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研究生(外文):Shih-Kun Lin
論文名稱(外文):Design and Fabrication of High Power 1310 nm Distributed Feedback Laser
指導教授(外文):Chao-Hsin Wu
口試委員(外文):Tien-Chang LuShu-Wei ChangYuh-Renn Wu
外文關鍵詞:Silicon photonicsDFB laserHigh-power DFB laserSingle modeLaser design
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第一章為緒論,此章節將介紹應用於次世代1.6 Tb/s高超速矽光子收發模組的雷射光源的需求。第二章將介紹DFB雷射的基本理論,讓讀者對Fabry-Perot雷射及DFB雷射有個基本的了解。第三章為元件的模擬與設計,此章節將說明元件設計的邏輯,並探討各個參數優化的方法,詳述我們如何一步步設計出我們的元件,並展示最終設計出來的磊晶結構表。第四章為元件製作與量測結果,此章節將詳細說明元件的製作流程,並將量測得到的結果與第三章的模擬結果做比較。第五章為結論,將對以上四個章節做出總結。

本篇論文探討了DFB雷射設計的方法和邏輯,並用PICS3D模擬軟體建立了DFB雷射的理論模型,能準確地預測DFB雷射的輸出特性及頻譜,同時也能透過這個模型分析出切割造成的端面相位。我們總共製作了12種不同光柵週期與不同脊形波導寬度的元件。量測結果顯示,光柵週期202 nm及203 nm的元件為單模,對應的波長分別為1306 nm及1311 nm。我們所量測到的最大光強度在脈衝操作下可達100 mW,元件的SMSR可達45 dB,雷射的水平發散角約為17.8°,垂直發散角約為31.3°。
This thesis focuses on the design and fabrication of the high-power 1310 nm DFB lasers. The thesis is divided into five chapters covering the laser design flow, optimization methods, device simulation, device fabrication and analysis of DC characteristics.

Chapter 1 will introduce the requirements of light sources for next generation 1.6 Tb/s ultra-high-speed silicon photonic transceiver modules. Chapter 2 will introduce the basic theory of DFB lasers, so that readers have a basic understanding of Fabry-Perot lasers and DFB lasers. Chapter 3 covers device design and simulation. We will show how we designed our laser step-by-step and demonstrate the final layer structure. Chapter 4 will explain in detail the fabrication process and compare the measured results to the simulated data in Chapter 3. Chapter 5 is the conclusion of the above four chapters.

The methods of designing and optimizing DFB laser are discussed in this thesis. We performed the simulation using PICS3D commercial laser simulation software. Our model can precisely simulate the LIV characteristics and the spectrum of the DFB laser and can also estimate the facet phase. We have fabricated and measured DFB lasers of 12 different specifications. Results show that devices with grating periods of 202 nm and 203 nm show single mode output, and the corresponding wavelengths are 1306 nm and 1311 nm, respectively. The maximum output power of 100 mW under pulsed operation and the SMSR of 45 dB have been demonstrated. The horizontal and vertical divergence angles are 17.8° and 31.3°, respectively.
口試委員會審定書 #
誌謝 i
中文摘要 iii
Chapter 1 緒論 1
Chapter 2 DFB雷射之理論機制 6
2.1 半導體雷射的基礎知識 6
2.1.1 半導體雷射介紹 6
2.1.2 Fabry-Perot雷射 7
2.1.3 Fabry-Perot雷射的模態 9
2.2 耦合波理論與DFB雷射 12
2.2.1 耦合波理論 13
2.2.2 禁止帶 15
2.2.3 DFB雷射的模態 16
2.2.4 縱向模態的分布 17
2.3 Phase-shifted DFB雷射 19
Chapter 3 元件的模擬與設計 21
3.1 元件的設計考量 21
3.1.1 主動層的設計 23
3.1.2 光學侷限因子的控制 26
3.1.3 電子停止層 28
3.1.4 光柵的設計 30
3.1.5 磊晶結構 34
3.2 元件設計與模擬結果 36
3.3 光罩與製程的設計 42
Chapter 4 元件的製作與量測結果 44
4.1 元件製程 44
4.2 直流特性分析 50
4.2.1 量測架設 50
4.2.2 L-I-V特性 54
4.2.3 頻譜 60
4.2.4 遠場發散角 66
4.3 量測結果與討論 68
4.3.1 光柵週期的影響 68
4.3.2 脊形波導寬度的影響 69
4.3.3 量測結果與模擬結果的比較 71
4.3.4 端面相位效應的探討 76
Chapter 5 結論 80
附錄 85
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