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研究生(外文):Chen, Nai-Chi
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Yu-Shiuan
口試委員(外文):Huang, Chung-YuanLee, Chao-HsienChen, Kuan-Wen
外文關鍵詞:deep learninglong-distance perspective analysissingle cameraobserved objectsOpenPosehead image
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In recent years, the emergence of various deep learning neural network architectures and the rapid advancement of hardware computing capabilities have driven the rapid development of computer vision and applied computer vision technology to many different fields, such as face recognition, object detection, vehicle tracking, Street view analysis, etc. In this study, we use OpenPose to capture facial and facial features nodes, create a data set and label it, and finally bring into the neural network model we created. The purpose is to predict the direction of the person's line of sight from the face and facial features nodes, and finally add object detection technology to calculate the object that the person is observing. After implementing this method, we found that this method can correctly estimate the objects that the character is observing. In the situation where multiple lenses can obtain more information, the effect will be better than that of a single lens, which can more accurately estimate the objects being observed.
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
圖目錄 vi
第一章 研究背景 1
第二章 研究動機 3
1.視線方向推算的應用與物品辨識 3
2.與無人機的結合應用 3
3.商店中的應用 3
4.居家安全的應用 3
第三章 文獻回顧 4
1.人體姿態評估 4
1.1 Pose Machine 4
1.2 Convolutional pose machines (CPM) 5
1.3 Openpose 架構 6
2.視線方向檢測 8
2.1 遙測式眼動儀 8
2.2 頭戴式眼動儀 9
2.3 使用一般鏡頭 9
2.4 A Single Camera Eye-Gaze Tracking System with Free Head Motion 10
2.5 Head pose estimation 11
2.6 Head pose estimation(2) 12
2.7 Appearance-based gaze estimation 13
3.物件偵測 14
3.1 R-CNN 14
3.2 Fast R-CNN 14
3.3 Faster R-CNN 15
3.4 You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection 16
3.5 YOLO9000:Better,Faster,Stronger 19
3.6 YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement 21
第四章 研究方法 23
1.硬體架構說明 23
2.研究流程與演算法介紹 24
2.1 影像輸入(Image Input) 24
2.2 相機校正(Camera Calibration) 25
2.3 抓取臉部節點(Openpose Face node Output) 26
2.4 訓練神經網路模型(Neural Network) 29
2.5 模型感興趣區域(Region of Interest) 30
2.6 模型結合物件偵測(Gaze predict + YOLO Object detection) 31
2.7 多鏡頭交集(Multiple Camera Intersection) 32
2.8 視角內物件偵測(Gaze Object Detection) 32
3.實驗設計 33
3.1 Openpose距離能力測試 33
3.2 Openpose角度能力測試 38
3.3 神經網路測試 42
3.4 視角偵測模型測試 43
3.5 視角偵測模型結合物件偵測 45
第五章 結論 49
參考文獻 50
附錄 52
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