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研究生(外文):Wei-Ting Chien
論文名稱(外文):A web-based Approach to Assessing Conflicts in Construction Work Flow by Integrating BIM and Dynamic Network Analysis
指導教授(外文):Shang-Hsien Hsieh
口試委員(外文):Luh-Maan ChangHui-ping Tserng
外文關鍵詞:Dynamic Network AnalysisBuilding Information ModellingConstruction ConflictsConstruction ManagementWeb-based PlatformGraph Database
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Construction workflow management is one of the most crucial keys to the success of any construction project. Normally, most construction projects would be facing with several construction conflicts which include (1) activity to activity (2) activity to labour (3) activity to location (4) activity to resource conflicts. There is already plenty of research concentrating on one or two aforementioned conflicts. However, only a few holistic methods or frameworks deal with all of those four conflicts which play a great portion in the cause of construction delay. This research aims to integrate Building Information Modelling (BIM), Dynamic Network Analysis (DNA) and graph database (GraphDB) to have a deeper insight into how these four conflicts formed and how they can influence on the whole project. A case study for a cement preheater tower renovation project is also presented. To apply the proposed method, four different scenarios are suggested for the aforementioned conflicts respectively. Taking advantage of the multi-node and multi-link characteristics of the DNA, multiple factors can be taken into consideration in the analysis which is similar to the situation while planning the construction workflow. From the result of the case study, several conflicts are identified and the influence level of conflicts are calculated for the manager to prioritise the adjustments made for resolving them. By eliminating four kinds of detected conflicts through the proposed method, the construction workflow can be improved.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Objective 3
Chapter 2 Related Work 4
2.1 Building Information Modelling 4
2.2 Dynamic Network Analysis 5
2.3 Graph Database 6
2.4 Summary 8
Chapter 3 Dynamic network and Graph Database for Identifying Conflict 9
3.1 Abstraction of Project Meta-network 9
3.2 Translation of Conflicts 11
3.3 Identifying Conflicts 15
3.3.1 Activity to Activity conflict 16
3.3.2 Activity to Labour conflict 18
3.3.3 Activity to Location conflict 23
3.3.4 Activity to Resource conflict 29
3.4 Calculating the Influence Indicator 32
Chapter 4 System Design 34
4.1 System Overview 34
4.2 System Module 35
4.2.1 Frontend UI Layer 35
4.2.2 Analysis Logic Layer 36
4.2.3 Backend Storage Layer 37
4.2.4 BIM Model Layer 37
4.3 Data Type 38
Chapter 5 Case Study 42
5.1 Data Collection 44
5.2 Generate Meta-network 44
5.3 Conduct the Analysis 46
5.4 Establish Web System 50
5.5 Route Conflict Analysis 52
5.6 Float Time Calculation 59
5.7 Estimate the Influence 65
Chapter 6 Discussion and Validation 67
6.1 Exploration From Result 67
6.2 Extendibility 69
6.3 Benefits From BIM 69
6.4 Validation 70
Chapter 7 Conclusion 75
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