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研究生(外文):Yi-Chuang Lin
論文名稱(外文):Navigational Agency Enhances Neural Representations of Spatial Environments
指導教授(外文):Joshua Oon Soo Goh
口試委員(外文):Yu-Ling ChangChih-Mao Huang
外文關鍵詞:Spatial navigationDecision makingGrid cellPlace cellHippocampusfMRI
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Grid and place cell activity in the hippocampus (HC) instantiate cognitive map representations of space. In this study, we hypothesized that agency in navigational decision-making enhances navigational performances via emphasis on decision events at junctions and landmarks. Such coding of junctions and landmarks, or spatial nodes, provides HC neurons with additional weighting to encode plain space into structured node maps. To this end, we evaluated neural responses during learning and retrieving spatial maps under conditions of internally (Free) vs. externally (Tour) generated navigational movements. Twenty-one participants underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) spatial navigational experiments in virtual mazes under Free and Tour conditions. In the Free condition, participants learned landmark locations by free navigation. During retrieval, participants determined directions and distances and navigated to target landmarks from various start locations. In the Tour condition, participants viewed videos guiding them through the landmarks then did the same retrieval test. Navigation to target landmarks during retrieval took longer and failed more often for Tour than Free conditions. Critically, supplementary motor area responses during learning and HC responses during learning and retrieval to spatial nodes were higher for Free than Tour conditions. Middle temporal gyrus responses during learning, anterior and posterior cingulate cortex responses during retrieval to spatial nodes were higher for Tour than Free conditions. In particular, anterior HC responses to spatial nodes during learning were higher for Free than Tour conditions. In addition, posterior HC response modulation by distance mis-estimation during retrieval was greater for Tour than Free conditions. In sum, we demonstrate that agency in making navigational decisions is important for spatial node formation in anterior HC.
口試委員審定書 i
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iv
Abstract v
Content vii
Introduction 1
Grid and Place Cells Represent Space in Animal Hippocampus 2
Grid and Place Cells are also in the Human Hippocampus 4
Navigational Agency Modulates Spatial Map Representations 7
Theory: Decision Making Circuits Provide Basis to Label Internal Brain Activity States in Navigational Agency 9
Hypothesis: Map Learning with Navigational Decisions Enhances Spatial Representations 11
Methods 14
Participants 14
Stimuli 14
Virtual Environment Visuals, Interface, and Parameters 14
Debriefing and Questionnaire 16
Procedure 16
Familiarization 17
Formal Experiment 19
Debriefing and Questionnaire 20
Behavioral Error Rates During Retrieval Analysis 20
Brain Imaging Acquisition 21
fMRI Data Preprocessing 22
First Level Model of Learning Phase Neural Responses 23
First Level Model of Retrieval Phase Neural Responses 24
Second Level Model of Neural Responses 24
Region of Interest (ROI) Definition and Analysis 25
Results 26
Behavioral Results 26
Learning Patterns in Free and Tour Conditions 26
Better Map Retrieval Performances in Free than Tour 26
Functional Imaging Results 27
Differences of Neural Responses During Free and Tour Learning 27
Differences of Neural Responses During Free and Tour Retrieval 28
Specific Spatial Environments Represented in ROIs 29
Specific Neural Responses in Hippocampal Subregions 30
Correlations Between Hippocampal Responses and Behavioral Performances 30
Discussion 32
Navigational Agency Enhances Navigational Performances 32
Decision Making Provides Basis to Label Internal Brain Activity States in Navigational Agency 34
Dissociation Between Anterior and Posterior Hippocampus in Decision Making Based Navigational Neural Representations 36
Limitations and Implications 37
References 39
Figures 47
Figure 1. Hypothesized Brain Activations During Learning 47
Figure 2. Hypothesized Brain Activations During Retrieval 48
Figure 3. Virtual Environment Settings 49
Figure 4. Familiarization Procedure and Design 50
Figure 5. Formal Experiment Procedure and Design 51
Figure 6. a priori anatomical hippocampal ROIs 52
Figure 7. Learning Paths in Free and Tour Conditions of Single Subject 53
Figure 8. Learning Patterns in Free and Tour Conditions 54
Figure 9. Behavioral Error Rates 55
Figure 10. Behavioral Durations 56
Figure 11. Differences of Neural Responses During Free and Tour Learning 57
Figure 12. Differences of Neural Responses at Different Location States During Free and Tour Learning 58
Figure 13. Differences of Neural Responses at Different Location States During Free and Tour Retrieval 59
Figure 14. Differences of Neural Responses During Free and Tour Retrieval Judgements 60
Figure 15. Specific Spatial Environments Represented in ROIs 61
Figure 16. Specific Neural Responses in Hippocampal Subregions 62
Figure 17. Correlations Between Hippocampal Responses and Behavioral Performances 63
Tables 64
Table 1. Learning Patterns in Free and Tour Conditions 64
Table 2. ANOVA Table of Error Rates 65
Table 3. Paired T Test Table of Error Rates in Free and Tour Conditions 66
Table 4. Paired T Test Table of Direction Judgement Error Rate 67
Table 5. Paired T Test Table of Distance Judgement Error Rate 68
Table 6. Paired T Test Table of Navigational Error Rate 69
Table 7. ANOVA Table of Durations 70
Table 8. Paired T Test Table of Durations in Free and Tour Conditions 71
Table 9. Paired T Test Table of Direction Judgement Duration 72
Table 10. Paired T Test Table of Distance Judgement Duration 73
Table 11. Paired T Test Table of Navigational Duration 74
Table 12. Differences of Neural Responses During Free and Tour Learning 75
Table 13. Differences of Neural Responses At Different Location States During Free and Tour Learning 76
Table 14. Differences of Neural Responses At Different Location States During Free and Tour Retrieval 77
Table 15. Differences of Neural Responses During Free and Tour Retrieval Judgements 78
Table 16. Specific Spatial Environments Represented in ROIs 79
Table 17. Specific Neural Responses in Hippocampal Subregions 80
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