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研究生(外文):Kuan-Ming Chueh
論文名稱(外文):Exploration of macular optical coherence tomography characteristics in discriminating sex and age using grad-CAM
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Lung Huang
口試委員(外文):Homer H. ChenI-Jong WangYi-Ting HsiehI-Hsin Ma
外文關鍵詞:optical coherence tomography (OCT)retinal maculaconvolutional neural network (CNN)neural network visualizationgradient-weighted class activation mapping (Grad-CAM)
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卷積神經網路能從大量的資料中,主動學習重要特徵,並且透過可視化工具來協助找尋此特徵的位置。因此本研究採用深度學習演算法,利用ResNet、VGG及Inception等卷積神經網路,透過3134位正常人眼睛黃斑部之光學同調斷層掃描影像,學習分辨年齡及性別。經過訓練及驗證後,模型能在測試資料集中達高於75%以上的性別預測準確率以及低於6年的年齡預測誤差。從可視化工具Grad-CAM、Guided Grad-CAM及影像裁切實驗,深度探討後發現(1)男女的黃斑部中央凹有差異,(2)差異的特徵應為中央凹的色素上皮層及內界膜輪廓,(3)黃斑部各層組織與脈絡膜應會隨著年齡而有變化。

過去在眼科學界的認知中,黃斑部的結構並沒有具臨床意義的性別差異。本研究透過深度學習發現黃斑部的中央凹輪廓具有性別差異,而由於根據研究顯示,在OCT上呈現寬中心凹的眼睛,雖然視力完全正常,但其對側眼卻有極高的比例產生特發性黃斑前膜(51.9 %)及黃斑部裂孔(9.6 %)等黃斑部疾病,暗示中央凹輪廓可能是具有臨床意義之性別差異。期望本研究的結果能提供眼科醫師對於黃斑部新的研究方向,未來在流行病學、致病機轉、或是疾病的預防、治療及預後等各方面有所幫助。
When solving clinical problems, features are selected and measured to support a hypothesis. However, it takes a lot of manpower and time to manually measure these features, therefore the amount of measured data is relatively small. Moreover, the characteristics to be searched for are sometimes limited by human imagination. Therefore, convolutional neural networks are trained using deep learning methods, which can automatically detect important features that are difficult or impossible to be recognized by humans, and the amount of analyzed data is much higher.

In this thesis, ResNet, VGG, and Inception are used to distinguish the gender and age of 3134 healthy Taiwanese based on images of the macular region by means of optical coherence tomography. The gender-related and age-related features in the images are detected and showed using grad-CAM, a model visualization tool.

After training and verification, the model can achieve a gender prediction accuracy of more than 75% and an age error of less than 6 years in the test data set. A thorough analysis with Grad-CAM, Guided Grad-CAM, and image cropping experiments, shows that (1) the fovea in the macula has differences between men and women, (2) the differences should be characterized by the retina pigment epithelium and the inner limiting membrane contours of the fovea, and (3) the tissues and choroids of the macula should change with age.

In the past, there was no clinically meaningful gender difference in the structure of the macula. This study found that the contours of the fovea are different for men and women, and according to the research, the eyes with wide fovea pit on the OCT, although the vision is completely normal, the fellow eyes have a very high proportion of macular diseases such as epiretinal membrane (51.9%) and macular hole (9.6%), implicating that the foveal contours may be a clinically meaningful gender difference. It is hoped that the results of this study can provide ophthalmologists with a new research direction for the macula, and will help in the future in epidemiology, pathogenic mechanism, or disease prevention, treatment, and prognosis.
誌謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1背景及研究動機 1
1.2本文內容概述 2
第二章 頻域式光學同調斷層掃描及視網膜結構介紹 4
2.1頻域式光學同調斷層掃描 4
2.1.1 譜域式光學同調斷層掃描儀之原理 4
2.1.2 海德堡光學同調斷層掃描顯微鏡 6
2.1.3 掃頻式光學同調斷層掃描儀 6
2.2眼睛視網膜介紹 7
2.2.1 視網膜組織結構 7
2.2.2 視網膜的生理功能 9
2.2.3 黃斑區與黃斑中心凹 11
2.3黃斑部與年齡性別關聯 11
第三章 卷積神經網路在OCT影像之應用 14
3.1卷積神經網路用於影像判讀 14
3.1.1 卷積神經網路的基本架構及工作原理 15
3.1.2 反向傳播用於梯度計算及權重計算 17
3.1.3 Dropout、正則化及數據增強 20
3.1.4 遷移學習 24
3.2卷積神經網路之解釋工具-類激活圖 29
3.3視網膜OCT影像資訊及預處理方法 33
3.3.1 影像資訊-數量、標記、分類 34
3.3.2 影像數值預處理 37
3.3.3 自動偵測並裁剪影像 40
第四章 影像預測結果分析 41
4.1性別預測結果及分析 42
4.1.1 性別差異之特徵位置 44
4.1.2 中央凹特徵-色素上皮層及內界膜輪廓 46
4.1.3 色素上皮層及內界膜輪廓與厚度之關聯 53
4.2年齡預測結果及分析 63
4.3年齡性別同時預測結果及分析 65
4.4減緩過擬合之效果 67
第五章 結論與未來展望 69
5.1結論 69
5.2未來展望 70
參考文獻 72
附錄1本論文使用之模型架構與訓練細節 77
VGG11 78
VGG19 79
ResNet18 81
ResNet34 82
Inception V3 84
附錄2 海德堡資料之Python讀取程式說明 85
附錄3 訓練結果補充 87
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