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研究生(外文):Peck, Jeremy
論文名稱(外文):What it Means to Talk Like a (Chinese) Drag Queen: An Analysis of Chinese Translations of RuPaul’s Drag Race
指導教授(外文):Lee, Ken-Fang
外文關鍵詞:Drag queensdragtranslationRuPaulGenderLGBTQ
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Many marginalized groups have their own unique ways of speaking that they use to create a sense of community and belonging. One such group that has been launched into the mainstream in recent years is drag queens. As drag grows in influence and relevance, the language of drag also grows in ubiquity and familiarity. The language of drag, especially in the American gay community, and particularly that which can be heard on RuPaul’s Drag Race, has become a means by which some gay people establish an identity and build or strengthen community. In this thesis, I examine the ways that drag language functions in Drag Race, how it is important to identity formation and community-building, and finally, how it is translated into Chinese.
I. Introduction …………1
i. Background Information 1
ii. Research Purpose 8
iii. Research Questions 12

II. Literature Review and Methodology …………22

III. Discussion …………32

i. Camp 32
ii. Sisterhood 41
iii. Reading 50
iv. Pop Culture 62

IV. Conclusion ………70

Works Cited …………73
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