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研究生(外文):Yi-Wen Chen
論文名稱:地區醫院之經營發展策略分析-以X 醫院為例
論文名稱(外文):The corporate strategy analysis of the regional hospital - A casestudy of X hospital
指導教授(外文):Chung-Jen Chen
口試委員(外文):Kuan-Chou KoYa-Hui Lin
外文關鍵詞:Taipei Veterans General HospitalHsinchu BranchVeterans Affairs CouncilHospital ManagementNational Health Insurance Administration Ministry of Health and WelfareBCG MatrixCompetitive Strategy
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一、 醫療市場競爭激烈,位於競爭激烈的大新竹地區,X醫院藉由重新定位、重整醫療科別,自民國105年決定退出健保總額支付制度後,業績大幅度攀升,整體業績提高一倍之多,明確可看見現任領導者彭院長的高度與遠見,亦能確定其目標規劃明確且具有成效。
二、 X醫院藉由集中化採購,降低成本;大量招募專科人才,擴大醫療科別,滿足就醫民眾需求;並重新整建醫療大樓,更新硬體設備,提供煥然一新服務。利用與鄰近醫院間差異,強調其競爭性及互補性。依五力分析擬定其競爭策略,並就地理優勢之便,為山區提供急重症服務,創造出X醫院之競爭優勢。
Under the national insurance system, hospital evaluation and classification system have been used for hospital grading for a long while. In recent years, as the population structure has gradually moved toward aging trend as long as the big data analysis has been vigorous growth, policies on medical care and long-term are getting more important. Hospitals located in rural areas with a quiet and comfortable environment are served as key hospitals for long-term care plans. However, the major income of the medical care industry comes from health insurance. The amount of medical services is also one of the key performance indicators. As the amount of regional hospitals are decreased, merge, acquisition or transformation are the operating policies for hospital reorganization.
  Case X Hospital has experienced rapid growth in recent years on operating performance. This study is to analyze the key factors of the medical care industry through Porter five forces analysis and discuss how X Hospital constructs its core resources, capabilities and the basis of its competitive advantage. Using BCG matrix to analyze the role positioning of each grade of hospitals in the medical care industry and each departments in the X hospital, find out its competitive position and market attractiveness for operating strategic analysis and discussing for future growth strategy. The results of this study are:
1. The competition in the medical care market is cutthroat. Hospital X located in the competitive Hsinchu region has repositioned and reorganized its medical departments. Since year 2016, Hospital X had decided to withdraw from the Global budget payment system, its operating performance has increased significantly and overall revenue gained more than double. It reflects the foresights of current superintendent, Mr. Peng, and the goals were well planned and ran effectively.
2. Trough out following ways, Hospital X has distinguished with nearing hospitals with its competitiveness and complementarity: reducing costs through centralized procurement, recruiting a lot of specialists, expanding medical departments to meet the patients’ needs; rebuild the medical facility and upgrade its hardware equipment, and provide new and variety services. Based on the results of Porter five forces analysis for setting up the competitive strategy, to provide acute and critical care services to the patients living in mountain area with its geographical superiority, creating the competitive advantage of X Hospital.
To sum, it’s suggested Hospital X should continually to implement in-depth localized medical care services, enhancing the intensity of emergency and acute and critical care capabilities to meet the needs of patients from mountain areas; in addition, with strong supports from Taipei Veterans General Hospital to attract outstanding doctors from various specialties services, bring more advanced technology to benefit local people and provide more professional and rich medical services and needs.
口試委員會審定書 #
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究問題與目的 1
1.3 研究方法與限制 2
1.4 研究流程 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 產業五力分析 4
2.2 企業能耐分析 7
2.3 事業組合分析 8
2.4 競爭策略分析 10
第三章 產業分析 12
3.1 產業概況 12
3.1.1 醫療機構市場概況與規模 12
3.1.2 醫療產業發展沿革與產業結構 14
3.1.3 醫療機構產業生命週期 16
3.1.4 醫療機構市場區隔 19
3.2 產業政策與市場分析 19
3.2.1 醫療產業政策發展 19
3.2.2 市場分析之醫療產業醫院平均每日醫療服務量 23
3.2.3 市場分析之新竹縣醫院服務量按地區別分 23
3.3 產業主要競爭者分析 25
3.4 五力分析與產業關鍵因素 27
3.4.1 X醫院的五力分析 27
3.4.2 醫療產業關鍵因素 31
第四章 個案醫院分析 33
4.1 醫院介紹 33
4.1.1 X醫院介紹 33
地理位置介紹 40
人口數成長及分析 42
4.1.2 主要事業項目及營收獲利狀況 45
4.1.3 醫院組織架構 51
4.2 資源與能力 52
4.2.1 領導力 52
4.2.2 資源分布與發展 53
4.2.3 醫療產業醫院價值鏈 60
4.2.4 策略活動系統 63
4.3 事業組合分析(BCG矩陣分析) 64
4.4 事業競爭策略及商業模式 66
第五章 結論與建議 68
5.1 研究結論 68
5.2 研究建議 69
參考文獻 71
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