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研究生(外文):LU, YU-TING
論文名稱(外文):Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis of Urban and Rural Shrinkage in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):YEH, CHIA-TSUNG
外文關鍵詞:Urban shrinkageRural shrinkageSpatial statistical analysisMultiple regression analysis
  • 被引用被引用:1
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Urban planning theories focused on rapid urbanization processes and its effects on social, economic, and environmental aspects, such as traffic congestions, housing stress, arising from the continuous expansion and growth of cities. However, there are many cities and rural areas facing a gradual decline or shrinking in population and economy due to the disadvantages of their location. These phenomena have caused structural changes in urban and rural development, and brought with many negative consequences, including population aging, declining birthrate, deteriorating quality of life, brain drain, lack of innovation ability, etc. Under the influences of globalization, the urban and rural development in Taiwan is also affected by external and internal factors, which have led to the changes in population and economic structure. Some urban and rural areas are gradually declining or shrinking. These phenomena will bring severe challenges and social costs to the entire society. Therefore, we need to propose a set of policies of urban and rural governance that are different from growth-oriented thinking in the past. Before executing the above-mentioned policies, it is necessary to find out the shrinking area, understand the characteristics and reasons of shrinkage.

A three-stages analysis was applied in this study to investigates the changes of urban and rural development patterns in Taiwan after World War II, the types and distribution of shrinking areas in the post-industrial period, and the causes of shrinkage. According to the results of the national-level analysis, the spatial pattern of population development in Taiwan has shown an uneven geographical development between northern and southern Taiwan since 1956. The districts in the southern region were the hot spots of population shrinkage. In contrast, the districts in the northern region have become the hot spots of population growth. However, the analysis of the regional-level found that there are still some shrinking areas within the overall growth area. It shows that the phenomenon of growth and shrinkage have coexisted in the same area at the same time. The growth or shrinkage of an area may be caused by the pushing and pulling forces of surrounding areas. Also, through a two-dimensional matrix analysis, Taiwan’s shrinking cities and rural areas are divided into five types. The results show that they are mainly concentrated in Miaoli County and the southern areas of Changhua County. Finally, according to the results of multiple regression analysis, the economic recession and population aging will affect the development of shrinking areas, and causing the negative effects of shrinking more serious.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍 4

第二章 文獻回顧 5
第一節 萎縮城鄉 5
第二節 萎縮城鄉之因果關係與評估指標 11
第三節 萎縮城鄉之研究面向 15
第四節 台灣城鄉之時空發展脈絡 19
第五節 小結 22

第三章 研究設計 25
第一節 研究流程 25
第二節 分析方法 37

第四章 台灣萎縮城鄉時空格局分析 43
第一節 戰後台灣城鄉時空格局分析 44
第二節 後工業化發展時期之萎縮城鄉分類 61
第三節 造成一地區萎縮之因素分析 74
第四節 分析結果綜合討論 83

第五章 結論與建議 87
第一節 結論 87
第二節 後續研究建議 88

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