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研究生(外文):Jui-Hung Yu
論文名稱(外文):Business Plan For A New Transmission Applications
指導教授(外文):Chialin Chen
口試委員(外文):Ling-Chieh KungYu-Hung Chen
外文關鍵詞:Business PlanValue PropositionValue FitBusiness ModelNew Transmission Application
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觀察現今創業部分,在一份經濟部中小企業處創業諮詢服務中心統計,一般民眾創業,於1年內就倒閉的機率為90 %,然於存活下來的10 %新創中,又有90 %的新創會在5年內倒閉。根據上述之統計,初創公司擁有創新點子而進行創業並非難事,關鍵在於新創公司如何於艱困環境中脫穎而出,存活過關鍵之5年,實為一發人省思之挑戰。
綜觀上述,個案為改變自行車傳統傳動機構及降低初創存活門檻,本計劃核心結合工業技術,將工業技術融合傳統自行車;輔以學界專業思考,將學界專業結合於商業模式,以創造嶄新之科技產品及商業行為。於技術上,應用工業技術及科技,突破傳統結構限制;於分析上,搭配PESTEL分析、波特五力分析及SWOT分析,清楚產業狀況;於方法上,使用半結構式訪談方式結合價值主張,貼近顧客需求;於決策上,使用TOWS策略矩陣與Business Model Canvas,規劃完整營運模式;最後,於計劃上,綜合個案研究及實務經驗,進行進度預估及財務規劃,使計畫貼近真實發展狀況,掌握面臨之風險,以應對未來之挑戰。因此本個案規劃商業初始階段專注於該自行車傳動方式以工業技術執行創新之應用,降低騎乘進行之傷害及所造成之限制,更於未來發展進行智能騎乘技術的融合,發揮核心技術之特點,創造市場差異化,並進一步以提升國人運動為目標,不斷修正產品,回歸人本價值之創造。
Looking back at the history of bicycle development, bicycle activities have originated in the nineteenth century and have undergone numerous developments and evolutions. Nowadays, bicycles are used in all major countries around the world, and they are used in various events and applications. However, with the historical development and evolution of bicycles, its application and use have also continued to evolve. It has also been combined with electric mechanisms to change the way of riding. But, in various breakthroughs, one of its core mechanisms-transmission components, has not been seen. With the innovation and changes, and the limitations and injuries caused by the mechanism components have always existed, and no changes have been seen too. Therefore, how to innovate the transmission mechanism of the bicycle is a topic that cannot be underestimated.
Observing the current start-up situation, according to a statistics from the Start-up Advisory Service Center of the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs, the general public has a 90% chance of closing a business within a year. However, among the 10% new ventures that survive, another 90% The new venture will go bankrupt within 5 years. According to the above statistics, it is not difficult for start-ups to have innovative ideas to start a business. The key lies in how new start-ups can stand out in a difficult environment and survive the critical 5 years, which is indeed a challenge for reflections.
Looking at the above, the case of this thesis is to change the traditional transmission mechanism of bicycles and lower the threshold for survival in the start-up. The core of this plan is to combine industrial technology and integrate industrial technology into traditional bicycles; supplemented by academic professional thought, combining academic professionalism with business models to create brand-new technological product and business practices. In terms of technology, the application of industrial technology and technology to break through the limitations of traditional bicycle structures; in terms of analysis, with PESTEL analysis, Porter’s five forces analysis and SWOT analysis, to understand the status of the entire bicycle industry; in terms of methods, use semi-structured interviews to combine the value propositions, close to customer needs; in decision-making, use TOWS strategy matrix and Business Model Canvas to plan a complete operation model; finally, in planning, comprehensive case studies and practical experience, progress forecasting and financial planning, so that the plan is close to the real development situation , To grasp the risks faced to meet future challenges. Therefore, the initial stage of this case planning business focused on the innovative application of the bicycle transmission method using industrial technology to reduce the damage and restrictions caused by riding, and the integration of intelligent riding technology in the future development, and the characteristics of core technology , To create market differentiation, and to further improve the country-wide movement as the goal, continuously modify products, and return to the creation of human value.
口試委員會審定書 i
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Chapter 1 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與對象 2
1.3 研究範圍與方法 3
Chapter 2 文獻探討 5
2.1 產業環境分析(PESTEL Analysis外部環境分析) 5
2.2 波特五力分析(Five Force Analysis) 7
2.3 顧客素描(Customer Profile) 10
2.4 價值地圖(Value Map) 11
2.5 商業模式畫布圖 (Business Model Canvas) 12
2.6 SWOT分析與TOWS策略矩陣 14
Chapter 3 產業分析 18
3.1 產業定義與發展 18
3.2 產業環境分析(PESTEL Analysis外部環境分析) 19
3.3 Force Analysis (波特五力分析) 22
Chapter 4 產業競爭分析 26
4.1 市場特性與規模 26
4.2 競爭情勢分析 28
4.3 市場影響因素 29
Chapter 5 個案商業模式分析 32
5.1 顧客素描(Customer Profile) 32
5.2 價值地圖(Value Map) 36
5.3 商業模式畫布 (Business model canvas) 40
Chapter 6 個案策略分析 41
6.1 產品概念及目標 41
6.2 市場區隔與競品分析 43
6.3 SWOT分析與TOWS策略矩陣 46
6.4 策略發展及專利佈局 47
6.5 計畫執行及財務規劃 48
Chapter 7 可行性分析及結論 54
7.1 可行性分析 54
7.2 風險評估 57
7.3 結論說明 58
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