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研究生(外文):Ya-Hsin Kuo
論文名稱(外文):The Potential Effect of Surfactin Crude Extract from Bacillus licheniformis on Dairy Cattle
指導教授(外文):Jih Tay Hsu
口試委員(外文):Yi Chen ChenYeong Hsiang ChengHan Tsung Wang
外文關鍵詞:RuminantsBacillus licheniformisSurfactin
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With the intensive animal farming in Taiwan, intestinal diseases of cattle have become a major issue that the cattle industry must face today. Intestinal diseases will affect nutrient absorption, and if the disease became more serious cattle will even die. Bacterial infections are the most common cause among various intestinal diseases. Traditionally, antibiotics can be used for treatment. However, in recent years, due to food safety issue, drug residues and the emerging of drug resistance, many countries have banned most antibiotics use in cattle farming.
Therefore, if we can find a preventive natural bacteriostatic substance that can be metabolized by cattle without residue problems, it will be a great benefit for the dairy industry. Bacillus is classified as a recognized safe (general recognized as safe, GRAS) and allowed to be used in the food industry and commercial product additions. Bacillus licheniformis is also considered to have the function of improving intestinal immune function, and can establish a symbiosis relationship with the host. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the lipopeptidesurfactin secreted by Bacillus licheniformis can be an effective alternative to antibiotics to effectively prevent calf diarrhea.
This study is divided into two parts. The first part is an in vitro fermentation trial, in which surfactinlipopeptide and rumen fluid inoculant are co-cultured to observe the changes in rumen microbial composition and fermentation products at different doses of lipopeptide. The results showed both purified and crude extract surfactinlipopeptide could inhibit Gram-positive bacteria. Further analysis showed that surfactinlipopeptide could suppress some cellulolytic bacteria, but not amylolytic bacteria, proteolytic bacteria, or acid-utilizing bacteria, it might improve utilization of high concentrate feed. The second part is an animal feeding experiment with 15 newborn calves randomly assigned to three groups: control group, 1x dose group, and 10x dose group. SurfactinLipopeptide was added into calves’ milk replacer to examine its effect on fecal microbiota, health status and growth performance. The results showed that surfactinlipopeptide only had a positive effect on the hip width, weight and hematocrit without any negative impact on calves.
In summary, surfactinlipopeptide required a higher effective dosage than monensin, and its effect was weaker than monensin, but its advantage was free of drug residue problem. In the future, we need to find a way to increase the concentration of surfactinlipopeptide in crude extract, so that it can be used in diets with a smaller dosage and increase the feasibility of applying in the dairy industry.
口試委員會審定書 i
謝辭 ii
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 v
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xiii
壹、 文獻探討 1
一、下痢對現今養牛產業的影響 1
二、反芻動物的消化與瘤胃微生物 1
(一)瘤胃的環境 1
(二)瘤胃內的微生物組成 2
二、腸道益菌與牛隻健康的關係 4
(一)產生有機酸 4
(二)分泌抗菌肽 4
(三)競爭 5
三、下痢的發生原因及判定方式 5
四、下痢的治療方法 8
五、抗生素治療的瓶頸 9
六、地衣芽孢桿菌與枯草芽孢桿菌(Bacillus subtilis) 11
七、地衣芽孢桿菌與表面素(Bacillus licheniformis and surfactin) 12
八、表面素脂肽(Surfactin) 13
九、次世代定序(NGS) 13
貳、 材料方法 15
體外試驗 15
一、體外發酵材料 15
(一)瘤胃液: 15
(二)體外發酵的樣品: 15
(三)表面素: 15
二、步驟 16
(一)瘤胃液的採集: 16
(二)體外發酵: 18
(三)採樣時間點及培養條件: 18
三、檢測項目及方法 19
(一)菌落培養 19
(二)氨態氮及揮發性脂肪酸濃度的測定 22
(三)原蟲和真菌動孢子數目 23
動物試驗 24
一、試驗場所 24
二、實驗牛選用及分組 25
三、採樣的項目時間點及方法 26
(一)糞便菌相分析及球蟲卵檢測 26
(二)下痢持續天數及糞便評分 29
(三)血液生化值 29
(四)生長表現: 32
(五)疾病紀錄 33
次世代基因定序 (NGS) 34
統計分析 35
參、 結果討論 36
體外試驗 36
一、菌落培養 36
二、氨態氮及揮發性脂肪酸濃度的測定 40
三、原蟲和真菌動孢子數目 43
四、NGS 45
(一)格蘭氏陰陽性菌數量 45
(二)Top10 Group 48
(三)三元相圖 56
(四)Venn圖 58
(五)PCA 分析及Welch's t-test 60
(六)LEfSe進化分支圖和LDA 分布柱狀圖 70
動物實驗 75
一、糞便菌相分析及球蟲卵檢測 75
(一)糞便菌相分析 75
(二)球蟲卵檢測: 79
二、下痢持續天數及糞便評分 80
三、血液生化值 80
(一)血容比 80
(二)仔牛白血球數 81
(三)血漿總蛋白 82
(四)血中IgG1濃度 83
(五)血酮濃度 84
四、生長表現 85
五、疾病紀錄 86
六、NGS 86
(一)Top 10 group 88
(二)三元相圖 92
(三)Venn圖 93
(四)PCA 分析及Welch's t-test 94
(五) LEfSe進化分支圖和LDA 分布柱狀圖 97
(六)與先前文獻之比較 98
肆、 結論 99
伍、 參考文獻 100
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