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研究生(外文):Chieh-An Su
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Order Fulfillment Mechanism under Multi-Layer Structure
指導教授(外文):David Ming-Hung Chiang
口試委員(外文):Woo-Tsong LinRen-Jieh Kuo
外文關鍵詞:Inventory ManagementProduction PlanningRolling ScheduleShortage CostOrder Fill RateMulti-Layer PlanningOrder Fulfillment
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2020年是個動盪的一年,人類社會面臨了幾世紀以來的最大挑 戰,即是「 COVID-19」病毒的肆虐嚴重打亂了全球的供應鏈模式,在全球經濟混沌未明的情況下,公司應該要重新檢視自己的營運流程,例如與上游供應商的合作模式、 內部組織的營運流程、下游通路商的業務模式都是值得深入探討的。
過去的文獻中,談到了許多生產規劃、滾動排程和存貨管理的模型,要如何在內部和外部的利益關係者中取得最佳的平衡是非常重要的管理議題。本研究以一家食品大廠為例,試圖從過去的銷售資料與個案公司的內部政策來建立出一套生產配送模型,並從存貨成本、欠貨成本、機器設置成本和顧客的達交率等面向來探討顧客關係管理和內部營運管理的議題。而從模型的結果來分析三層式和二層式的架構模型,可以得到以下結論 :
1. 從成本面來看,三層式的架構會造成較高的成本,其中也會有較高的欠貨 成本與機器設置成本,在 需求量較 不平穩 時,三層式的架構 比較容易產生過高的欠貨成本,而二層式的架構在成本上的表現較好。
2. 從顧客達交率來看 三層式的架構轉為二層式後, 整體配貨情況會變得較為
平均,較大型的客戶達交率會 下降 ,供貨穩定度也不如以往 但相對的, 較小型的客戶的訂單達交率和供貨穩定度會獲得提升。
2020 is a turbulent year, and human society is facing the biggest challenge in centuries, that is "COVID-19". The rampant virus has seriously disrupted the global supply chain model. In the case of global economic chaos, companies should re-examine their own operation processes, such as the cooperation model with suppliers, the operations of internal organizations, and the business model of distributors. They are all worth discussing in the detail.
In the past, many models of production planning, rolling scheduling and inventory management have been discussed in the literature. How to achieve the best balance between internal and external stakeholders is a very important management issue.
This study takes a large food factory as an example and attempts to establish a production and distribution system based on past sales data and the internal policies of the company. It also discusses customer relationship management and internal management in terms of inventory cost, shortage cost, machine set-up cost and customer fill rate.
From the results of the model, the following conclusions can be drawn from the analysis of the three-layer and two-layer models:
(1) From the cost perspective, the three-layer structure will result in higher costs, including higher inventory cost and higher machine set-up cost. When the demand is unstable, the three-layer model is more likely to generate excessively high shortage costs, while the two-layer model performs better in terms of cost.
(2) From customer fill rate, after the three-layer structure is converted to the two-layer structure, the overall distribution amount becomes more average, the fill rate of larger customers will decline, and the supply stability is not as good as before. But relatively, the order fill rate of the smaller customer and supply stability will be improved.
目錄 i
圖目錄 iii
表目錄 iv
誌謝 v
摘要 vi
Abstract vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 存貨 4
2.2 生產規劃與分配模式 5
2.3 滾動排程 8
第三章 建構模型 9
3.1 模型概念 9
3.2 模型基本假設 11
3.3 建立最佳化滾動式排程模型 12
第四章 個案分析 19
4.1 個案介紹與資料處理 19
4.2模型參數設定與流程 24
4.3 模型結果 27
4.4 三層式架構和二層式架構結果之比較 38
4.5 小結 41
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 42
5.1 研究結論 42
5.2 研究貢獻 43
5.3 未來研究方向 44
參考文獻 46
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