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研究生(外文):Yi-Ting Yang
論文名稱(外文):Menstrual Health Education Program on Wellbeing and Behavior Change During Menstruation among Adolescent Girls in Rural Uganda
指導教授(外文):Duan-Rung ChenJer-San Hu
口試委員(外文):Kun-Hsien Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Menstrual hygieneMenstrual knowledgeAdolescent girlsWater sanitary and hygieneReusable Sanitary ProductPsychosocial
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結果顯示,女孩們更勇於向父親和同儕訴說與月經相關的擔憂(p-value: 0.029, p-value: 0.000);對於月經的羞愧感亦大幅下降(p-value: 0.004),然而她們仍然恐懼在經期時上學;介入後知識的增長,也提升了女學生在學校處理月事相關的舒適度(p-value:0.0001),擁有更多月經處理的相關知識讓女孩更有自信的處理每月的生理期。

The menstrual hygiene management is one of the main barriers to girls’ education attainment in low-and middle-income countries. Poor access to sanitary products and lack of menstrual knowledge are affecting students’ performance at school compared to the opposite sex. Limited evidence is available to provide solutions for schoolgirls. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of menstrual health education program on wellbeing and behavioral change among adolescent girls in rural Uganda.

A cluster randomized controlled trial was conducted across 3 schools, including 66 girls aged 13-17 years, in a rural village in Mukono District, Uganda. Schools were randomly allocated to two groups: (1) health education program intervention and (2) control group (no intervention).

After 5 weeks of Health Education Program the schoolgirls in experiment groups showed significantly reduced fear of sharing the menstruation-related concern with father and pupils (MD=0.87, p=0.029) (MD=2.02, p=0.000), as well as the sense of shameful feelings during menstruation (MD=1.65, p= 0.004), yet fear to go to school during menstruation did not differ between experiment and control groups (MD=-0.04, p=0.94). However, the changes in “feeling comfortable having period at school” were found to be significant different between experiment and control groups (p=0.001).

The study demonstrated promising results of a low-cost intervention for enhancing girls’ menstrual health education in low-income context. Puberty education and reusable pads sewing provision were strongly associated with improvement in schoolgirls’ psychosocial wellbeing related to menstrual management. Further study is needed for better understanding the contextual factors associated with the lack of behavioral change observed in this intervention.
Oral Examination Committee Member Assessment (論文口試委員審定書) i
Acknowledgements (誌謝) ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
i. Practicum Unit Features and Brief Introduction 1
ii. Literature Review 2
iii. Research Purpose and Research Problems 4
Chapter 2 Methods 5
i. Participants & Recruitment 5
ii. Informed Consent 6
iii. Intervention 7
iv. Research Design 10
v. Measure 10
vi. Ethics 12
Chapter 3 Results 13
i. Participants’ Characteristics Baseline 13
ii. The Effectiveness of the Intervention Program 16
Chapter 4 Discussion 21
i. Discussion 21
ii. Limitation 23
iii. Conclusions 24
References (參考文獻) 25
Appendix (附錄) 28
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