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論文名稱(外文):Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility in Taiwanese Automotive Electronics Industry and General Electronics Industry
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chi-Jui
外文關鍵詞:electronics industryautomotive electronicscorporate governancecorporate performancecorporate social responsibility
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由於未來汽車產業將朝向車聯網、自動駕駛、車輛共享、電動化等方向發展,特別是在車電產值方面,全球汽車電子市場也都逐年的成長。車輛電子產業也為台灣3C 產業帶來了創造高利潤的想像空間,成為另一個令眾人有興趣的第4C(Car)產業。另外,國外原廠對於其零組件合作的廠商的公司治理及企業社會責任也都相當重視,願意嘗試購買使用電動車之消費者對於環保議題也會相對重視,因此開啟了我研究的動機。

本研究以台灣上市公司之電子業為研究對象,並劃分為二個族群,一組為已投入車用電子產業之電子公司,另一組為一般電子公司,研究期間為 2018年,採用獨立樣本T檢定來分析探討,比較分析二個族群在公司治理及社會責任方面的表現是否有所差異。實證結果發現,已投入車用電子產業之電子公司在公司治理、公司績效及人權議題方面的表現優於一般電子業,也證明從事相關多角化的企業會更重視公司治理及企業社會責任。


The global automotive electronics market is also growing year on year as the future automotive industry will move towards vehicle interconnection, self-driving, vehicle sharing, electrification, etc., especially in terms of automotive electronics output value. The vehicle electronics industry has also brought to Taiwan's 3C industry the imagination of creating high profit margins, becoming another interesting 4C (Car) industry. In addition, foreign OEMs also pay a lot of attention to the corporate governance and corporate social responsibility of their component partners, and consumers who are willing to try to buy electric vehicles also pay a lot of attention to environmental issues. Thus opening my motivation for research.
In this study, the electronics industry of listed companies in Taiwan is studied and divided into two groups, one group is the electronics companies that have entered the automotive electronics industry and the other group is the general electronics companies. The study period is 2018, and the independent sample t-test was used to analyze whether there is a difference in the performance of the two ethnic groups in terms of corporate governance and social responsibility. The empirical results show that the performance of the electronics companies that have entered the automotive electronics industry is better than that of the general electronics industry in terms of corporate governance, corporate performance and human rights issues, which also proves that the companies that are involved in the related diversification will pay more attention to corporate governance and corporate social responsibility.
In the future, the semiconductor and automotive industry chains will become more and more closely linked, and the automotive electronics industry will have more and more opportunities to cooperate with foreign companies, companies that want to join the automotive electronics industry should also pay attention to corporate governance and corporate social responsibility.

第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景
第二節 研究動機
第三節 研究目的
第四節 章節流程
第二章 文獻探討及假說之建立
第一節 車輛電子產業的現況與未來發展
第二節 公司治理及公司績效
第三節 企業社會責任
第四節 多角化
第五節 假說之建立
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構
第二節 資料定義及變數定義
第三節 分析方法
第四章 實證結果與分析
第一節 獨立樣本T檢定結果分析
第二節 假設檢定
第五章 結論與建議

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