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研究生(外文):Meng-Chun Chen
論文名稱(外文):An Analysis of the Organizational Transformation andStrategic Management of Life Insurance Industry in Taiwan:The Case of H Life Insurance Company
外文關鍵詞:Insurance DensityInsurance PenetrationSwiss Reinsurance
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保險銷售對台灣經濟貢獻扮演重要角色。據瑞士再保最新的Sigma報告, 2018年台灣保險密度為5,156美元(即平均每人每年的保費支出約為新台幣15.9萬元),較2017年成長3.3%,其中壽險密度為4,320美元(約新台幣13.3萬元),比2017年成長3%,產險為841美元,成長4.7%,保險「密度」,以該國保險業保費收入除人口數,也就是平均每人每年的保費支出,代表該國保險業發展的程度,及國人對保險意識的強度。
Insurance sales play an important role in Taiwan's economic contribution. According to Swiss Re's latest Sigma report, Taiwan's insurance density was $5,156 in 2018 (that is, the average annual premium for each person was NT$159,000), a 3.3% increase from 2017, with a life insurance density of $4,320. NT$133,000), up 3% from 2017, property insurance at $841, up 4.7%, insurance “density”, in addition to the population of the country’s insurance premium income, which is the average annual premium per person. Representing the extent of the country's insurance industry development and the strength of Chinese people's awareness of insurance.
Another important indicator is Taiwan's insurance “permeability”, which is calculated by accounting for the proportion of national insurance premiums to its gross domestic product (GDP). It also represents the importance and contribution of the country's insurance industry to its economy.
Taiwan has a population of only 23 million, but life insurance premiums can rank in the top eight in the world. On behalf of Taiwan, the life insurance market is relatively mature. People love insurance, and premiums account for a very high proportion. Because of the low interest rate environment, Taiwanese people deposit by bank. Turning to life insurance savings insurance policy, life insurance penetration rate began in 2007, and in 2018, it was the world's highest in the 12th year, that is, 12 consecutive tyrants. Life insurance assets also grew rapidly in these 12 years, and exceeded NT$ at the end of last year. 26 trillion yuan.
The Swiss Reinsurance Research Institute also analyzed that Taiwan's premiums have slowed down, and investment-type policies have been affected by fluctuations in the investment market. Although there are loose funds, increased wealth, and a aging population, it is expected that Taiwan's premiums will continue to grow in 2019, but with The authorities' policies focus on "insurance surnames" and in 2024, they are in line with IFRS17 international accounting standards. Guaranteed, in-kind payment, retirement and long-term care products have the opportunity to become new growth momentum, but because of the low interest rate environment, life insurance operations have been The kinetic energy will also be suppressed. The income in 2019 mainly comes from overseas investment positions and exchange rate differences.
There are several major challenges in overall life insurance: the mismatch of insurance products and investment, the actual calculation of the assets of IFRS17 in Y2024, the life insurance industry has not yet escaped the risk evasion, the long-term low interest rate environment and the sudden changes in regulations, we still have to face the "two lows and two highs" challenges: low interest rates, low growth rate, high hedging costs, and high penetration rates, which have set a natural danger for the life insurance industry.
The most important issues that an insurance company will encounter in terms of technology talents, supervision, product development, mergers and acquisitions, and tax reforms, explain the development of individual factors in the next 12 to 18 months, and provide recommendations for insurance industry reference. This means that although the industry may have to withstand internal and external pressures, the degree of impact depends on the industry itself; and the biggest decisive factor may be the determination and preparedness of the insurers to adapt quickly to the rapid changes in the economy.
審定書 ii
中文摘要 iii
目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究目的 1
第三節、研究方法 2
第四節、研究架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節、經營策略探討 5
第二節、策略分析工具 7
第三節、金融產業及金控產業 10
第四節、壽險產業研究文獻 15
第三章 台灣壽險產業現況概述 20
第一節、壽險市場概況 20
第二節、壽險公司營運模式 22
第三節、壽險公司獲利來源 23
第四節、壽險公司重要經營指標 24
第五節、壽險公司商品介紹 25
第四章 研究方法 29
第一節、壽險業五力分析 29
第二節、政策法規環境 30
第三節、壽險業的未來 31
第五章 個案分析 39
第一節、金控壽險成立背景簡介 39
第二節、個案壽險公司分析 39
第三節、組織變革 43
第四節、經營策略 46
第五節、本章小結 47
第六章 結論與建議 52
第一節、個案研究結論 52
第二節、後續研究建議 54
參考文獻 56
附錄 57

圖1-1 研究流程圖 2
圖3-1 保險業保費概況 21
圖3-2 壽險業總資產(億元) 21
圖3-3 壽險業稅後損益(億元) 22
圖3-4 壽險業營運模式 22
圖3-5 壽險業獲利來源 23
圖3-6 保單現金流量與現金流特性 23
圖3-7 保單契約價值 24
圖3-8 隱含價值計算方式 24
圖3-9 保險業資本適足率 25
圖3-10 傳統型商品分類(二) 27
圖3-11 投資型商品分類(二) 28
圖3-12 投資型商品獲利性 28
圖4-1 傳統型商品未來開發重點 32
圖4-2 壽險業政策性商品 33
圖4-3 投資型商品未來開發重點(一) 33
圖4-4 投資型商品未來開發重點(二) 34
圖4-5 投資型商品未來開發重點(三) 34
圖4-6 壽險業新型態通路的重要性 35
圖4-7 Amazon進入保險業 35
圖4-8 FinTech進入保險業 36
圖4-9 Friendsurance P2P/去中心化營運模式(一) 37
圖4-10 Friendsurance P2P/去中心化營運模式(二) 37
圖4-11 Friendsurance P2P/去中心化營運模式(三) 38
圖5-1 H公司組織架構 40

表1-1 採用不同研究策略的相關情況 3
表1-2 訪談單位一覽表 4
表2-1 五力分析決定因素 8
表2-2 金融控股公司設立情形表 11
表2-3 國內壽險業相關研究彙總表 19
表3-1 傳統型商品市場概況與2018年各類型商品銷售業績分布 26
表3-2 傳統型商品分類(一) 26
表3-3 投資型商品分類(一) 27
表4-1 國內壽險公司集團背景 30
表5-1 H公司資金運用表 41
表5-2 H公司各項財務業務指標 41
表5-3 個案SWOT分析 42
表5-4 榮獲專業獎項 43
3.2018年瑞士再保險研究報告 (01/2018)
4.2019年Deloitte保險產業趨勢展望 (01/2019)
5.2019年5月銀行家觀點:降低衝擊&提升競爭力,正視壽險業的挑戰與課 (05/2019)
7.PwC:IFRS17 for insurance(09/2019)
8.Deloitte Insights:IFRS 17,What does it mean to you?(05/2019)
9.BCG:Insurance @ Digital – 20X by 2020(03/2014)
10.BCG:Our Latest Thinking on Insurance(01/2019)
11.BCG:Digital Insurance(01/2019)
12.Board of Innovation:Insurance technology trends that are shaping 2020(03/2019)
13.BCG-Google Report:75 per cent of insurance sales to be online by 2020 (06/2014)
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