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研究生(外文):Tsai, chi cheng
論文名稱:牙科治療台銷售關鍵成功因素之研究 -以「昆霖儀器有限公司」為例
論文名稱(外文):Study on Key Success Factors of Dental Unit Sales- The Case Study of Quen Lin Instruments Co., Ltd.
指導教授(外文):Chang, Hsu-Hwa
外文關鍵詞:dental treatment tableMichael Porter’s five force analysis4P AnalysisSWOT analysiskey success factors
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近年來因為聯合國極力推廣口腔衛生保健的觀念,各國推行口腔保健的政策,全球人口逐漸高齡化,牙科醫療器材產業蓬勃發展。台灣牙科醫療器材品質已達國際水準,各家醫療器材廠商積極開發國內外市場。昆霖儀器公司從代理進口牙科治療台的代理商,到治療台零件的代工廠與生產商,最後轉型成自行開發產品的公司,以量身訂做和物超所值的行銷理念讓產品熱銷全台,成功將產品推進國際市場。此公司的關鍵成功因素值得其他同業參考,看一家台灣本土公司如何調整競爭策略,順應市場潮流,跟隨政府政策,取得競爭優勢,在國內外市場贏得一席之地。本研究針對此公司的經營策略,以牙科治療台銷售為主進行研究,透過SWOT分析、五力分析、4P分析等策略分析,了解個案公司關鍵成功的因素。本研究探討牙科產業的相關文獻與分析個案訪談的內容,剖析出昆霖儀器公司成功關鍵共有下列六點: 關係行銷、產品的品質優良、售後服務迅速 、創新研發、量身訂做、多元行銷通路 、配合政府政策。
In recent years, the United Nations has actively advocated for oral health and sustainability. In view of the influence of oral health on the quality of people’s lives, developed and developing countries have implemented oral health care welfares policies to take care of their people. As the aging of the global population accelerates, the dental medical equipment industry has flourished. The quality of Taiwan's dental medical equipment has reached international standards. Following government's New Southbound Policy and participating in the Smart Biotech Medical Cluster Program of the Southern Taiwan Science Park, various medical equipment manufacturers have endeavored to entrench the Taiwan market and develop the international market. Quen Lin Instrument Company started as an agent importing dental units from overseas, grew into an original equipment manufacturer and a manufacturer of dental unit parts, and transformed into a self-developed company. Offering tailor-made services and value-for-money products, Quen Lin Instrument Company took the Taiwan market by storm. The company also successfully launched the products to the international market. The key success factors of this company are worthwhile references for its peers. They will have an insight of how a local Taiwanese company adjusts its competitive strategies, catches the market trends, and follows government policies to gain competitive advantages and wins a place in domestic and international markets. This study will focus on the company's business strategies, based on the sales of dental units, through SWOT analysis, five-force analysis, and 4P analysis to understand the key success factors of the company. This study explores the relevant literature and analyzes the content of the interviews with the CEO of the company. The key success factors of Quen Lin Instrument Company can be included as follows: relationship marketing, excellent product quality, fast after-sales service, innovative research and development, tailor-made service, diversified marketing channels and government policy supports.
摘 要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iv
目 錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 牙科醫材產業的介紹 2
第三節 研究動機與目的 10
第四節 研究流程 11
第二章 文獻探討 13
第一節 牙科相關的研究 13
第二節 關鍵成功因素 15
第三節 台灣牙科治療台產業概述 16
第三章 研究方法 19
第一節 研究架構 19
第二節 五力分析(Porter’s Five Forces Analysis) 20
第三節 行銷4P (Marketing 4Ps) 22
第四節 SWOT分析 23
第五節 關鍵成功因素的應用 25
第六節 策略分析法的整合運用 27
第四章 個案分析 28
第一節 昆霖儀器有限公司簡介 28
第二節 昆霖儀器公司的五力分析 35
第三節 昆霖儀器公司的行銷4P分析 39
第四節 昆霖儀器公司的 SWOT分析 43
第五節 昆霖儀器公司的關鍵成功因素分析 51
第五章 結語 56
附件一 59
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