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研究生(外文):Pai, Yen-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):A New Global Manufacturing Supply Chain System Framework based on Blockchain and Smart Contract
指導教授(外文):Tu, Mengru
口試委員(外文):Sun, Hung-MinYeh, Chun-Chao
外文關鍵詞:BlockchainSmart ContractGlobal Manufacturing Supply ChainPetri netBPMN (business process model notation)
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The global manufacturing supply chain starts from manufacturers and expands to include suppliers and final customers on a global scale level, integrating all aspects of material, information and financial flow. It also involves many related physical businesses interactions among multinational corporations across the globe, making the integration of process ingtegration a complex task. For example, maritime logistics is a major delivery method of the global supply chain for importing and exporting goods across different countries. However, supply chain inefficiencies like the lack of real-time information sharing and the obstruction of product tracking due to the complexity of administrative procedures remain a challenging issue. Participants involved in the supply chain processes mostly use incompatible system platforms, resulting in reduced trust of information and low visibility of supply chain processes.
The emergence of blockchain technology will provide novel solutions to improve the visibility of supply chain and redesign the global manufacturing supply chain process by using the features of decentralized data storage, non-tamperable database, traceability, openness, and cryptocurrency. Using the BPMN (business process model notation) and Petri net modeling methods, this study aims to redesign, verify, and and optimize the global manufacturing supply chian process while eliminate the process deadlock to enhance the security. The secured and deadlock free process can further reduce the GAS (cost of operation) of execting smart contracts. This research develops a decentralized application (DAPP) platform based on ethereum blockchain and smart contract. The DAPP integrates relevant information regarding goods such as ownership, manufacturing process, shipping and delivery across a global manufacturing supply chain. The DAPP also utilizes decentralized cryptocurrency to simplify the financial transaction processes involved in the global manufacturing supply chain and improve efficiency in overall logistics process.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 IX
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 區塊鏈(Blockchain) 4
2.1.1 密碼學介紹 4
2.1.2 區塊鏈之非對稱密碼學技術 5
2.1.3 區塊結構之區塊本體 6
2.1.4 區塊資料儲存Markle技術 7
2.1.5 區塊鏈結構之鏈結介紹 8
2.1.6 區塊鏈共識概論 12
2.1.7 區塊鏈類型 9
2.1.8 區塊鏈發展趨勢 10
2.2 智能合約(Smart Contract)概論 11
2.2.1 以太坊(Ethereum)介紹 12
2.2.2 智能合約與以太坊的交互 13
2.2.3 以太坊實作智能合約:Solidity語言 14
2.3 去中心化應用程式(Decentralized Application, DAPP) 15
2.3.1 DAPP與傳統中心化應用程式的差異 16
2.4 區塊鏈金融交易之加密貨幣錢包介紹 17
2.4.1 加密錢包概論分析以Metamask為例 18
2.5 基於區塊鏈技術之國際製造供應鏈流程探討 19
2.5.1 現今全球國際製造供應鏈面臨的挑戰與問題 19
2.5.2 基於區塊鏈技術改善全球製造供應鏈 20
2.5.3 區塊鏈重塑全球製造供應鏈流程 20
2.5.4 流程的缺陷性 26
第三章 研究方法與系統架構 28
3.1 BPMN業務流程 28
3.1.1 BPMN四種元素詳細介紹 29
3.2 斐氏網路(Petri-Net)概論 31
3.2.1斐氏網路的特質 33
3.3 BPMN映射斐氏網路模型技術概論 33
3.4 斐氏網路模型驗證 39
3.5 斐氏網路模型縮減技術概論 40
3.6 Solidity模組編譯規則 42
3.7 環境建立 42
3.7.1 Ganache安裝與解釋 43
3.7.2 Metamask安裝與解釋 44
3.7.3 Node.js安裝與解釋 46
3.7.4 Truffle安裝與解釋 47
3.7.5 Web3.js安裝與解釋 51
3.8 系統架構 52
第四章 個案研究分析 54
4.1 智能合約建構 54
4.1.1 縮減與融合規則優化PN模型 54
4.1.2 買方流程智能合約設計分析 58
4.1.3 供應商流程智能合約設計分析 61
4.1.4 3PL智能合約設計分析 65
4.1.5 進出口海關智能合約設計分析 74
4.2 去中心化應用程式案例設計 76
4.3 去中心化應用程式案例展示 78
4.3.1 去中心化應用程式案例之軟體測試 80
4.3.2 全球供應鏈中買方、供應商、第三方物流商與海關完整互動流程DAPP功能實作(Use Case.1) 82
4.3.3 供應商提前與延後交貨功能實作展示(Use Case.2) 101
4.3.4 買方跨鏈確認產品履歷功能實作展示(Use Case.3) 105
4.3.5 特殊狀況功能實作展示(Use Case.4) 111
第五章 效益分析與結論 117
5.1 流程效益分析 117
5.2 智能合約GAS花費效率分析 119
5.3 結論與未來研究方向 120
參考文獻 122
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