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研究生(外文):Chen, Po-An
論文名稱(外文):Influence of Operation Characteristics and Alternatives on Passenger Loyalties for the Taiwan National Low-cost Carrier
指導教授(外文):Lu, Hua-An
口試委員(外文):Chen, Fang-YuanLin, Hsiu-Fen
外文關鍵詞:Low-cost CarriersOperation Characteristics and AlternativesPassenger SatisfactionPassenger LoyaltyPartial Least SquaresMulti-group Analysis
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低成本航空(Low Cost Carrier, LCC)經營模式日趨穩定,並擁有一定的市場佔有率和吸引力。本研究探討影響旅客選擇我國唯一國籍低成本航空,臺灣虎航之關鍵因素,首先從經營觀點切入,蒐羅票價促銷、費用組合、異業合作、航線航點、知覺感受、服務補救、滿意度與忠誠度等構面之相關文獻,並綜整臺灣虎航本身營運的基本層面特質,再將旅客實際會接觸到的方案融入調查問卷當中,透過臺灣虎航公司三位專業人士的檢視與建議,設計出為臺灣虎航量身打造的構面與問項。統計數據方面,本研究應用PLS-SEM 結構方程模式,剖析各構面和滿意度、忠誠度間的關聯性,並驗證評估模型的實用性與可行性,另就不同背景旅客進行分群分析,除了全體受訪者,更將資料以搭機經驗和是否為企業會員做更深入探討。

tiger club類群顯示其願意再度購買臺灣虎航之機票,往後虎航可在tiger club會員計畫中給予更多專屬方案,除提升旅客在行為忠誠上的黏著度外,也增加更多吸引旅客加入tiger club之誘因;六次LCC以上搭乘經驗者類群其航線航點會直接影響旅客忠誠度,藉此虎航可以再深入追蹤旅客偏好旅遊的目的地和起降時間,搭配本身現有航線的營運狀況和航班時刻表,評估是否需要做出航點或時間帶的調整,從而吸引競爭對手之顧客;六次虎航以上搭乘經驗類群與眾不同之處為費用組合對滿意度有正向顯著影響,顯示該類群旅客會衡量自身需求選擇購買不同項目,藉此虎航可以進一步調查偏好購買的單項或組合,比對目前上市的商品是否符合其實際需求,評估有無需要改善之處,進而保留現有客群。此研究結果可提供臺灣虎航公司瞭解實際營運層面的調整與推出的特殊方案對旅客產生之效果為何,以利後續進行差異行銷運用和規劃改善策略時之參考。
Low-cost Carriers (LCCs) has been a stable business model with a certain market share and attractiveness. This study aims to explore if the operation characteristics and alternatives of Tigerair Taiwan influence passengers’ satisfaction and further affect the passengers’ loyalties. Firstly, conducts literature review is about the critical factors of LCCs, including “price promotion”, “combo fare”, “cross-industry cooperation”, “flight schedule and route”, “perceived value”, “service failure and recover”, “satisfaction” and “loyalty”. Secondly, use the actual scheme into the questionnaire. Through the inspection and suggestions of three managers from Tigerair Taiwan, the specialized dimensions and questions were used in the structural equation model (SEM) and the partial least squares method were used to analyze data from 500 passengers. In addition, the data will be divided into multi groups by different fly experience and whether tiger club membership or not.

The promotion has successfully attracted the majority of passengers to purchase flight tickets. In addition to focus on lower fares, passengers are also aware of how Tigerair Taiwan helps them handle their trips after service failures. And all of them attach importance to the flight route, schedule and punctuality rate. General public will consider many reasons about fly with Tigerair Taiwan, such as “flight schedule and route”, “perceived value” and “service failure and recover”. These three operation characteristics influence passengers’ satisfaction a lot. That’s means in addition to offering cheaper tickets to attract more passengers, it can also create new customer by improving service, flight schedules and exclusive destinations. The tiger club group is willing to buy Tigerair Taiwan tickets again. Tigerair Taiwan can offer more exclusive programs in the tiger club membership in the future. In addition to enhancing the behavioral loyalty of passengers, it also adds more incentives to attract passengers to join the tiger club. Loyalty will be directly affected by the flight schedule and route of the passengers with more than six LCCs experience. Satisfaction will be directly affected by the combo fare of the passengers with more than six Tigerair Taiwan experience. These results provide Tigerair Taiwan to understand the effect of special program on the passengers in the actual operation. And the findings of this research could be beneficial for airlines setting up their differentiated marketing strategies in the future.
謝辭 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目次 IV
圖目次 VI
表目次 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 3
1.3研究方法與流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1航空公司服務品質要素 5
2.2選擇搭乘低成本航空之影響因素 7
2.3航空公司營運特質 9
2.3.1票價促銷 12
2.3.2異業合作 14
2.3.3費用組合 14
2.3.4航線航點 15
2.3.5知覺感受 17
2.3.6服務補救 18
2.4旅客滿意度與忠誠度 19
第三章 研究設計 21
3.1研究架構與假設 21
3.2研究變項與問卷設計 22
3.3抽樣與問卷回收 25
3.4信效度分析 29
3.5結構方程模式與偏最小平方法 31
第四章 實證分析與討論 35
4.1敘述性統計 35
4.2研究假設驗證 44
4.2.1 PLS Algorithm計算 44
4.2.2 PLS Bootstrapping計算 47
4.3中介效果暨影響強度 49
4.4綜合討論 50
第五章 分群分析 52
5.1 tiger club 52
5.2擁有六次以上臺灣虎航搭乘經驗 56
5.3擁有六次以上LCC搭乘經驗 60
5.4小結 64
第六章 結論與建議 67
6.1研究結果與實務意涵 67
6.2未來研究建議 70
參考文獻 71
附錄 77

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