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研究生(外文):Hsieh, Chia-Hua
論文名稱(外文):Study on Rapid Determination of Aquatic Feed Safety Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy
指導教授(外文):Chang, Yu-Wei
口試委員(外文):Nan, Fan-HuaYou, Shu-HanThai, Huey-JineSu, Nan-WeiPan, Bonnie-Sun
外文關鍵詞:aquatic feed safetyFourier near infrared spectroscopyspectral quantitative model establishment
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水產品為人類攝取優良蛋白質之重要來源,而水產飼料作為水產養殖生物主要之營養來源,其生產品質及原物料來源極為重要,應做好品質控管及原物料驗收以維護其生產安全。水產飼料中,最大宗的原料為魚粉,為高蛋白含量之原料,因此極有可能成為三聚氰胺等具高含氮物質之摻偽目標,而三聚氰胺被證實是會殘留於魚體並經由食物鏈傳遞而有危害人之健康疑慮,因此本研究旨在以市售鱸魚飼料做為樣品,運用傅立葉轉換近紅外光譜建立飼料品質檢測模型以及測試三聚氰胺摻偽於魚粉之鑑定可行性。在本研究裡,化性分析項目為在食品及飼料中常見的檢測指標,如酸價、揮發性鹽基態氮等以及針對初期油脂氧化測定方法如過氧化價,次級油脂氧化測定方法如硫代巴比妥酸價、茴香胺價,並將所有分析結果結合傅立葉轉換近紅外光譜以最小平方回歸算法(Partial least squares regression, PLS)建立定量模型。研究結果顯示,硫代巴比妥酸價、茴香胺價之定量模型相關性分別為0.7707、0.8156,從光譜結果來看,C=C(4673)、S-H(5747)、C=O(5263)、C-H(5785)為與化性分析結果較相關之波鋒段。而三聚氫胺摻偽鑒定則是將含有0.1%–10%三聚氰胺的魚粉以PLS做定量模型,所建立出之定量模型相關性高達0.9999,最低可區分之檢測限值為0.5 %。藉由本篇研究結果將可實現水產飼料品質及原物料摻偽之快速檢測,未來可應用於水產飼料生產品質控管技術以提升整體食品供應鏈之安全。
Aquatic products are an important source of good protein for humans, and feed as the main source of nutrients for aquaculture should be quality controlled to maintain the safety of the production. Fish meal, as main ingredient in aquatic feed is with high protein content, so it is very likely to be an adulteration target for high-nitrogen substances such as melamine. Melamine has been confirmed to remain in the fish and passed through the food chain. This research investigated the commercial sea bass food as an example using Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy to establish aquatic feed quality detection model and test the feasibility of melamine adulteration in fish meal. Chemical property analysis methods were commonly applicated in detection of feed and fish meal including acid value, volatile salt base nitrogen, etc., as well as initial oil oxidation measurement methods such as peroxide value (POV), and secondary oil oxidation measurement methods such as 2-thiobarbituric acid reacting substances test (TBARS), p-anisidine value (p-AnV). All the analysis results combined with Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy to establish a quantitative model with the partial least squares regression (PLS). The results of quantitative model showed that correlations of TBARS and p-AnV are 0.7707 and 0.8156, respectively. From the spectra results, C=C (4673), S-H (5747), C=O (5263), CH (5785) were relevant to the chemical property analysis. The identification of adulteration of melamine was based on the quantitative model of fish meal containing 0.1%–10% melamine with PLS. The correlation of the established quantitative model is 0.9999, and the minimum detection limit is 0.5%. In summary, the results of this study will enable rapid detection of aquatic feed quality and adulteration of main ingredient which can be applied to gproduction quality control to enhance the safety of the food supply chain.
貳、文獻回顧 6
一、水產飼料介紹 6
(一)常見的水產飼料原料組成 6
(二)飼料生產製程 7
(三)水產飼料中的油脂 7
(四)生物危害 10
三、水產飼料安全管制及法規規範 12
(一)針對水產飼料生產所立定之法規及認證制度 13
四、常見之化性分析方法探討 14
(一)常見之品質測定指標特性 14
(二)儀器分析 15
參、實驗架構 18
一、飼料品質分析 18
二、魚粉品質與三聚氰胺檢測 19
肆、實驗材料與方法 20
一、材料與試藥 20
(一)樣品 20
(二)試藥 20
二、實驗方法與流程 20
(一)一般成分分析 20
(二)高溫儲藏試驗 20
(三)品質化性分析 21
(四)傅立葉近紅外光譜品質檢測定量模型建立 27
(三)魚粉摻偽測定 28
伍、結果與討論 30
一、一般成分分析 30
二、化性分析結果探討及定量模型指標選擇 30
三、脂肪酸分析 32
四、飼料光譜結果結合不同溫層之儲藏試驗結果比對 32
五、高溫加速儲藏對化性結果之影響探討 33
六、魚粉光譜結果結合不同溫層之儲藏試驗結果比對 33
七、三聚氰胺摻偽魚粉檢測 34
陸、結論 35
柒、未來展望 36
捌、參考文獻 37
玖、圖表 42
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