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研究生(外文):Cheng, Ying-Tzu
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Microwave Vacuum Drying Applications on the Quality of Banana (Musa spp.) Chips
指導教授(外文):Chang, Yu-Wei
口試委員(外文):Ciou, Jhih-YingCheng, Kuan-ChenTsai, Min LangSung, Wen-ChiehChen, Guan-Wen
外文關鍵詞:bananamicrowave-vacuum dryingcombined dryingporositycrispness
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香蕉營養價值高且風味獨特,但高含水量的特性使香蕉容易腐敗,故如何延長保存期限更顯重要。乾燥是常見的香蕉加工方式;但傳統熱風乾燥所需時間長,更造成產品顏色、外觀及質地改變;因此本研究以熱風乾燥 (Hot-air dry, HAD)、冷凍乾燥 (Freeze-dry, FD)、微波真空乾燥 (Microwave-vacuum dry, MVD) 及冷凍複合微波真空乾燥 (FD / MVD) 等技術製作香蕉片,探討乾燥條件與水溶液浸泡對香蕉片酵素活與物理性質之影響,以及乾燥香蕉片之感官接受度。乾燥香蕉片水活性控制在 0.2–0.4 間,FD 所需乾燥時間最長約 1680 min;MVD 組乾燥時間最短約 80 min,而兩組 FD / MVD 與 FD 相比縮短約 4–7 倍。兩種褐變酵素相對活性以 FD 組為最低,分別 19.25% 及 4.72%,而 MVD 組中浸泡鹽水後酵素活性明顯降低; b* 值受乾燥條件影響較大,其中 MVD 浸水容液組相較於未浸泡組其 L*、a*、b* 皆下降,且 b* 下降幅度最大,而 FD 與 HAD 組之 ΔE* 分別為 22.14 及 33.44,顯示兩者與新鮮香蕉色差最大。體積密度以 FD 20 / MVD 為最低,HAD為最高,顯示 HAD 在乾燥後明顯皺縮,且在橫截面圖可以發現其不具有孔洞,因此復水能力最差。MVD 組硬度及脆度為最高,且經水溶液浸泡後,脆度略微下降但無顯著差異,而 HAD 組硬度及脆度皆最低。整體接受度而言,除 HAD 外,其餘組別得分皆高於 5 分且沒有顯著差異,顯示不同乾燥條件有其市場性。綜合上述 FD / MVD 不僅能減少乾燥時間、提供較佳之物化性質,顯示 FD / MVD 在食品工業具有發展潛力。
Banana (Musa spp.) has high nutritional value and unique flavor, but it is perishable because of its high moisture content. Therefore, to extend the shelf life of the banana is an essential issue. Drying is the most common technique in the process of prolonging shelf life. Hot-air convention dry required a long period of drying time and also caused the change of color, appearance, and texture tremendously. With the improvement of the drying technique recently, the product quality elevated. The purpose of this study was to dry the banana by using hot-air dry (HAD), freeze-dry (FD), microwave-vacuum dry (MVD), and freeze-dry combine microwave-vacuum dry (FD / MVD) to investigate the influence of different drying conditions on enzyme activity, physical properties, and sensory acceptability. The water activity of the banana chips manipulates within 0.2-0.4. The drying time of the FD group is the longest about 1680 min and the MVD group is shortest around 80 min. Compared with the FD group, the drying time of FD / MVD groups reduce remarkably around 4–7 folds, respectively. The polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxide (POD) relative enzyme activity of the FD group is the lowest, which is 19.25% and 4.27%, respectively. Moreover, the relative activity of the MVD treated with a sodium chloride solution is apparently lower than the other two MVD groups. In the color analysis, the drying conditions are more influential on b* value. In comparison, the L*, a*, and b* value decreased in MVD solution pretreatment, noticeably the greatest drop inspect in b* value. The ΔE* value of the FD and HAD is 22.14 and 33.44 individually which shows the color difference between these two and the fresh banana is significant. The bulk density of FD 20 / MVD is the highest and HAD is the lowest which indicates severed volume shrinkage occurs in HAD, and there is no pores observed from the cross-section structure, therefore, the rehydration capacity is the poorest. MVD gets the highest hardness and crispness, however, after immersing in solutions the crispness slightly decreased but no significant difference. Aside from HAD, the scores of the rest groups are higher than 5 and there is no significant difference between other groups which means that different drying methods have development potential. In summary, FD / MVD not only can reduce the drying time, but also can provide better physical and chemical properties which indicates that FD / MVD has the development potential in the food industry.
壹、 前言 1
貳、 文獻回顧 3
一、 香蕉簡介 3
1. 分布與產值 3
2. 常見栽培種 3
3. 香蕉熟成指標 6
4. 營養價值 9
5. 香蕉相關加工製品 9
二、 水活性對保存之影響 10
三、 乾燥對產品品質之影響 11
1. 乾燥技術 11
2. 乾燥與品質 15
四、 抑制褐變 17
1. 非酵素性褐變 17
2. 酵素性褐變 18
參、 實驗架構 19
肆、 材料與方法 20
一、 實驗材料 20
二、 實驗方法 20
1. 一般成分分析 20
2. 乾燥方法 20
3. 水活性 22
4. 顏色分析 22
5. 物性測定 22
6. 復水能力測定 22
7. 酵素活性測定 23
8. 體積密度 24
9. 電子掃描顯微鏡 25
10. 感官品評 25
11. 統計分析 25
伍、 結果與討論 26
陸、 結論 32
柒、 未來研究方向 33
捌、 參考文獻 34
玖、 附錄 55
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