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研究生(外文):Shiyue Zhang
論文名稱(外文):The Influences of Built Environments on Ridesourcing Usage
指導教授(外文):Jen-Jia Lin
口試委員(外文):Tzai-Hung WenYu-Ting Hsu
外文關鍵詞:ridesourcingtravel demandbuilt environmenttrip generationspatial regression
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In recent years, an app-based service, which connects travelers and drivers and is called ridesourcing, provides a new choice of modern mobility. This service is provided by transportation network companies (TNCs) such as Uber from the U.S. and DiDi Chuxing from China. Travelers can use mobile apps to send travel requests to TNCs, once a request is accepted by a driver, the traveler can see a real-time updated location of the driver and the estimated arrival time. Ridesourcing services have a rapid growth in urban areas, but the determinants of ridesourcing usage is still unclear in the literature. This research aims at clarifying the impacts of built environments on trip generation and travel time of ridesourcing uses.
This research used the complete services records of DiDi Chuxing TNC in Chengdu, China in November, 2016 as the study data and applied spatial regression methods to analyze the data. Using township level division as a spatial observation unit, the dependent variables include number of requests at origins and destinations (O-D) and O-D travel time. To explain the dependent variables, the 5Ds variables including density, diversity, design, destination accessibility and distance to transit are applied to measure built environment attributes, and the travel distance was used as control variable. With the help of Moran's I analyses, the observations were confirmed to be spatially auto-correlated and hence the Spatial Lag Model and Spatial Error Model were applied to regression analyses.
The empirical findings of this research confirm that the built environments of density, design and destination accessibility were associated with ridesourcing uses and O-D travel time and the associations were different between weekdays and weekends and among time periods in a day.
This research verified the influences of built environments on ridesourcing uses in an overall perspective and provided an original evidence of the influences. To compare with other transports, ridesourcing uses is different from taxi uses and public transportation uses. In practice, this research suggests urban planners about how they can decrease ridesourcing-caused traffic congestions by changing the attributes of density, design, destination accessibility, and gives TNCs a reference when formulating vehicle scheduler and dynamic pricing strategy.
第一節 研究動機....................1
第二節 研究目的....................4
第三節 研究範疇....................5
第四節 研究流程與內容....................11
第五節 研究方法....................14
第一節 網約車研究....................15
第二節 網約車旅運需求....................18
第三節 建成環境與旅運需求....................30
第四節 綜合評析....................33
第一節 研究課題....................35
第二節 假說研提....................52
第三節 驗證方法....................57
第一節 資料收集....................67
第二節 敘述性統計分析....................76
第三節 空間自相關分析....................82
第一節 廻歸分析....................85
第二節 假說驗證....................95
第三節 意涵討論....................104
第六章 結論與建議....................117
第一節 結論....................117
第二節 建議....................121
附錄一 空間廻歸模型之結果....................135
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