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研究生(外文):Jen-Hao Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Using Segmentation Method to Improve YOLO''s Automatic Imagic Matching Aerial Photogrammetric Target System
指導教授(外文):Fong-Ming Shyu
外文關鍵詞:TargetingPunctumYOLOConfidenceFour Spilt MethodNon-Maximum Suppression (NMS)
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In recent years, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle have been prevalent in the world and have been applied in many industries. Aerial photogrammetry using the newest measured approach to solve the inconvenient measurement previously, and return to the original features through one to one scale high precision models. However, because general aerial photogrammetry cannot control precision of models, we need to do targeting to increase accuracy and time in model development before taking the pictures. Since Image Synthesis Technology for Multi-view 3D Display appeared, numerous software can mark targeting central position correctly, and it reduce the time of artificially marked point. Nevertheless, Image Synthesis Technology still have a disadvantage, its algorithm adapts SIFT system. This mean that there must have plenty of recognizable conditions so that it can achieve high accuracy identification.

Nowadays, deep learning is the main trend that variety of industries apply; however, measurement industry has not executed any kinds of event. The reason is that related industries mainly rely on traditional measurement supplemented by Aerial photogrammetry in Taiwan. As a result, this research using object detection with deep learning to identify targeting, also to simulate mark automatically, and improve disadvantage of SILF. YOLO having fast and completed weight model; nevertheless, it bounding box function cannot achieve high frame identification for object detection. People do not need to change YOLO internal structure. Increasing efficacy by four spilt method, and removing unnecessary anchor points by Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS).
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
第一章、緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 3
1.3研究之重要性 3
1.4研究目的 4
1.5研究流程與架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1 航測標記點(Aerial Photogrammetry Target) 8
2.2 三維正射影像建置 9
2.3人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence, AI) 10
2.4 機器學習(Machine Learning, ML) 11
2.4.1 K-平均演算法 (K-means Clustering, K-means) 12
2.4.2 機器學習模型評估 13
2.5 深度學習(Deep Learning ,DL) 14
2.5.1 深度卷積網路(Convolutional Neural Networks,CNN) 15
2.5.2 深度殘差網路(Deep Residual Network,DRN) 18
2.5.3 YOLO(You Only Look Once)與Faster R-CNN 20
2.5.4 雅卡爾指數(lntersection over Union , IoU) 22
2.5.5 平均精度均值 (Mean Average Precision,mAP) 23
第三章 研究方法 24
3.1 航測參與 24
3.2 資料庫收集 26
3.3 模型架構 27
3.4改良型YOLOv3檢測介紹-四分割法 29
3.4.1 坐標說明: 29
3.4.2 處理被分割目標坐標: 30
3.4.3 四分割法驗證 31
3.5系統環境 32
3.6系統架構說明 33
3.7 蒐集PhotoScan的資料方法 35
3.7.1 文獻蒐集與使用者訪談 35
第四章 系統實作與研究結果 37
4.1 實驗步驟 37
4.2 PhotoScan刺點使用測試 39
4.2.1 因素測試1-低光源 40
4.2.2 因素測試2-水平平移 41
4.2.3 因素測試3-反光背景 42
4.2.4 因素測試2-多幾何圖形背景 43
4.2.5 PhotoScan結論 44
4.3 YOLO模型建置 46
4.3.1格式的建置說明 46
4.3.2 標籤生成 47
4.3.3 資料強化設定 47
4.3.4 訓練次數 48
4.3.5 YOLOv3低光源測試 48
4.3.6 YOLOv3的水平移動測試 50
4.3.7 YOLOv3的多幾何圖形背景測試 51
4.3.8 YOLOv3噪點測試 52
4.3.9 YOLOv3 10公尺距離測試 54
4.3.10 YOLOv3總結 56
4.4 四分割法模型建置 57
4.4.1 自定義NMS 59
4.4.2 四分割法低光源測試 60
4.4.3 四分割法水平移動測試 62
4.4.4 四分割法多幾何圖形背景測試 64
4.4.5 四分割法噪點測試 66
4.4.6 四分割法10公尺距離測試 67
4.4.7 四分割法15公尺與20公尺距離測試 69
4.4.8四分割法總結 72
4.5系統比較 73
4.5.1 模型距離系統距離比較 73
4.5.2模型效能指標比較 74
4.5.3 模型系統性能比較 75
4.5.4 辨識度比較 76
4.5.5占比率比較 77
4.5.6 實際航拍結果 77
4.5.7比較總結 81
第五章 討論 82
5.1研究限制與範圍 82
5.2 資料庫的限制 82
5.3 硬體的限制 82
5.4 標記點偵測的缺陷 83
5.5 深度學習網路架構的使用 83
5.6 四分割法改良型 83
第六章 結論與未來方向 85
文獻參考 86
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