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研究生(外文):Chia-Hsun Chen
論文名稱(外文):Triplet–Triplet Annihilation Upconversion in Electroluminescence Device and Heterojunction Thin Films
指導教授(外文):Jiun-Haw Lee
口試委員(外文):Tien-Lung ChiuChin-Ti ChenPi-Tai ChouMan-Kit LeungKen-Tsung Wong
外文關鍵詞:organic light-emitting diodetriplet-triplet annilihiation upconversiontriplet-diffusion and singlet-blocking layertransient photoluminescenceexciplexthermally activated delayed fluorescence
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致謝 ..... iii
摘要 ..... iv
Abstract ..... v
Content ..... vi
Figure content ..... ix
Table content ..... xvi
1 Chapter 1 Introduction ..... 1
1.1 Overview ..... 1
1.2 STTA ..... 2
1.2.1 STTA efficiency ..... 3
1.2.2 STTA in solution ..... 5
1.2.3 STTA in solid state ..... 7
1.2.4 STTA in solid state EL devices ..... 9
1.3 Exciplex as sensitizer ..... 11
1.3.1 Exciplex ..... 12
1.3.2 Long-range exciplex ..... 13
1.3.3 Exciplex as sensitizer ..... 15
1.4 TADF as sensitizer ..... 18
1.5 Criteria for emitter and sensitizer modification ..... 20
2 Chapter 2 Experiments ..... 25
2.1 Fabrication process of OLE ..... 25
2.2 OLED device performances ..... 26
2.3 Transient EL ..... 27
2.4 Transient PL ..... 28
3 Chapter 3 Efficient Triplet–Triplet Annihilation Upconversion (TTAUC) in an Electroluminescence Device with a Fluorescent Sensitizer ..... 30
3.1 Introduction ..... 30
3.2 TTAUC-OLED with fluorophore as the sensitizer ..... 31
3.2.1 TTAUC-OLED with sensitizer/emitter bilayer structure ..... 32
3.2.2 Efficiency improvement with TDSB-layer insertion ..... 37
3.2.3 Phosphor-doped-fluorophore as the dark sensitizer of TTAUC-OLED ..... 44
3.3 Device optimization of Alq3-sensitized TTAUC-OLED ..... 60
3.3.1 TTAUC-OLED with different Alq3 thicknesses ..... 60
3.3.2 TTAUC-OLED with different DMPPP thicknesses ..... 65
3.3.3 TTAUC-OLED with DPAVBi-doped ADN ..... 70
3.4 Alternative materials for TTAUC-OLED ..... 75
3.4.1 Device performances with different sensitizer and TDSB materials ..... 76
3.5 TTAUC-OLED with doped sensitizer ..... 84
3.5.1 Device performances for incorporation a fluorescence dopant (Ir(ppy)3) in Alq3 ..... 84
3.5.2 Device performances for incorporation a phosphorescence (PtOEP) dopant in Alq3 ..... 87
3.5.3 Device performances for incorporation a fluorescence dopant (DCJTB) in Alq3 ..... 95
4 Chapter 4 Charge and Exciton Dynamics of Triplet-Triplet Annihilation Upconversion (TTAUC) in Heterojunction Thin Film with Exciplex and Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence (TADF) Materials as Sensitizers ..... 100
4.1 Introduction ..... 100
4.2 Exciplex as the sensitizer of TTAUC Thin Film ..... 100
4.2.1 Charge and exciton dynamics of m-MTDATA/ ADN and mMTDATA/ DMPPP bilayer thin films ..... 102
4.2.2 Charge and exciton dynamics of m-MTDATA/ ADN with different ADN thicknesses ..... 105
4.2.3 Charge and exciton dynamics of m-MTDATA/ DMPPP/ ADN layer triple-layer thin film ..... 109
4.2.4 Charge and exciton dynamics of m-MTDATA/ DPAVBi-doped ADN ..... 117
4.3 TADF as the sensitizer of TTAUC Thin Film ..... 121
4.3.1 Charge and exciton dynamics of green TADF/ DMPPP/ ADN thin films ..... 121
4.3.2 Charge and exciton dynamics of red TADF/ DMPPP/ ADN thin films ..... 124
5 Chapter 5 Conclusion ..... 127
5.1 Summary ..... 127
5.2 Future work ..... 128
A. Chapter Appendix ..... 129
Chapter A Temperature dependent of m-MTDATA:ADN and mMTDATA:DMPPP exciplex ..... 129
Chapter B Optimization of bulk heterojunction Organic Solar Cell for D-A-A configuration molecule with Fluorinated Benzothiadiazole as the electron donor material ..... 132
B.1 Introduction ..... 132
B.2 Photophysical properties of the four Fluorinated Benzothiadiazolev group electron donor materials ..... 133
B.3 Comparison of optimized device structures among six fluorinated benzothiadiazole group electron donor materials ..... 135
B.4 Exciton dynamics of DTCPB, DTCPiFBT and DTCPoFBT in solution, solid state and C70 mixed layer ..... 139
B.5 Sun intensity variation, mobility and AFM measurements of OSCs with DTCPB, DTCPiFBT and DTCPoFBT electron donor materials ..... 142
B.6.1 Optimization of different mixing ratio and thickness of active layer for DTCPiFBT: C70 based OSC ..... 145
B.6.2 Optimization of different mixing ratio and thickness of active layer for DTCPoFBT: C70 based OSC ..... 148
B.6.3 Optimization of different mixing ratio and thickness of active layer for DTCTiFBT: C70 based OSC ..... 151
B.6.4 Optimization of different mixing ratio and thickness of active layer for DTCToFBT: C70 based OSC ..... 154
6 References ..... 158
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