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論文名稱(外文):Inundation simulation of urban street and storm sewer
指導教授:李光敦李光敦引用關係張 挺
指導教授(外文):Kwan Tun LeeTing Zhang
口試委員(外文):Kwan Tun Lee
外文關鍵詞:Urban inundationStreetsStorm sewerFlooding position
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Urban waterlogging not only affects urban road traffic, but also causes loss of life and property of residents. 2D inundation model and 1D-2D inundation model can simulate urban flooding depth and flooding range. However, due to large demand for modeling data and low computational efficiency, it is difficult to be applied in large-scale urban flood simulation and unable to accurately grasp the geometric characteristics of streets. In this paper, an urban one-dimensional street and a one-dimensional rainwater sewer inundation model is established to simulate the exchange process of street water and rainwater sewer, so as to obtain the locations of flooded manholes and flooded streets, so as to meet the requirements of simple modeling and high computational efficiency. Analysis checker-board rainwater drain flooded model and flooded streets - rainwater drainage, rainwater drain flooded street model was applied to simulate the actual city, the accuracy and feasibility of the model calibration and verification of the study area to check the drainage system, puts forward the improved scheme for easy flooded area, verify the feasibility of the improved scheme, the main research contents and conclusions are as follows:
(1) An ideal checkerboard model of urban flooding was constructed and the differences between the storm sewer inundation model and the street-storm sewer inundation model were compared and analyzed. The research shows that the storm sewer inundation model can simulate the runoff process of the sewer, but it cannot simulate the exchange process of flood water from the manhole between street and storm sewer and the flow trend of the overflow water from the manhole. The street-storm sewer inundation model can well simulate the process of water flow exchange between street and storm sewer, and the location of the flooded manhole and flooded street in the storm sewer can be clearly obtained. Based on the study of the water area, rainfall intensity, slope and street width of the manhole, the results show that the water area of the manhole in the storm sewer inundation model changes obviously. If the rainfall intensity, slope and street width of the chessboard model were changed, the overflow and flooding results of the street-storm sewer inundation model would be significantly different, while the overflow and flooding manhole position of the storm sewer flooding model would not change, which would easily lead to the misjudgment of the overflow and flooding manhole position.
(2) Establish the urban street-storm sewer inundation model in Tucheng District, New Taipei City, simulate rainfall events, and calibrate and verify the accuracy and feasibility of the model. The results showed that the Nash efficiency coefficient of 3 rainfall events reached more than 0.92 and the average Nash efficiency coefficient was close to 0.90 in the process of calibrating water level, indicating that the subcatchment division and parameter selection of the model were reasonable in the calibration process. In the process of verifying water level, the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient of rainfall events all reached above 0.80, and the average Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient was close to 0.83, indicating that the flooding model of urban streets and storm sewers had a good overall fit and could well simulate the runoff process of streets and storm sewers.
(3) The street-storm sewer inundation model was used to check the water capacity of the storm sewer in the study area, and the improvement scheme was proposed for the flood-prone area. The results showed that the location of flooded manholes was basically consistent with the areas prone to flooding in the past. There were 11 places where the big pipes connected with the small pipes in the storm sewer pipe section, and 32 places where the pipe section had a reverse slope. Based on the historical data of flooding vulnerability and combined with the inspection results of storm water sewer in the study area, two different improvement schemes are adopted for storm water sewer. By comparing the water level changes of 13 individual manholes before and after the improvement, the water permeable water conservation measures in public facilities, and the flow history line changes of pipe sections before and after the improvement, the results show that the improved measures can effectively improve the flooding situation in the study area.
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目次 IV
圖次 VI
第一章 引言 1
1.1 選題背景與研究意義 1
1.2 國內外淹水模型研究現狀 1
1.2.1 一維淹水模型和二維淹水模型 2
1.2.2 一維-二維淹水模型 3
1.2.3 一維-一維淹水模型 5
1.2.4 防澇改進措施 6
1.3 本文主要研究內容 7
第二章 街道與雨水下水道徑流模式 9
2.1 集水區地表徑流過程 9
2.2 雨水下水道徑流過程 11
2.3 街道徑流過程 14
2.4 街道與雨水下水道水流交換 15
2.5 穩定性條件限制 16
第三章 棋盤式城市淹水模型 18
3.1 基本思路的建立 18
3.2 棋盤式模型建立 19
3.2.1 棋盤式模型區域概況 19
3.2.2 街道與雨水下水道概況 19
3.2.3 棋盤式模型參數選擇 21
3.2.4 棋盤式模型設計降雨 21
3.3 棋盤式1D模型與1D/1D模型的對比 22
3.3.1 1D模型與1D/1D模型 22
3.3.2 不同積水面積對1D模型人孔水深的影響 24
3.3.3 不同降雨強度1D模型與1D/1D模型的差異 25
3.3.4 不同坡度1D模型與1D/1D模型的差異 28
3.3.5 不同街道寬度1D模型與1D/1D模型的差異 30
3.4 本章小結 34
第四章 街道-雨水下水道模型應用 36
4.1研究區域概況 36
4.1.1 地理位置 36
4.1.2 氣候條件 37
4.1.3 土地利用類型 37
4.1.4 城市交通道路 38
4.2 模型建立 39
4.2.1 排水分區 39
4.2.2 次集水區的劃分 40
4.2.3 排水系統概化 41
4.2.4 參數選擇 42
4.2.5 雨量資料 44
4.2.6 水位計監測點 44
4.3 模擬結果分析 46
4.3.1 校準降雨事件 46
4.3.2 模型校準結果 46
4.3.3 驗證降雨事件 49
4.3.4 模型驗證結果 50
4.4 本章小結 51
第五章 研究區域排水系統檢核及改進方案 52
5.1 暴雨災害情況 52
5.2 研究區域排水系統檢核 53
5.2.1 設計雨型 53
5.2.2 雨水下水道檢核結果 54
5.3 研究區域易淹區域改進方案及類比結果 56
5.3.1 雨水下水道改進方案 56
5.3.2 雨水下水道改進方案模擬結果 58
5.3.3 透水保水措施 63
5.3.4 透水保水措施模擬結果 65
5.4 本章小結 66
結論與展望 68
結論 68
展望 69
參考文獻 70
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