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研究生(外文):Tien, Yu-Chuan
論文名稱(外文):A Road Marking Damage Assessment System Based on Dashboard CameraVideo
指導教授(外文):Leu, Shao-Wei
口試委員(外文):Chang, Shun-HsyungJan, Gene-EuDeng, I-ChungLeu, Shao-Wei
外文關鍵詞:road marking damage detectiondeep learningimage processingroad maintenance reporting system
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Damaged or smeared road markings are potential threats to traffic safety. However, in most cases, the inspection and reporting of these road conditions still heavily rely on labor-intensive and time-consuming operations by human maintenance crew. To speed up the process and lower the operating cost, this thesis proposes a crowd-reporting platform which accepts dashboard camera videos with GPS records uploaded by the general public. By utilizing deep learning and image processing techniques, our system can identify six types of most common road markings recorded in the videos and calculate the ratio of damage for each individual mark. If the damage ratio of a road mark exceeds a predefined threshold, the image of that mark and damage ratio will be tagged on the electronic map to greatly facilitate the planning of road maintenance.
Our system has been tested with a collection of dash board camera videos containing 1913 human-identifiable road marks. The overall successful rate of recognition is 75% and the margin of error in damage ratio calculation ranges from 5 to 15%, depending on the weather condition and severity of damage. Test results also reveal that cloudy and partly cloudy sky provide best lighting for recognition, while smudged road surfaces and severely worn-out markings negatively impact the system’s ability and accuracy of recognition.
致謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究方法 2
1.3 相關研究 3
1.3.1 車道偵測 3
1.3.2 物件偵測 3
1.3.3 巡查管理系統 4
1.4 論文內容概要 4
第二章 背景知識 5
2.1 影像灰階 5
2.2 RGB色彩空間 5
2.3 HSV色彩空間 6
2.4 關注區域 6
2.5 霍夫曼直線轉換 7
2.6 Otsu二值化 9
2.7 Canny邊緣檢測 10
2.7.1 高斯模糊 10
2.7.2 Sobel梯度偵測 12
2.7.3 非最大值抑制法 13
2.7.4 上下限門檻邊緣判斷 13
2.8 YOLO 14
2.9 曲線擬合 16
第三章 系統實作 17
3.1 YOLO標線識別 18
3.1.1 模型訓練 18
3.1.2 監督式自動labeling 23
3.1.3 辨識標線與影像擷取 24
3.2 影像前處理 26
3.2.1 亮度均衡化 26
3.2.2 影像篩選 28
3.2.3 非標線圖形剃除 30
3.3 線段歸類與推測標線 31
3.3.1 直行箭頭 32
3.3.2 轉彎箭頭 33
3.3.3 直行與轉彎箭頭 35
3.3.4 虛線處理方式 36
3.3.5 座標連線與標線繪製 37
3.4 破損程度分析 38
3.4.1 遮罩建立 38
3.4.2 面積校正 39
3.4.3 破損程度閾值 39
3.4.4 破損率計算 41
3.5 前後端使用者介面 41
3.5.1 前端使用者介面 41
3.5.2 後端使用者面 45
第四章 實驗結果 48
4.1 實驗設備與環境 48
4.2 偵測結果 50
4.2.1 破損率計算結果驗證 50
4.2.2 標線辨識結果 57
4.3 結果與討論 65
第五章 結論與未來發展 66
參考文獻 67
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