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研究生(外文):Yang, Ching-Yun
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Continuing Education on Professional Core Competencies for School Nurses in Elementary Schools and Junior High Schools
指導教授(外文):Liu, Chieh-Hsing
外文關鍵詞:continuing educationschool nursecore competencies
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Improving professionalism helps to be competent in practical work, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of continuing education on school nurses’ professional core literacy of health care, management, communication, coordination, cooperation, innovation, research and self-growth. A quasi-experimental design, 86 subjects for the experiment group, the experimental group, participate a 6 hours of professional core literacy continuing education program and 3 months of network platform learning, 86 subjects for the control group had no any programs. Before the program, pretest was conducted which establish the baseline data to compare in two groups. After this program, posttest was conducted which to understand the immediate effect. After 3 months, post posttest was conducted which to understand the delay effect. Data was analysized by SPSS 23.00 Statistical analyses. Statistics methods included descriptive statistics (number, percentage, mean, standard deviation) and analytical statistics (chi-square test, Generalized Estimating Equation). In proceeding GEE, health care, management, communication, coordination, cooperation, innovation, research and self-growth as dependent variables.The results showed there were immediate effects on health care, management, communication, coordination, cooperation, innovation, research and self-growth, and the experimental group were significantly better than the control group, but only knowledge and self-growth had significant difference on delay effects. Based on the results, suggesting competent authority of education and health and professional group of school nurses, planning school nurses' professional literacy continuing education and tool development, improving professional competence of school health care and driving the new vision.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與重要性 1
第二節 研究目的 6
第三節 研究問題 6
第四節 研究假設 7
第五節 名詞定義 8
第六節 研究限制 10

第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 學校衛生護理概況 11
第二節 學校護理人員專業核心素養 21
第三節 護理人員繼續教育 33
第四節 繼續教育相關理論之應用 39
第五節 繼續教育成效之相關研究 56

第三章 研究方法 61
第一節 研究設計 61
第二節 研究對象 64
第三節 研究倫理 64
第四節 研究工具 65
第五節 繼續教育介入設計與發展 73
第六節 研究步驟 89
第七節 資料處理與分析 91

第四章 研究結果與討論 93
第一節 研究對象背景變項分佈情形 93
第二節 研究對象在專業核心素養前測之差異性 97
第三節 繼續教育介入對專業核心素養之立即影響 98
第四節 繼續教育介入對專業核心素養之延宕效果 107
第五節 繼續教育介入於研究對象專業核心素養之比較 115
第六節 專業核心素養繼續教育課程評價 118
第七節 討論 131

第五章 研究結論與建議 139
第一節 結論 139
第二節 建議 141

中文文獻 144
英文文獻 154

附錄一 繼續教育相關理論應用研究表 166
附錄二 繼續教育相關研究表 174
附錄三 研究倫理審查核可證明書 180
附錄四 問卷內容效度考驗專家名單 181
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