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研究生(外文):Yu-Cheng Su
論文名稱(外文):Transmission Electron Microscopy Study on Polarization Induced p-type AlGaN
指導教授(外文):Chih-Chung Yang
口試委員(外文):Hao-Hsiung LinJian-Jang HuangI-Chun ChengYuh-Renn Wu
外文關鍵詞:transmission electron microscopyAlGaNd-spacing
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Based on the energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and d-spacing crystal lattice analysis methods in transmission electron microscopy observation, we study the Al content variations in six Al-gradient AlGaN samples and three fixed Al-content AlGaN samples, all grown with molecular beam epitaxy. The Al-gradient AlGaN samples are grown for producing polarization induced p-type behaviors. The fixed Al-content samples are used as the references for comparing the Al-content variations. From the EDX data, we can estimate the variation trends of Al content in those samples. The data are well fitted with linear variation lines. However, deviations of Al content from the targeted values are observed. Based on the d-spacing crystal lattice analysis from the diffraction pattern of a local region, we can precisely evaluate the local lattice constants along the c-, a-, or m-axis. From the evaluated lattice constants, we can estimate the Al content assuming that AlGaN is un-strained. Because quite a large crystal region is required for obtaining the diffraction pattern to achieve a high-precision lattice constant, only limited data points can be obtained across an AlGaN layer of 100-200 nm in thickness.
誌謝................................................................... I
中文摘要................................................................ II
ABSTRACT............................................................... III
CONTENT................................................................ IV
LIST OF FIGURE......................................................... V
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION................................................. 1
1.2 POLARIZATION INDUCED P-TYPE ALGAN.................................. 2
1.3 RESEARCH MOTIVATIONS............................................... 3
1.4 THESIS STRUCTURE................................................... 4
2.1 SAMPLE STRUCTURES AND GROWTH CONDITIONS............................ 5
2.2 HALL MEASUREMENT RESULTS........................................... 5
3.2 COMPARISON WITH OTHER MEASUREMENT RESULTS.......................... 10
CHAPTER 4 D-SPACING CRYSTAL LATTICE ANALYSIS........................... 28
4.1 ANALYSIS PROCEDURE................................................. 28
4.2 ANALYSIS RESULTS................................................... 30
CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS.................................................. 68
REFERENCES............................................................. 69
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