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研究生(外文):Tung, Ming-Chia
論文名稱(外文):Study on developing a system of mitigating multi-hazards simultaneously and its benefit assessment for mountain tribes of Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Shih-Meng
口試委員(外文):Chi, Shu-yuonWang,Cheng-DeChern, Shuh-GiHsu, Shih-Meng
外文關鍵詞:Compound disastersHydrogeological model analysisSlope stability analysisMethod of mitigating multi-hazards simultaneouslyMethod benefit assessment
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此外,為瞭解同步整治工法與傳統邊坡穩定工法之效益差異,本研究採用Visual Slope程式建立研究場址之數值模式,並維持原水文地質模式分析中邊坡最危險之地下水位高度及最小安全係數,再採用三種傳統邊坡穩定工法(地錨工法、排樁工法與土工織物)治理後之研究場址邊坡穩定性進行分析,以此計算傳統工法對研究場址之治災效益,俾 爾後以本研究提出之效益評估指數(安全係數每提升一個百分比所需要之造價,單位為新台幣),計算新舊工法治災效益差異。
In view of the increasing frequency and variability of natural disasters due to global climate change, an individual natural disaster is gradually transforming into compound disasters. Taiwan is located in an area that is often attacked by compound disasters. However, Taiwan's mountainous areas are the most susceptible to compound disasters, which often endanger the lives and properties of mountain tribal residents. In particular, landslide and drought are two common disasters in mountainous areas. In view of this, this study proposes a method of mitigating multi-hazards simultaneously. This method is used to mitigating shallow and deep-seated landslides as well as droughts in mountain areas; it also features low cost and short construction periods.
The Pao-Long landslide in Jiaxian Dist, Kaohsiung, was selected as the study site. Furthermore, this study uses numerical modeling to analyze the effect of landslides on the site. The numerical model integrated with the existing hydrogeological investigation and monitoring data were used to analyze the feasibility and benefits of the proposed method. An engineering software named Geo-Studio was used to analyze the slope stability with deep and shallow slip surfaces at the site under different rainfall conditions. Furthermore, the simultaneous remediation method was applied to perform the same slope stability analysis. By comparing the difference in factors of safety with and without the simultaneous remediation method, the effectiveness of the proposed method was evaluated. Subsequently, the proposed method presents the effectiveness of drought control. The relevant outcomes can serve as a reference when applying this method to other sites in the future.
Besides, in order to understand the difference in effectiveness between the simultaneous remediation method and the traditional slope stability method, the Visual Slope software was used to perform this comparison. While using the program, the most dangerous groundwater level and a minimum factor of safety of the slope obtained from Geo-Studio were adopted in the new analysis. Subsequently, three traditional stabilizing methods (anchor method, piling method, and geogrid) were used to analyze the site’s slope stability. And then, the effectiveness of the traditional methods was evaluated using the effectiveness evaluation index (cost per percentage increase in the factor of safety, in NTD), which was proposed by this study.
After the above analysis, the benefits of the proposed method are much better than the other three traditional stabilizing methods in terms of cost. Also, the groundwater pumped by the simultaneous remediation process can provide a backup water supply in the period of drought or increased water turbidity due to typhoons. Other conventional slope stability methods cannot achieve this advantage provided by the new method. Therefore, the results of this study show that the new method is an effective and cost-effective method for the remediation of the compound disaster occurred in the mountainous tribes.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目次 IV
圖次 VI
表次 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景與動機 1
1-2研究內容 3
1-3論文架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2-1 臺灣複合型災害歷史事件 7
2-2 旱災定義與整治對策 10
2-3 山區坡地災害整治與對策-邊坡穩定工程概述 13
2-4 邊坡穩定分析相關研究 20
2-5 工程效益評估 23
第三章 研究方法 27
3-1 研究場址資料蒐集與彙整 28
3-1.1 崩塌地地理位置及地形 28
3-1.2 崩塌地水文地質及崩塌現況 29
3-1.3 孔內水文地質調查 34
3-1.4 室內試驗結果 38
3-2 同步整治工法穩定分析 44
3-2.1 數值模式簡介 44
3-2.2 設計雨型及降雨入滲暫態分析 45
3-2.3 邊坡穩定暫態分析 48
3-2.4 同步整治工法效益分析 49
3-3 傳統工法邊坡穩定分析與效益評估 50
3-3.1 數值模式簡介 50
3-3.2 傳統邊坡穩定工法對邊坡穩定之影響 50
3-4 新舊工法效益評估 53
第四章 山區複合型災害同步整治工法分析結果 56
4-1 研究場址水文地質概念模式建立及率定 56
4-1.1 水文地質概念模式建立 56
4-1.2 滲流分析及模式率定 57
4-2 研究場址滲流耦合邊坡穩定性分析結果 60
4-2.1 實際降雨對崩塌地穩定性之影響 62
4-2.1 設計雨型建置及設計雨型對崩塌地穩定性之影響 65
4-3 同步整治工法分析 75
4-3.1 同步整治工法對地下水位洩降量之關聯性探討 75
4-3.2 同步整治工法對實際降雨與邊坡穩定度探討 78
4-3.3 同步整治工法對設計雨型與邊坡穩定度之關聯性探討 82
4-3.4 同步整治工法之抽水量對應抽水延時及安全係數變化 91
4-3.5 同步整治工法治旱效益評估 94
4-4 同步整治工法分析步驟綜整 96
4-5 結果與討論 97
第五章 傳統邊坡穩定工法分析結果及新舊工法效益評估 99
5-1 邊坡穩定工法對崩塌地穩定性分析 99
5-1.1 研究場址數值模式建立與穩定性分析結果 99
5-1.2 地錨工法對邊坡穩定性分析 103
5-1.3 土工織物對邊坡穩定性分析 104
5-1.4 排樁工法對邊坡穩定性分析 106
5-2 新舊工法造價預估 108
5-2.1 傳統邊坡穩定工法造價預估 108
5-2.2 同步整治工法造價預估 109
5-4 新舊工法之效益評估 111
5-5 結果與討論 112
第六章 結論與建議 113
6-1 結論 113
6-2 建議 113
參考文獻 115
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