4.4 第三階段數值檢測與分析 ----------------------------------- 52
4.5 最終階段合併正反轉數值檢測與分析 -------------------------- 58
第五章 結論與未來展望 -------------------------------------------- 70
5.1 結論 --------------------------------------------------- 70
5.2 未來展望 ------------------------------------------------ 72

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