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研究生(外文):Yu-Cheng Kao
論文名稱(外文):An Observational Study of the Coastal Barrier Jet Induced by Landfall Typhoon and its Influence on Precipitation and Intensity Changes
指導教授(外文):Ben Jong-Dao Jou
口試委員(外文):Tai-Jen George ChenCheng-Shang LeeHung-Chi KuoMing-Jen YangCheng-Ku YuChien-Ming Wu
外文關鍵詞:coastal barrier jetlandfalling typhoonprecipitation structure changeintensity change
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地形噴流的形成及其結構的演變是受到海棠颱風登陸過程中不同範圍的環流型態所控制。當海棠外圍環流接觸到陸地時,地形迎風面強烈的東北風因阻擋效應轉而向南,形成平行於海岸地形的低層噴流,地形噴流長約140公里、寬約25公里、持續時間約6小時,北支有較強的風速(最大風速值超過50 m s−1)、核心高度介於1至2.5公里;南支風速較弱(最大風速值約45 m s−1)、核心高度介於1至2公里。當海棠的核心區開始影響陸地時,因顯著氣流曲率的影響,導致地形噴流的南支向離岸方向偏離,地形噴流的偏北風氣流與地形東南側背風低壓所導引轉向的南風氣流在颱風中心西南側輻合,激發東西向的線狀雨帶發展(長約160公里、寬約20公里),隨後線狀雨帶氣旋式移動併入內眼牆,造成雙眼牆結構的崩潰(東側眼牆增強,西側眼牆消失)及強度的減弱,當海棠中心接近至離岸60公里處時,西側眼牆重新發展,隨後眼牆重整內縮,強度增強。
The coastal barrier jet (CBJ) induced in typhoon environment is a critical mesoscale phenomenon that causes significant precipitation structure and intensity change of typhoon prior to its landfall in Taiwan area. By using coastal Doppler radar and surface observations in Taiwan, CBJ and precipitation structure and intensity changes of typhoon Haitang (0505) before landfall are studied for the first time. In addition, different types of CBJ associated with the other five selected typhoons are examined and the relation between the CBJ and the principle rainband are especially investigated.
It is found that the formation and evolution of CBJ was controlled by different flow regimes associated with Haitang. When outer circulation touched the coastal terrain, CBJ formed. A persistent prevailing strong northeasterly wind impinging the mountain led to the formation of CBJ parallel to the shore. The CBJ persisted for almost 6 h and was approximately 140 km long and 25 km wide. The northern branch of the CBJ had a stronger wind (maximum wind speed > 50 m s−1), a greater vertical extent (the core of the CBJ was between 1.0 and 2.5 km in height), and a more persistent jet signal than the southern branch (maximum wind speed ~ 45 m s−1 and the core was between 1.0 and 2.0 km). After the core region reached the coastal terrain, considerable curvature of the core region circulation caused the southern branch of CBJ shifted offshore. The northerly CBJ and the southerly of the terrain-induced mesolow (located to the southeast of topography) converged at southwest portion of the storm center resulting an east-west line convection, approximately 160 km in length and 20 km in width, formation. The line convection moved cyclonically and merged into inner eyewall lead to the concentric eyewall breakdown and temporal weakening of the storm. When Haitang moved to approximately 60 km off the coast, the western-side eyewall recovered by nearshore convection, and followed eyewall contraction and intensification.
In addition to Haitang, other five westbound landfall typhoons are selected to investigate the characteristics of CBJ. The property of CBJ is controlled by the track, intensity, and size of the storms. The CBJ associated with north (south) track group locates to the northern (southern) section of east coast, and has a stronger (weaker) wind speed and higher (lower) core altitude. The maximum wind speed of CBJ is proportional to the normal-terrain component of upstream flow, and a positive correction exists between CBJ duration and typhoon size. Multiple jets or uplifted CBJ existed in some landfall typhoon cases. It closely links to the convective activities of the rainbands in the storm. The vigorous convective rainband associates band-paralleling mid-level jet. When it encountered coastal terrain, the low-level jet formed owning to terrain blocking, thus the multiple jets feature was revealed.
致謝 I
中文摘要 II
Abstract III
Table of Contents V
List of Tables VIII
Figure Captions IX
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Data and methodology 7
2.1 Data 7
a. Radar data 7
b. Surface station data 8
c. Sounding station data 8
d. QuikSCAT data 9
e. ECMWF ERA-Interim data 9
2.2 Methodology 9
a. Dual-Doppler wind synthesis 9
b. Vertical profile of horizontal wind retrieve technique 9
c. Tropical cyclone primary circulation retrieve technique 10
d. Fourier decomposition analysis 11
e. Tropical cyclone center finding technique 12
Chapter 3 Coastal barrier Jet associated with Typhoon Haitang 13
3.1 Typhoon Haitang 13
3.2 Spatial structure of CBJ 15
3.3 Evolution of CBJ 20
3.4 Formation mechanism of CBJ 25
3.5 Idealized vortex experiment 29
3.6 Summary and discussion 31
Chapter 4 Precipitation and intensity changes of Haitang 35
4.1 The precipitation structure evolution 35
a. Line convection formation and eyewall evolution 36
b. Influence of vertical wind shear and storm motion 40
4.2 The intensity variation 41
a. Concentric eyewall breakdown 44
b. Rapid re-intensification 45
4.3 The role of CBJ 47
4.4 Summary and discussion 50
Chapter 5 Different types of CBJ 55
5.1 Classification of westbound landfalling typhoons 56
5.2 Properties of CBJs 57
a. Typhoon Soudelor 1513 (north track) 58
b. Typhoon Talim 0513 (north track) 60
c. Typhoon Longwang 0519 (Central track) 61
d. Typhoon Fungwong (South track) 63
e. Typhoon Matmo 1410 (South track) 64
5.3 Discussion and Concluding Remarks 65
a. CBJ property affected by topography 66
b. CBJ property affected by strength and persistence of upstream flow 67
c. CBJ and static stability of upstream flow 68
d. Splitting of CBJ in north track typhoons 69
e. Mid-level CBJ associated with typhoon Talim 71
Chapter 6 Relation between CBJ and spiral rainband 72
6.1 The review of previous spiral rainband studies 73
6.2 CBJ and spiral rainband 75
a. Typhoon Haitang (0505) 75
b. Typhoon Talim (0513) 79
c. typhoon Soudelor (1513) 82
6.3 Discussion and Summary 84
Chapter 7 Conclusions and future works 87
7.1 Conclusions 87
7.2 Future works 89
Appendix A Characteristics of operational Doppler radars RCHL and RCWF 91
Appendix B Calculation of Brunt–Väisälä frequency 92
Appendix C Calculation of pressure gradient force 94
Reference 96
Tables 109
Figures 117
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