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研究生(外文):Sheng-Jie Huang
論文名稱(外文):A Research on Security Mechanisms in Internet-of-Things
指導教授(外文):Ya-Fen Chang
外文關鍵詞:authenticationIoTInternet of ThingssignatureECCelliptic curve cryptographykey agreementInternet of DronesIoD
  • 被引用被引用:1
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Via IoT (Internet of Things), devices used in our daily life can communicate with each other. IoT is also applied to various applications such as industrial automation and eHealth. However, messages exchanged among devices are transmitted via public channels such that proper security mechanisms are required. In order to protect the security of data, digital signature and hash function are usually adopted. Rao and Prema proposed an authentication scheme in IoT by using the customized BLAKE2b hash function, c-BLAKE2b, and the elliptic curve digital signature scheme, ECDSA. They claimed that their scheme could ensure security and efficiency at the same time for IoT devices with limited computational capability. After analyzing their scheme, we find that their scheme is vulnerable to impersonation attack and replay attack. In this thesis, how the found security flaws damage Rao and Prema’s scheme are shown.
On the other hand, IoT technologies can be applied to drones to form Internet of Drones (IoD). In IoD, drones can help the government to gather or transmit data for disaster relief, investigation of terrain, military, fire detection and so on. In order to protect the security of data transmission for IoD, Zhang et al. proposed a lightweight authentication and key agreement scheme by using only XOR operation and one-way hash function to resist known attacks. They claimed that their scheme could effectively reduce communication and computation cost. After analyzing their scheme, we find that their scheme is vulnerable to compromised user anonymity, denial-of-service attack and replay attack. In this thesis, how these found security flaws threaten Zhang et al.’s scheme is shown in detail.
Table of contents...............................................iii
List of figures.................................................iv
List of tables..................................................v
Chapter 1. Introduction.........................................1
1.1 Motivation and background...................................1
1.2 Thesis organization.........................................3
Chapter 2. Review of Rao and Prema’s authentication scheme......4
2.1 Key generation phase........................................5
2.2 Registration phase..........................................5
2.3 Authentication phase........................................6
2.3.1 Signature generation process..............................6
2.3.2 Signature verification process............................7
Chapter 3. Security analysis of Rao and Prema’s scheme..........8
3.1 Impersonation attack........................................8
3.2 Replay attack...............................................10
Chapter 4. Review of Zhang et al.’s scheme......................11
4.1 Setup phase.................................................11
4.2 User registration phase.....................................13
4.3 Drone Registration phase....................................14
4.4 Authentication phase........................................15
Chapter 5. Security analysis of Zhang et al.’s scheme...........17
5.1 Vulnerability to compromised user anonymity.................17
5.2 Vulnerability to denial-of-service attack...................18
5.3 Vulnerability to replay attack..............................20
Chapter 6. Conclusions..........................................21
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