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研究生(外文):Yi-Ting Chen
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Signal Compensation of Light Rail Transit with Transit Signal Priority
外文關鍵詞:Light Rail TransitSignal CompensationTransit Signal PriorityVISSIM SimulationDelay of Minor Street
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A mature urban rail transit system can not only provide the service of transportation, but also promote the development of surrounding cities. Recently, the government actively promoted the prospective infrastructure plan. Railway construction plays an important role of it. Therefore, the plan of the railway system has become a major issue for modern cities.
Unlike the railway and MRT system, the LRT system is B-type right-of-way, which move on the road with the general vehicle. In order to make the LRT pass smoothly through the intersection, the transit priority strategy (TSP) will be implemented at the intersection. At present, the priority strategies the domestic systems mainly implement are “Green Extension” and “Red truncation,” which increase the phase time of the LRT to make the LRT pass the intersection effectively. At the same time, the green time of the non-LRT phase will be compressed. In order to mitigate this impact, the signal compensation method will be used to recovery the cycle and compensate the time loss. In the past cases, there was no specific rule for signal compensation method, and most of them were compensated in an incomplete way.
If the signal compensation fails to meet the traffic demand, the intersection performance will be affected. Therefore, this study hopes to improve the signal compensation method of the Ankeng light rail. The main goal is using VISSIM to simulate the best signal compensation seconds required for the non-LRT direction in different traffic conditions. And the "average person’s delay" will be the evaluation index. Then, the study will analyze other factors that may affect the compensation, such as headway, cycle time, etc. Finally the study will summarize the criteria for determining the seconds to compensate and compare the simulation results with other signal compensation methods.
The simulation result shows that the signal compensation method can find the optimal compensation value in different situations and can recover the time deviation caused by the implementation of the priority strategy. In addition, this method can improve the delay of the lateral aisle without affecting the performance of the LRT and also improve the overall performance. Further simulation shows that when the cycle time is within a certain range, the signal compensation method used in this study can effectively find the optimal phase length ratio and the suitable compensation length. However, there is no significant correlation between headway and the signal compensation.
摘要 I
Abstract IV
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究範圍 3
1.4研究內容 4
1.5研究方法 5
1.6研究流程 5
第二章 文獻回顧 9
2.1輕軌系統特性與號誌參數設計 9
2.1.1 輕軌運動特性 9
2.1.2 輕軌路權分類 12
2.1.3 輕軌之設站位置與軌道佈設 14
2.2輕軌優先號誌控制方式 17
2.2.1 偵測器佈設位置 17
2.2.2 優先號誌策略回顧 18
2.2.3 優先策略綜合分析 22
2.3優先號誌之補償方法 23
2.3.1 優先號誌之補償方法回顧 23
2.3.2 優先號誌之補償方法整理 28
2.4 VISSIM模擬軟體 30
2.4.1 VISSIM系統架構 31
2.4.2 VisVAP邏輯 32
第三章 優先號誌邏輯與參數設定 35
3.1 優先號誌邏輯說明 35
3.1.1 偵測器位置佈設 35
3.1.2 綠燈延長與紅燈縮短策略 39
3.2 優先號誌參數設定 43
3.2.1 最小綠燈時間 45
3.2.2 最大綠燈時間 46
3.2.3 綠燈介間時間 47
3.2.4 案例交叉口參數設定 48
3.3 時制重整 50
第四章 時制補償策略分析 53
4.1 時制補償方法說明 53
4.1.1 時制補償邏輯 53
4.1.2 時制補償方法操作程序 55
4.2 VISSIM模擬建構 60
4.2.1 建立模擬交叉口 60
4.2.2 優先號誌控制邏輯說明 63
4.2.3 模擬驗證 68
4.3 不同交通量之最佳補償秒數分析 68
4.3.1 最佳補償秒數求解 68
4.3.2 時制補償對不同方向車流之影響 77
4.3.3 輕軌優先號誌發生機率分析 82
第五章 情境分析與補償策略比較 85
5.1 模擬情境分析 85
5.1.1 不同週期之時制補償分析 85
5.1.2 不同班距之時制補償分析 88
5.2 最佳補償秒數之準則 93
5.3 不同時制補償策略分析比較 95
5.3.1 不同時制補償策略概述 95
5.3.2 比較結果分析 97
第六章 結論與建議 101
6.1結論 101
6.2 建議 102
參考文獻 105
附錄 109
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