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研究生(外文):Juan Ricardo Diaz Muñoz
論文名稱(外文):Field Geology & Remote Sensing as Evidence for Slope Tectonics and Its Implications on Emerald Mining in Eastern Cordillera, Colombia.
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Rong Song
口試委員:郭力維陳 惠芬
口試委員(外文):Li-Wei KuoHuei-Fen Chen
中文關鍵詞:EmeraldsColombiaBrecciaSlope TectonicsSlumpsRemote Sensing
外文關鍵詞:EmeraldsColombiaBrecciaSlope TectonicsSlumpsMinesRemote Sensing
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The Colombian emeralds are well-known green gems, because of their unique characteristics, quality of color and sizes. Colombian Emeralds, located in the Eastern Cordillera, have under-ground mining in various locations. Separated by approximately 130Km is located the Eastern Emerald Belt (EEB) and the Western Emerald Belts (WEB), in a general context they share chemical and tectonic similarities, but, with a complex tectonic evolution.

The geology of emerald and tectonic configuration is composed of disharmonic structures series, e.g., thrusted and folded areas. Current and past mining in these deposits created mines, more than a few tens in WEB, distributed in three districts, Muzo, Cunas, and Coscuez. Based on field surveys into those mines, we observed paths that suggest the location of mines in slumps or landslide areas (slope deformation), which are characterized by matrix-supported structures. Block sizes vary from centimeters to hundreds of meters. Types of blocks include black shale, mudstones, limestones, calcite-rich veins with emeralds, stratiform-pyrite, shale, hydrothermal hydraulic breccia and albitites. Most of the emeralds occur in calcite veins that suddenly cross-cut with no relationship of factors (faults, discontinuities, lateral continuity). In an attempt to explain these, a new concept called Slope Tectonics is applied, which identifies slope induced deformations that were initially related to a pure tectonic origin. We associate present-day exte-rior slope deformations with the structures observed inside the tunnels. These observations used remote sensing techniques (DEM, LANDSAT,) and geomorphometry.
The WEB has slope deformation areas correlated with emerald mines. However, the relationship between present-day slope deformation and ancient deformation inside mines could not be veri-fied. These findings could be useful for further exploration, research projects of emeralds, and general mineral deposits
2.1 Location. 3
2.2Evolution of the Eastern Cordillera. 6
2.3 Stratigraphy 11
2.4 Emerald Mineralization. 13
2.5 Local Geology 17
I. Structural Geology 17
II. Breccias: 18
III. Slope tectonics. 21
3.1 Remote sensing. 25
4.1 Regional Lineaments extraction. 29
4.2 Breccias in the Mines 30
4.3 Mining Districts. 34
4.3.1 Muzo District 36
I. Pavas mine. 37
II. Green Power Mine. 42
4.3.2 Muzo District Remote Sensing. 48
4.3.3 Cunas district 54
I. Cunas Mine 56
4.3.4 Cunas District Remote sensing. 59
CHAPTER 5 Discussion 81
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