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研究生(外文):Wang, Tzu-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Study on Storage Strategy with Handling Operations of Embankment and Straight Container Terminals
指導教授(外文):Wu, Ching-Tsyr
口試委員(外文):Chou, Chien-ChangJong, Tain-Chyuan
外文關鍵詞:EmbankmentStorage StrategyStraightSimulation SystemDouble Cycling
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本研究使用FlexSim CT港埠模擬系統進行模擬。分別以船席作業績效指標與儲區作業績效指標;在船席作業績效指標與儲區作業績效指標中各取三種指標。船席作業績效指標為分別平均船席佔有時間、平均等候百分率、橋式起重機淨裝卸量。儲區作業績效指標為門式起重機平均等候時間、門式起重機作業忙碌率與門式起重機每小時淨裝卸量作為評估指標。將結果分為四類進行分析:凸堤型碼頭與直線型碼頭之比較、混合存放策略與分類存放策略之比較、有無一裝一卸之雙循環裝卸模式之比較及船席長度之比較。
This study is mainly discussing about the embankment container terminals and straight container terminals. There are twelve different kinds of cases, discussing how to use the most efficiency way to store the containers. The length of the berth in embankment and straight container terminals divided into 750, 900 and 1,200 meters, using mixed storage strategy and separate storage strategy to simulate into twelve different kinds of cases. In the other hand, handling operations are separated into using double cycling or not into the simulation.
This study uses FlexSim CT to simulate all programs and contained two results, separated into berth operating efficiency index and resources operating efficiency index. In berth operating efficiency index, we choose average berth occupancy, gantry crane working percent rate and gantry crane net moves per hour. In resources operating efficiency index, we chose rubber-tired gantry crane average wait time, rubber-tired gantry crane percent busy and rubber-tired gantry crane net moves per hour. In the end, we analyze the results and categorized into three groups. Embankment quayside compared with straight quayside, mixed storage strategy compared with separated storage strategy, using double cycling or not.
The result shows that in berth operating efficiency index, the straight quayside using double cycling and also using the mixed storage strategy has the best result. There are two reasons show that straight container terminals will be more efficiency than embankment container terminals. The first main reason is because the gantry crane can support to another quayside and made the truck’s waiting time shorter. The second reason is that the most efficiency method uses the mixed storage strategy. On the other hand, in the resources operating efficiency index, the best result is the straight quayside using separate storage strategy and not using double cycling. There are also two main reasons. First, in the embankment quayside, every quayside can berth ships in every side and the roads are closer to the blocks so the trucks moving distance is shorter that straight. Second, in separate storage strategy, when the trucks deliver inbound container, the trucks can leave the blocks immediately and go to the next block to deliver the outbound container. In the other hand, if its mixed storage strategy, when the trucks deliver the inbound container to the blocks, it still need to wait for the yard crane to search for the outbound container, it may cause the yard crane’s workload increase and the efficiency will decrease, also the trucks waiting time will increase much more. Thus, the truck’s waiting time and the yard crane’s working efficiency are the most important factor that influence the yard’s is efficiency or not.
Summarize all the factors above, different kinds of quayside suit different kinds of storage strategy. However, using the right strategy in the suitable quayside is the purpose of this study. How to use each resources and each blocks in the right way are the most important issues for the container terminals.
摘要 I
圖目次 V
表目次 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究方法 2
1.4 研究範圍與限制 2
1.5 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1貨櫃碼頭系統模擬分析之相關文獻 6
2.2貨櫃碼頭績效指標分析之相關文獻 9
2.3貨櫃碼頭作業系統分析之相關文獻 13
2.4相關文獻總結 16
第三章 研究方法 17
3.1貨櫃碼頭模擬系統 17
3.1.1船席配置子系統 17
3.1.2堆積場配置子系統 19
3.1.3管制站配置子系統 22
3.2貨櫃碼頭模擬績效指標 22
3.3模擬次數統計驗證 23
第四章 貨櫃碼頭作業配置 25
4.1貨櫃碼頭裝卸型態與船席配置模式 25
4.1.1貨櫃碼頭裝卸型態 25
4.1.2貨櫃碼頭船席配置模式 25
4.1.3櫃種代號 32
4.1.4船舶船型之設定 33
4.1.5船舶貨艙櫃種配置 33
4.1.6船期安排示意圖 35
4.1.7儲區貨櫃存放之設定 37
第五章 貨櫃碼頭作業模式績效評估 39
5.1 模擬結果分析與評估 39
5.2 船席作業績效指標評估之結果比較分析 39
5.2.1船席作業績效指標-直線型碼頭與凸堤型碼頭之結果比較分析 39
5.2.2船席作業績效指標-混合存放策略和分類存放策略之結果比較分析 40
5.2.3船席作業績效指標-一裝一卸之雙循環裝卸模式結果比較分析 41
5.2.4船席長度之結果比較分析 41
5.3儲區作業績效指標評估之結果比較分析 42
5.3.1儲區作業績效指標-直線型碼頭與凸堤型碼頭之結果比較分析 42
5.3.2儲區作業績效指標-混合存放策略和分類存放策略之結果比較分析 43
5.3.3儲區作業績效指標-一裝一卸之雙循環裝卸模式結果比較分析 44
5.3.4儲區作業績效指標-船席長度之結果比較分析 44
5.4小結 45
第六章 結論與建議 46
6.1結論 46
6.1.1船席作業績效評估結果 46
6.1.2儲區作業績效評估結果 50
6.2建議 51
參考文獻 52
一、 中文文獻 52
二、 英文文獻 53
附錄一 貨櫃配置圖 54
1. 方案1-1-1 凸堤型750公尺混和存放策略 54
2. 方案1-1-2 凸堤型750公尺分類存放策略 57
3. 方案1-2-1 直線型750公尺混和存放策略 60
4. 方案1-2-2 直線型750公尺分類存放策略 63
5. 方案2-1-1 凸堤型900公尺混和存放策略 66
6. 方案2-1-2 凸堤型900公尺分類存放策略 69
7. 方案2-2-1 直線型900公尺混和存放策略 72
8. 方案2-2-2 直線型900公尺分類存放策略 75
9. 方案3-1-1 凸堤型1,200公尺混和存放策略 78
10. 方案3-1-2 凸堤型1,200公尺分類存放策略 81
11. 方案3-2-1 直線型1,200公尺分類存放策略 84
12. 方案3-2-2 直線型1,200公尺分類存放策略 87
附錄二 船期表 90
1. 凸堤型900公尺 90
2. 凸堤型1,200公尺 90
3. 直線型900公尺 91
4. 直線型1,200公尺 91
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