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研究生(外文):Hsu, Chen, Chia
論文名稱(外文):Typhoon real-time rainfall prediction using artificial intelligencecombine with radar reflectivity
指導教授(外文):Wei, Chih-Chiang
口試委員(外文):Yeh, Nan-ChingTsai, Chia-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:typhoonrainfallradarmachine learningprediction
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在本次研究中開發了一種即時的颱風侵台期間降雨預測模型,用於即時預報未來1、3、6小時內降雨狀況。本研究利用Marshall-Palmer Z-R Relationship和人工智慧法的監督式機器學習演算法,主要包含Linear Regression、Support Vectror Regression(SVR)、Extreme Gradient Boosting(XGB)等。由於雷達回波強度對於颱風降雨雨量估算有高度的相關性,因此本研究模式輸入資料主要有雷達回波因子和地面氣象觀測值作為模型輸入變量之一。本研究設計了兩個演算階段以實現降雨預測,第一階段為降雨反演模式的建立,本階段為分別對各雷達回波仰角進行建模,以便了解逐時段最適合的雷達回波仰角;在第二階段中,本研究進行降雨預測模式建立,本階段再利用第一階段之最適雷達回波仰角資訊作為預測模式建模之基礎,再將之結合地面氣象資訊以建立降雨預測模式。
Taiwan is located at the tropical convergence zone on the west side of the Pacific Ocean. Its geographical position is about 22° to 25° north latitude and 120° to 122° east longitude. It is frequently affected by typhoons between summer and autumn, and is affected by the circulation of the subtropical high. Underneath, it is easy to cause extreme weather and bring strong winds and strong rains. Rainfall is also causing floods, landslides, earth and rock flows and other disasters. The purpose of this study is to develop a method for predicting the future rainfall pattern, to grasp the future rainfall data to achieve the prediction function, so that the research area can timely respond to the measures, reduce the threat to life and property and facilitate the planning of outdoor activities.
In this study, an instantaneous rainfall prediction model during typhoon was developed to predict the rainfall in the future 1, 3, and 6 hours. This study uses the machine learning algorithm of artificial intelligence method, and the algorithm mainly includes Marshall-Palmer Z-R Relationship, linear regression method, regression support vector machine, XGBoost. Since radar echo intensity has a high correlation with typhoon rainfall estimation, the input data of this research model mainly includes radar echo factor and ground meteorological observation value as one of the model input variables. Two calculation stages are designed to realize rainfall prediction. The first stage is the establishment of rainfall inversion mode. In this stage, the elevation angles of each radar echo are modeled separately to understand the most suitable radar echo elevation angle. In the second stage, this study carried out the establishment of rainfall prediction mode. At this stage, the optimal radar echo elevation information of the first stage was used as the basis of prediction mode modeling, and then combined with ground meteorological information to establish a rainfall prediction mode.
The research area is Taitung, Taiwan and its outer island, Lanyu. The study collected 14 typhoon events from 2008 to 2017. These typhoon events were reported by the Central Meteorological Administration to issue typhoon warnings in the typhoon warning list or impact on the study area. The input data of this research model includes time-of-day data of meteorological stations and hourly data of Hualien meteorological radar echoes. Results show that the data set composed of surface meteorological station data and high-altitude radar intensity data and its optimum elevation angle play the role of the best mode input factor for the prediction of future rainfall state. In order to verify the practicability of the experimental model, the experimental process was simulated using three typhoons, Nibert, Morandi and Meggie in 2016. The prediction results produced by the experimental model during typhoon achieved good prediction performance, effectively predicting the rainfall results of 1, 3, and 6 hours.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 論文架構 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
第三章 研究方法 6
3.1 研究流程 6
3.2 研究模型 9
3.2.1 Marshall-Palmer Z-R Relationship 9
3.2.2線性回歸(Linear Regression) 9
3.2.3回歸支援向量機 (SVR) 9
3.2.4 Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) 9
3.3 研究工具 10
第四章 資料來源與處理 11
4.1 颱風路徑與場次篩選 11
4.2 中央氣象局局屬測站逐時觀測資料處理 13
4.3 花蓮雷達回波資料處理 16
4.4 資料集彙整 18
第五章 降雨反演模式建立與分析 19
5-1 案例設計 19
5-2 參數檢定 20
5-3 成功站模式結果 22
5-4 台東站模式結果 24
5-5 大武站模式結果 26
5-6 蘭嶼站模式結果 28
5-7 綜合評估 30
第六章 降雨預測模式建立與分析 32
6-1 最佳延遲時間決定 32
6-2 案例設計 33
6-3 案例結果 33
第七章 模擬與分析 39
7.1 NEPARTAK尼伯特颱風 40
7.1.1 預測結果 40
7.1.2 評估指標 44
7.2 MERANTI莫蘭蒂颱風 46
7.2.1 預測結果 46
7.2.2 評估指標 50
7.3 MEGI梅姬颱風 52
7.3.1 預測結果 52
7.3.2 評估指標 56
7.4 綜合評估 58
7.4.1 所有颱風的指標 58
7.4.2 雨量分級評估 62
7.4.3 比較中央氣象局預報結果 76
第八章 結論與建議 79
8-1 結論 79
8-2 建議 80
參考文獻 81

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