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研究生(外文):Wei-Zhi Huang
論文名稱(外文):Direct Interfacial Polymerization of Microporous Polyamide Thin-Film on Macroporous Ceramic Hollow Fiber for Nanofiltration
指導教授(外文):Kuo-Lun Tung
口試委員(外文):Ching-Jung ChuangHui-Hsin Tseng
外文關鍵詞:PolyamideInterfacial PolymerizationCeramicThin Film Composite MembraneNanofiltration
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聚醯胺複合薄膜已被廣泛應用在許多薄膜分離程序,但若在嚴峻的條件下使用具有有機支撐層的聚醯胺複合薄膜,將會引起有機支撐層的毀損,另外,聚醯胺複合平板膜與聚醯胺複合中空纖維膜相比,具有較低的填充密度。為了解決上述兩個問題,以陶瓷中空纖維為基材製備聚醯胺複合薄膜已在最近的研究中得到關注。據我們所知,目前尚未有研究可直接於巨孔洞陶瓷中空纖維上進行界面聚合製備聚醯胺薄膜,而在本研究中將提出可使用巨孔洞陶瓷中空纖維為基材製備外部選擇層聚醯胺複合薄膜的方法,並將此薄膜應用於奈米過濾。為了提升陶瓷支撐層與聚醯胺選擇層之相容性,本研究中製備了具有平滑、富含羥基及超高親水性表面的氧化鋁中空纖維基材,此基材之孔洞大小為219.4 nm,而純水滲透係數為4593 ± 139 LMH/bar。本研究所製備的聚醯胺複合中空纖維薄膜具有340 g/mol的截留分子量及9.5 ± 0.4 LMH/bar的純水滲透係數,並展現接近100 %的染料阻擋率。我們認為,這項研究提供了直接於巨孔洞陶瓷中空纖維上進行界面聚合製備微孔聚醯胺薄膜的有效方法。
Polyamide (PA) thin-film composite (TFC) membranes have been widely used in various membrane-based separation processes. However, PA TFC membranes with organic support have low harsh-environment resistance, and the commonly used TFC membranes are flat-sheet which have low packing-density. To alleviate the aforementioned problems, PA TFC membranes with ceramic hollow fiber (HF) support were developed and attracted attention in recent research. To our knowledge, none of the studies have fabricated PA thin-film by direct interfacial polymerization (IP) on the macroporous ceramic HF support. Herein, we propose an approach to prepare the outer-selective PA TFC nanofiltration (NF) membrane supported by the macroporous ceramic HF. To make the support compatible to PA thin-film, we prepared an alumina HF with a smooth, –OH groups abundant, and ultra-hydrophilic surface. This HF has the pore size of 219.4 nm and the pure water permeability (PWP) of 4593 ± 139 LMH/bar. The NF test results show that the as-synthesized PA TFC membrane possesses the MWCO of 340 g/mol, PWP of 9.5 ± 0.4 LMH/bar, and nearly 100 % rejection of dyes. We believe that this study provides the facile approach for directly synthesizing microporous PA thin-thin via IP on the macroporous ceramic HF.
口試委員會審定書 I
致謝 II
摘要 III
Abstract IV
Table of Content V
List of Figures VII
List of Tables XI
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Literature Review 3
2-1. Pressure-Driven Membrane Separation Processes 3
2-2. Development and Application of Nanofiltration 6
2-3. Ceramic Hollow Fiber Membrane 8
2-4. Thin-Film Composite Membrane 14
Chapter 3. Experimental Procedures 23
3-1. Experimental Material 23
3-1-1. Alumina Hollow Fiber Support 23
3-1-2. Polyamide Thin-Film Composite Membrane 25
3-1-3. Nanofiltration 28
3-2. Experimental Equipment 32
3-2-1. Experimental Apparatus 32
3-2-2. Analyzing Apparatus 34
3-3. Experimental Method 43
3-3-1. Preparation of Alumina Hollow Fiber Support 43
3-3-2. Preparation of Polyamide Thin-Film Composite Membrane 47
3-3-3. Membrane Characterization 50
3-3-4. Nanofiltration Performance Evaluation 51
Chapter 4. Results and Discussion 53
4-1. Characterization of Alumina Hollow Fiber Support 54
4-2. Characterization of Polyamide Thin-Film Composite Membrane 60
4-3. Nanofiltration Performance of Polyamide Thin-Film Composite Membrane 67
Chapter 5. Conclusions 74
Reference 75
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