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研究生(外文):Jian-Min Wang
論文名稱(外文):Predicting intraday index returns with call-put implied volatility spread and option volume imbalances in Taiwan market
指導教授(外文):Wen-I ChuangJr-Yan Wang
口試委員(外文):Keng-Yu HoWei-Chung Miao
外文關鍵詞:CPIVOptions volume imbalanceIntraday strategy
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本文使用買賣權隱含波動率差值(CPIV),以2015至2019年期交所提供的選擇權資料,研究是否對加權指數日內走勢有正向關係,研究發現,08:45 ~ 09:00的買賣權隱含波動率差值對於當日加權指數報酬率確實有解釋能力,且其解釋能力在 (i)VIX值高的區間 (ii)選擇權流動性高的區間更為顯著,除此之外,本文也利用期交所大額交易人未平倉資料,間接證明CPIV有可能是大額交易人的交易結果,並且成功利用統計數據建構日內交易策略,在2015 ~ 2019年打敗台指期貨近月報酬。
This thesis uses intraday option data from Taiwan Futures Exchange to calculate intraday call-¬put implied volatility spreads (CPIV) with maturity adjustment and examines the explanatory power of CPIV for intraday returns of TAIEX (Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock index) to Taiwan Capitalization Weighted Stock Index. I find that CPIV exhibits strong relationship with intraday TAIEX index returns. This relationship is more significant for the periods during the period when (i) VIX index is extremely high (ii) option liquidity is relatively high. In addition, I use open interests of large traders data from Taiwan Futures Exchange to partially explain that CPIV may be highly sensitive to the trading behavior of large traders. I also construct an intraday trading strategy based on the research resulted associated with TAIEX Futures. This strategy successfully earns abnormal return during 2015 — 2019.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 III
圖表目錄 IV
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討 3
第三章 資料及研究方法 5
3.1 買賣權隱含波動率差值(CPIV)計算 5
3.2 日內報酬率迴歸式控制變數定義 7
3.3買賣權隱含波動率差值之延伸變數 9
3.4 買賣權隱含波動率差值之形成原因 9
第四章 實證結果分析 11
4.1 加權指數日內報酬率之迴歸結果 11
4.2買賣權隱含波動率差值延伸變數之迴歸結果 15
4.3 大額交易人未平倉之迴歸結果 15
4.4 台指期貨近月之迴歸結果 17
4.5 穩健性測試 20
4.6 日內建構策略及回測結果 22
第五章 結論 26
參考文獻 27
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