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研究生(外文):Li, Ya-Zhu
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Various Types of Disaccharides on Quality Characteristics of Vegan Jerky
指導教授(外文):Chang, Cheng-Ming
口試委員(外文): Chang, Cheng-Ming
外文關鍵詞:texturized vegetable proteinFTIRdisaccharidevegan jerkywater activity
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隨著素食人口增加,由組織化植物蛋白(Texturized Vegetable Protein, TVP)製成之人造肉食品的需求也逐漸增加,然而TVP二次加工製成素肉乾時,因藉由熱風乾燥以去除水分,卻導致素肉乾過於乾燥,質地乾硬產品接受度低等問題。因此,本研究以薄片狀組織化蛋白作為實驗樣品,添加不同濃度(15、20、25%)之蔗醣(Sucrose, S)、麥芽糖(Maltose, M)及海藻糖(Trehalose, T)作為保濕劑於醃製液中,經熱風乾燥後製成素肉乾產品,改善產品質地乾硬的問題,並以水活性及玻璃轉化溫度為食品安全儲藏之理論描述水分含量、水活性與溫度間的關係,並藉由傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜儀(Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, FTIR)測定產品之特定官能基吸收波峰,以探討醣類與水及蛋白質之交互作用。
結果顯示,添加不同濃度雙醣製成的素肉乾產品,其水分含量為18~20%且各處理組間無顯著性差異,水活性以S-25為最低(0.719±0.03),添加不同濃度麥芽糖及海藻糖之水活性結果則無顯著性差異。產品質地剖面分析測定結果顯示硬度以M-20最硬,聚合性以T-25最差,彈性以T-15最佳,凝膠強度各組別無顯著性差異,咀嚼性則以S-15最低;品評以硬度為指標,結果顯示T-25質地最軟。色差值以添加20%蔗糖為標準品,各組別均無顯著性差異。於玻璃轉化溫度測定結果顯示,添加海藻糖之素肉乾玻璃轉化溫度最低,此外,由T-20之GAB model等溫吸附線模型與Gordon-Taylor model狀態圖,對比水活性及玻璃轉化理論,發現水活性理論較適合用於預測素肉乾儲存穩定性。於FTIR吸收光譜測定中,可得知蔗糖與水的交互作用力較強,而麥芽糖及海藻糖則會因濃度上升,並形成分子間或分子內的氫鍵,因此降低與水的交互作用力,另外,添加高濃度蔗糖與麥芽糖則會因與蛋白質結合位點達飽和,而導致單層水分含量增加。
With the increase in the vegetarian population, the demand for meat analogue products made from texturized vegetable protein (TVP) has increased. TVP is processed into vegan jerky by hot air drying to remove moisture which causes a tough texture, making the vegan jerky too dry and inferior to acceptance. Therefore, in this study, three disaccharides, sucrose (S), maltose (M) and trehalose (T) at three concentration, 15, 20, and 25%, were used as humectants added to marinade and dried with hot air to make vegan jerky that were aimed to improve the softened texture of the product. Water activity (Aw) and glass transition temperature were measured to define the relationship between water content, water activity and temperature. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was measured to investigate specific functional groups of the product involving interaction between sugars, water and proteins.
Results showed that all treatments have moisture between 18-20%. S-25 had the lowest Aw, 0.719, while no significant differences were found among M and T groups. M-20 resulted in the hardest in texture. The sensory evaluation results showed that T-25 has the softest texture. And there is no significant difference among all treatments in color difference analysis. The water activity theory in combining with glass transition temperature are more suitable for predicting the storage stability of vegan jerky than GAB model and Gordon-Taylor model. FTIR suggested that the interaction force between S and water is the strongest. However, with the increased concentration of M and T, which formed intermolecular or intramolecular hydrogen bonds, resulted in weakening interaction of them with water. Furthermore, addition of high concentrations of S and M will saturate the binding sites with proteins, which then, increase the monolayer’s moisture content.
Adding 15-20% sucrose is the best marinade for vegan jerky. Its moisture content and water activity meet the standards of intermediate moisture foods, and its texture and color are good and cost-effective. On the other hand, due to sucrose is easier to form hydrogen bond with water, so the ability to reduce water activity is better. While maltose and trehalose are easy to form intramolecular hydrogen bonds and bind with proteins, so the ability to reduce water activity is poor than sucrose.
摘要 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
壹、前言 1
貳、文獻整理 2
一、 組織化植物蛋白 2
(一) 定義 2
(二) 製造方法 2
(三) 素肉之品質指標 2
(四) 素肉之質地結構 3
二、 中濕性食品 3
(一) 等溫吸濕曲線 4
(二) 蔗糖對食品品質特性之影響 7
(三) 麥芽糖對食品品質特性之影響 7
(四) 海藻糖對食品品質特性之影響 8
三、 醣類與水及蛋白質的交互作用 8
(一) 交互作用型式 8
(二) 交互作用測定方法 8
四、 乾燥食品之玻璃轉化溫度 9
(一) 玻璃轉化溫度對乾燥食品之影響 9
(二) 影響玻璃轉化溫度因素 9
(三) 玻璃轉化溫度曲線模擬 10
(四) 玻璃轉化溫度測定方法 10
五、 質地剖面分析 11
參、研究目的與架構 12
一、 研究目的 12
二、 研究架構 13
肆、研究材料與方法 14
一、 實驗材料 14
二、 實驗藥品及設備 14
三、 素肉乾製品製作 15
四、 產品分析項目 15
(一) 水分(Moisture)測定 15
(二) 水活性(Water Activity)測定 15
(三) 素肉乾質地剖面分析 15
(四) 素肉乾硬度品評 15
(五) 色澤測定 15
(六) 等溫吸附線 16
(七) 玻璃轉化溫度測定 16
(八) FTIR測定 16
(九) 統計分析 16
伍、結果與討論 17
一、 醃漬液可溶性固形物測定 17
二、 素肉乾水分及水活性測定 17
(一) 水分含量 17
(二) 水活性含量 17
三、 素肉乾質地剖面分析 18
四、 素肉乾硬度品評 19
五、 素肉乾色澤測定 19
六、 素肉乾等溫吸附線 20
七、 素肉乾玻璃轉化溫度測定 22
(一) 玻璃轉化溫度結果 22
(二) Gordon-Taylor model曲線 24
八、 素肉乾FTIR測定 25
(一) -OH官能基測定 25
(二) δ(CH2)/δ(HOH)吸收峰強度比 26
(三) δ(CH2)/δ(COH)醣苷鍵吸收峰強度比 26
(四) 醣類與蛋白質交互作用測定 26
九、 相關性分析 27
十、 成本效益分析 28
陸、結論 29
柒、參考文獻 30
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