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論文名稱(外文):Exploring Tourists\' Behavior on Hakka Village from Internal and External Cues: The Perspective of a Social Identity Theory
外文關鍵詞:Food and Hakka cultureDestination AttractivenessFood ExperienceFood IdentityPlace IdentityBehavioral IntentionsPersonal Involvement
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Exploring Tourists' Behavior on Hakka Village from Internal and External Cues: The Perspective of a Social Identity Theory
Number of Pages: 150
Graduate School and University: Department of Cultural Resources and Leisure Industries, National Taitung University
Category of Abstract and Graduation Time: Thesis for Master Degree, Summer 2020
Name of Student: Tsai, Yi-Lu
Adviser: Dr. Hsu, Li-Chun
In recent years, Hakka Affairs Council has launched the “Taiwan Romantic Route 3” which capitalizes on the cultural, biological and industrial outlook unique to Taiwan Route 3. Not only does this demonstrate the core of traditional Hakka food culture, but it also infuses in elements of Hakka activities, clothing and scenery. This allows visitors to experience the Hakka culture in depth and promote the development of local tourism. This research used the society identity as the framework for development research and discussed if the external cue “destination attractiveness” and internal cue “food experience” of the Hakka region would affect the behavioral intention of visitors through double identity mechanism (food identity and place identity). At the same time, it also investigated the regulatory effect of personal involvement on the relationship between double identity and destination attractiveness, food experience respectively.
The subject of this research were mainly the visitors who had visited relevant attractions in Xinpu region, Hsinchu County (Yimin Temple, Weiweijia Persimmon Tourist Farm) and completed local experience as well as ate at the Hakka themed restaurants (including Risheng Eatery, Risheng Restaurant, Yuanxiangwu). This research used physical surveys and collected a total of 220 trial surveys prior to the start of the research. After removing the redundant surveys due to incomplete or inconsistent answers, there were 173 surveys, giving an effective sampling rate of 78.6%. There was a total of 950 surveys collected with 773 surveys being relevant and useful (81.4%). This investigation examined the result using the structural equation model and found that the overall model has an excellent goodness-of-fit. The result suggested the following. (1) In the overall model, only the path of food experience to place identity does not have established, the other 6 paths were supported. (2) Place identity and food identity had some mediating effect. (3) In multigroup analysis, the groups were divided into “day trip” and “more than two days one night” with the option of “holiday” and “non-holiday”. The result suggested that there was a difference in the impact path of each group. In terms of the travelling time, it was found that the food experience does not have significant impact on place identity in the “day trip” group. For the group that travelled “more than two days one night”, it was found that the external cue, destination attractiveness, is the main factor influencing food identity. In addition, in the group that chose to travel during “holiday”, internal cue, food experience, is the main factor influencing food identity and influences behavior intention of the visitors indirectly. For the group that chose to travel during “non-holiday”, external cue, destination attractiveness, is the main factor influencing food identity and influences behavior intention of the visitors indirectly. (4) When examining the modetating effect, it is believed that “personal involvement” had a positive and significant modetately impact relationship between “destination attractiveness” and “place identity” while “personal involvement” does not have a significant modetately impact between “food experience” and “place identity”. In addition, “personal involvement” had a positive and significant modetately impact between “destination attractiveness” and “food identity”. Finally, “personal involvement” also had a positive and significant modetately impact between “food experience” and “food identity”.
The novelty in this research lies in the investigation of internal and external cues influencing double identity mechanism (food identity, place identity) and discussed the moderating role played by personal involvement in the relationship between double identity and internal and external cues respectively. In addition, it investigated if the time of travel affects the behavior of visitors at the destination. Finally, based on the research result, one can grasp the real attitude and expectation of visitors towards food and Hakka culture. These results can be used as a reference for Hakka village local tourism and marketing in the future.
中文摘要 i
Abstract iv
目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究目的 6
第四節 研究貢獻 7
第五節 研究範圍與對象 8
第六節 研究流程 10
第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 飲食與客家文化(Food and Hakka culture) 11
第二節 外部線索-目的地吸引力(Destination Attractiveness) 12
第三節 內部線索-飲食體驗(Food Experience) 14
第四節 社會認同理論與觀點(Social Identity Theory and Perspectives) 17
第五節 行為意圖(Behavioral Intentions) 20
第六節 個人涉入(Personal Involvement) 21
第七節 變數之間的關係與假說推導 22
第三章 研究方法 27
第一節 研究架構與研究假說 27
第二節 研究變數操作性定義與衡量 30
第三節 問卷設計 36
第四節 資料蒐集方法 37
第五節 資料分析方法 37
第六節 共同方法變異問題之處理與檢測 41
第七節 問卷前測結果分析 41
第四章 資料分析 44
第一節 正式問卷發放 44
第二節 敘述性統計分析 45
第三節 共同方法變異分析檢測 52
第四節 衡量信度與效度分析 54
第五節 結構模式檢定與配適度分析 62
第六節 多群組樣本比較與分析 69
第七節 中介效果檢定 77
第八節 調節效果檢定 79
第九節 假說檢定整理 84
第五章 結論與建議 85
第一節 模型契合度與驗證結果發現 85
第二節 假說關係討論 89
第三節 研究意涵與貢獻 94
第四節 研究限制與建議 100
參考文獻 102
附錄一、前測問卷 127
附錄二、英文原始問卷 131
附錄三、前測共同方法變異檢測─探索性因素分析 132
附錄四、前測共同方法變異檢測—驗證性因素分析 133
附錄五、前測各構面量表收斂效度分析 134
附錄六、前測區別效度分析暨變數相關係數表 137
附錄七、前測各構面信度分析 138
附錄八、正式問卷 140

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